The ESA SPICE Service operates a repository that stores all the SPICE kernel Datasets (SKD) for ESA missions (when available). These kernels are for study, operational and missions or legacy missions and they are/were used for science operations and data analysis by the Science Ground Segments, Instrument Teams and scientists during the lifespan of the mission. These kernels were either generated or were accessible by the ESA SPICE Service.

These kernels are used during the day to day operations of the missions by the Science Ground Segment and the insturment teams and are usually automatically generated by a pipeline. These kernels are recommended for users that fall within the scope of the described applicability of the kernels. 

The operational SPICE Kernel Datasets are available via:

The data used for each mission can be found here:

  Status FTP repository HTTP repository BitBucket Zipped Version DOI
BepiColombo Operational spiftp.esac.esa.int spiftp.esac.esa.int BEPICOLOMBO BEPICOLOMBO.zip Release Notes


Venus Express Legacy spiftp.esac.esa.int spiftp.esac.esa.int VENUS-EXPRESS VENUS-EXPRESS.zip Release Notes 10.5270/esa-h3zbs8s
EnVision Studies spiftp.esac.esa.int spiftp.esac.esa.int ENVISION ENVISION.zip Release Notes  
SMART-1 Legacy spiftp.esac.esa.int spiftp.esac.esa.int SMART-1 SMART-1.zip Release Notes 10.5270/esa-um8r1n0
Chandrayaan-1 Legacy spiftp.esac.esa.int spiftp.esac.esa.int       10.5270/esa-mfpmcbt
Small Bodies 
Rosetta Legacy spiftp.esac.esa.int spiftp.esac.esa.int ROSETTA ROSETTA.zip Release Notes 10.5270/esa-tyidsbu
Hera Operational spiftp.esac.esa.int spiftp.esac.esa.int hera hera.zip Release Notes 10.57780/esa-k25x2cv
Comet-Interceptor Studies spiftp.esac.esa.int spiftp.esac.esa.int Comet-Interceptor COMET-INTERCEPTOR.zip Release Notes  
Mars Express Operational ssols01.esac.esa.int spiftp.esac.esa.int MARS-EXPRESS MARS-EXPRESS.zip Release Notes 10.5270/esa-trn5vp1
ExoMars2016 Operational spiftp.esac.esa.int spiftp.esac.esa.int ExoMars2016 ExoMars2016.zip Release Notes 10.5270/esa-pwviqkg
ExoMarsRSP Studies spiftp.esac.esa.int spiftp.esac.esa.int ExoMarsRSP ExoMarsRSP.zip Release Notes 10.5270/esa-uvyv4w5
Outer Solar System
JUICE Operational spiftp.esac.esa.int spiftp.esac.esa.int JUICE JUICE.zip Release Notes 10.5270/esa-ybmj68p
HUYGENS Legacy spiftp.esac.esa.int spiftp.esac.esa.int HUYGENS HUYGENS.zip Release Notes 10.5270/esa-ssem3np
SOLAR-ORBITER Operational spiftp.esac.esa.int spiftp.esac.esa.int SOLAR-ORBITER SOLAR-ORBITER.zip Release Notes 10.5270/esa-kt1577e
Gaia Operational spiftp.esac.esa.int spiftp.esac.esa.int Gaia Gaia.zip Release Notes  


To cite SPICE data produced by the ESA SPICE Service in your publications please use the DOIs indicated in the table.

The original ancillary data used to produce the SPICE kernels (typically original from ESOC) are preserved and are accessible as indicated in the mission specific SPICE kernel repository.