Faculty research


Solar System Exploration Cosmic Observation Fundamental Physics Data Science
Heliophysics & Plasmaphysics Planetary Science
Mercury Surface Science Mars Science
Small Bodies Meteor Research
Exoplanets & Protoplanetary Disks Galactic Astronomy
Space Science Faculty Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology
Ices in the Solar System Galaxy Clusters and Cosmology
Gaia Science Space Science Faculty
High Energy Astrophysics AGN



Researchers of the ESA Space Science Faculty maintain collaborations with numerous individuals and institutes outside ESA, and many of the spacecraft missions host active research relevant to particular instrumentation within the external consortia and broader community.

Faculty funded projects aid a diverse range of astronomy and planetary science research by our Faculty members:

  • ESAC houses ESA's largest concentration of astronomical and planetary scientists, forging particularly strong collaborations with the space science communities of Spain. Indeed, the Centro de Astrobiología (CAB) Department of Astrophysics is located on the ESAC site.
  • ESTEC is the largest ESA establishment, where the vast majoity of the people are engineers developing space technologies in support of ESA's missions. The on-site technical expertise provides a unique scientific research environment, with close ties to the heart of the European astronomical communities in the Netherlands.
  • ESA scientists based at STScI (Baltimore, USA), the home of Hubble and Webb, work alongside many world-class researchers at the cutting edge of the American astronomy and planetary science communities: ESA science interests at STScI


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