Space Science Workshop 17

Akersloot, Netherlands

10 - 13 Feb 2025




The 17th Space Science Workshop (SSW) will take place on 10 - 13 February 2025, in the Hotel Akersloot, in the Netherlands.

The main purpose of this workshop is to present and discuss the space research of the scientists in SCI-S and SCI-E. It is an opportunity to “stretch” our abilities by trying to understand topics which we do not normally follow. It allows us to broaden our skill set and foster inter-site as well as inter-project cooperation in research activities. As per the experience gained in the previous few such meetings, this year’s is also being arranged off-site and on a residential basis as this additionally gives us the opportunity to get to know our colleagues better.




Following the feedback gathered from the participants at the last SSW, the scientific program has been significantly restructured to facilitate interaction and scientific discussion among the participants. We therefore envisage the following kind of contributions (to be submitted through the “abstract submission” page):


  • Contributed talks (15-minute duration including questions): they are intended to be self-consistent and -contained talks, presenting new scientific results obtained during the last 12 months. We expect to allocate 12 contributed talks in the scientific program, corresponding to about 20% of the total time
  • Context talks plus posters (5-minute duration): “context talks” are intended to describe the scientific context underpinning the results described in a poster. They are not intended to describe new results in detail (this is why no Q&A session is foreseen). The presentation and discussion of new results is deferred to the subsequent poster session. We expect to allocate 48 context talks in the science program. The integral of the context talks and of the poster sessions will occupy 55% of the total time of the scientific program. Not accepted contributed talks will be by default moved to a context talk, unless the speakers explicitly opts-out
  • Unconference sessions: the scientific program will include a full afternoon of – at most – 4 “unconference sessions”. Promoter of unconference sessions shall submit an extended abstract (1 page max.), specifying the scientific goals as well as the methodology to be employed. According to the Wikipedia definition, an unconference is a participant-driven meeting that try to avoid hierarchical aspects of a conventional conference, such as sponsored presentations and top-down organization, with a reduced emphasis on formal speeches and instead emphasized informal connection.


The scientific program will also include a small number (3) of invited “seminar talks” (30-minute duration including questions).



Abstract submission 


Organising Committee

Matteo Guainazzi

Elena Favaro

Andy S. H. To

Virginia Carcelen Aycart

Narcisa Cueca

Marjorie Decleir

Nora Lützgendorf

Isabel Rebollido Vazquez 

Mylene Riemens

Code of Conduct

All registered participants are expected to take note of the SSW Code of Conduct.

It was also reminded that all work at ESA requires following the ESA Behavioural Guide.



All registered participants are expected to take note of the generic SCI Conferences Privacy Notice.