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SRE Science Workshop 7Hotel Volendam, Netherlands 4-6 Nov 2014 |
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(PDF only accessible to Faculty Members)
Tuesday, 4 November 2014
Session 1
14:30 |
Oliver Jennrich |
Welcome |
14:45 |
Detlef Koschny |
Meteoroid fluxes determined with CILBO |
15:00 |
Tim Rawle |
The Influence of Cluster Mergers on Galaxy Formation |
15:15 |
Samy Azaz |
Gaia going to 21 magnitude |
Session 2
16:00 |
Ralf Kohley |
PSF centroiding system on FPGA |
16:15 |
Peter Kretschmar |
The BeXRB outburst zoo |
16:30 |
Sebastien Besse |
67P Churyumov-Gerasimenko observed by OSIRIS |
16:45 |
Bruno Merin |
Disk evolution and planet formation studies with Herschel data |
Session 3
17:30 |
Sara Elisa Motta |
Geometrical constraints on the origin of timing signals from black holes |
17:45 |
David Lumb |
Fixing Planck Cosmology using 0.1 mm of XMM |
18:00 |
Håkan Svedhem |
Results of the Venus Express Aerobraking campaign |
18:15 |
Joe Zender |
Study of Solar Corona with data from MEX, VEX, Rosetta, and Messenger |
Wednesday, 5 November 2014
Session 5
09:00 |
Paul McNamara |
LISA Pathfinder |
09:40 |
Michele Armano |
Testing GR with LISA Pathfinder |
Session 6
11:00 |
Jari Kajava |
On the interactions between X-ray bursting neutron stars and the accretion discs surrounding them |
11:15 |
Thomas Cornet |
Karstification processes on Titan and on Earth: Towards the age of Titan's landscapes |
11:30 |
Stefanie Raetz |
A homogeneous Transit Timing analysis with combined ground- and space-based photometry |
11:45 |
Catarina Alves de Oliveira |
Herschel survey of brown dwarf disks in Rho Ophiuchi |
Session 7
10:30 |
Johannes Sahlmann |
Astrometric planet search around the faintest and the brightest stars |
10:45 |
Dmitrij Titov |
Cloud level winds from the Venus Express observations |
11:00 |
Nora Lützgendorf |
Intermediate-mass black holes in globular clusters |
11:15 |
Kazi Rygl |
O stars in the Outer Galaxy |
Session 8
14:00 |
Oliver Jennrich, Bruno Altieri |
Introduction of the new Research Fellows |
14:30 |
Antonio García Muñoz |
Planet phase curves |
14:45 |
Miguel Sánchez-Portal |
A knowledge database of 9.5 Gyrs of evolution of galaxies in clusters: project presentation and current status |
Session 9
15:30 |
Maik Riechert |
Semi-Automatic Georeferencing of Astronaut Auroral Photography: Providing a New Dataset for Space Physics |
15:45 |
Juan-Manuel Martin-Fleitas |
Observing naked-eye stars with Gaia, commissioning results and beyond |
16:00 |
Daniel Müller |
3D Visualisation of Solar Data: Preparing for Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus |
16:15 |
Jan-Uwe Ness |
Short-period oscillations during nuclear burning on white dwarfs |
Session 10
17:00 |
Teresa Antoja |
Detection of Ultra Faint Dwarf Galaxies with Gaia |
17:15 |
Luigi Colangeli |
Combined chemical/elemental analysis and charging properties of Itokawa grains returned by the Hayabusa mission |
17:30 |
Matthias Ehle |
The Interplay of Hot Gas and Magnetic Fields in the Fireworks Galaxy NGC 6946 |
17:45 |
Jean-Christophe Leyder |
The X-ray variability of HD 150136 |
18:00 | Poster session | |
19:30 | Dinner |
Thursday, 6 November 2014
Session 11
09:00 |
Emmanuel Grotheer |
Aggregate Results from the Venus Express Aerodynamic Drag Experiments |
09:15 |
Yannis Zouganelis |
Probing the inner heliosphere and solar corona with electric antennas: quasi-thermal noise spectroscopy on Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus |
09:30 |
Olivier Witasse |
Study of the ionosphere of Mars: a new approach for data analysis |
09:45 |
Anthony Marston |
Wolf-Rayet Ring Nebulae Revisited |
Session 12
10:30 |
Primoz Kajdic |
Multi-Spacecraft Observations of Interplanetary Shocks Near Earth |
10:45 |
Rene Laureijs |
Balloon-borne far-infrared polarisation mapping experiment (PILOT): status |
11:00 |
Johannes Benkhoff |
Comparison of two high-resolution gamma-ray spectrometer (scintillator crystals) for planetary remote sensing applications |
11:15 |
Pedro Gomez-Alvarez |
Update on the project for identification and classification of SSOs in Euclid Data |
Session 13
12:30 |
Arnaud Masson |
Cluster-SWARM: scientific objectives, 2014 data campaign and preliminary results |
12:45 |
Patrick Martin |
Scale-integrated spectral characterisation of mineralogical analogues to Mars |
13:00 |
Mark McCaughrean |
Conclusions |
Guillaume Belanger |
Broad Strokes Across Time Domain Astronomy |
Ignacio Bustamante |
Identification of new transitional disks in Lupus with Herschel |
Thomas Cornet |
Titan's surface as seen from the Cassini Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) |
Pierre Ferruit |
Observing transiting exoplanets with JWST/NIRSpec |
Giovanna Giardino |
Exo-planets observations: the contribution of pointing instability and detector intra-pixel sensitivity to NIRSpec noise budget |
Tomasz Kłos |
Recognition of Cluster bow shock crossings |
Uwe Lammers |
Gaia astrometry for stars with too few observations – a Bayesian approach |
William O'Mullane |
Upcoming ESA Ground Segments |
Irene Pintos Castro |
A knowledge database of 9.5 Gyr of evolution of galaxies in clusters |
Jesus Ramos-Medina |
HROES: A caTalogue of HeRschel Observations of Evolved Stars (PACS Spectroscopy) |
Isabel Rebollido Vázquez |
Identifying new transitional disks in Ophiuchus with Herschel data |
Álvaro Ribas |
Protoplanetary disk lifetimes as a function of stellar mass and possible implications for giant planet populations |
Alana Rivera Ingraham |
The Herschel Dynamic Mode of High-Mass Star Formation and Evolution |
Richard Saxton |
A model for soft X-ray flares from AGN |
Juan C. Vallejo |
Forecast of predictability in galactic models |
Roland Vavrek |
boloSource() for the analysis of diffuse emission and crowded-field photometry |
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