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SCI Science Workshop #9
Akersloot, Netherlands7-9 Nov 2016 |
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The main purpose of this workshop is to present and discuss the science research that scientists in SCI (especially SCI-S and SCI-O) are doing. It is an opportunity to “stretch” our abilities by trying to understand topics which we do not normally follow. It allows us to broaden our skill set and foster inter-site as well as inter-project cooperation in research activities. As per the experience gained in the previous few such meetings, this year’s is also being arranged off-site and on a residential basis as this additionally gives us the opportunity to get to know our colleagues better.
Organising Committee
This event is co-organised by SCI-S, the ESTEC Faculty and the ESAC Faculty.
Alba Alcol, Mark Kidger, Erik Kuulkers, Wil O'Mullane, Arvind Parmar, Mylene Riemens, Elliot Sefton-Nash and Jan Tauber.
Started Monday 7 November at 14:30, Ended Wednesday 9 November at 12:30
(Only accessible to Faculty Members)
All presentations can be found on Cosmos DMS: Science Faculty > SSW > 2016-SSW9-Akersloot
Monday 7 November
Time |
Speaker |
Title |
<14:15 |
Lunch |
14:30 |
Parmar |
Introduction |
Session 1: Galaxies |
Chair: Rudawska |
14:40 |
Teyssier |
Time monitoring of the thermal molecular emissioin in the evolved star IRC+10216 |
15:00 |
Kalfountzou |
A benchmark study of Active Galactic Nuclei |
15:20 |
Grootes |
Gas-fueling and the Galaxy Gas-Cycle - A Galaxy Survey Perspective |
15:40 |
Guainazzi |
A Milky Way twin swept by an Ultra-Fast X-ray Wind |
16:00 |
Coffee |
Session 2: The Milky Way |
Chair: de Vries |
16:30 |
Prusti (invited talk) |
Gaia |
17:20 |
De Marchi |
44000 and counting |
17:40 |
Kendrew |
The Milky Way Project: Star formation studies in the Milky Way Galaxy via citizen science |
18:00 |
Jennrich, Altieri |
New RF introductions: C. Avdellidou, J. Carlyle, G. Favole, F. Fürst, V. Grindberg, M. Lieu, J. Pforr, J. Yates |
18:30 |
Drinks + poster viewing |
20:00 |
Dinner |
Tuesday 8 November
Time |
Speaker |
Title |
Session 3: Solar System bodies |
Chair: Rivera |
09:00 |
Rudawska |
The CILBO spectral observation program |
09:20 |
Altobelli |
Understanding the Weathering of the Jovian Icy Moons: experiments; models and data |
09:40 |
Sefton-Nash |
The Origin of the Elongated Crater Population on Mars |
10:00 |
Laureijs |
Detecting solar system objects with Euclid |
10:20 |
Coffee |
Session 4: Misc |
Chair: Toledo Redondo |
10:50 |
De Vries |
Observing core formation and metamorphism in extrasolar asteroids using JWST |
11:10 |
Svedhem (invited talk) |
The ExoMars 2016 mission |
12:00 |
O’Flaherty |
What's new in ESA science communication? (And why you should care) |
12:20 |
Lunch |
Session 5: Stars |
Chair: Grootes |
13:50 |
Manara |
A deeper understanding of the evolution of young stars and their disks |
14:10 |
Rivera |
The Switch for High-Mass Star Formation |
14:30 |
Lennon |
Constraining the evolution of massive stars using Hubble spectroscopy |
14:50 |
Geiger |
Using the Rosetta navigation camera and star trackers to study comet outbursts and dust properties |
15:10 |
Coffee |
Session 6: Stars |
Chair: Perrone |
15:40 |
Riviere |
Herschel-PACS observations of far-IR lines in young stellar objects. I. [OI] and H2O at 63 μm |
16:00 |
Schneider |
Stellar X-ray accretion signatures |
16:20 |
Kretschmar |
Studying Stellar Winds in Massive X-ray Binaries |
16:40-17:00 |
Ness |
Short-period X-ray oscillations in super-soft novae and persistent super-soft sources |
17:25 |
Bus to event |
18:00 |
Event+dinner |
Wednesday 9 November
Time |
Speaker |
Title |
Session 7: Heliophysics |
Chair: Tramper |
09:00 |
Toledo Redondo |
Cold plasma in magnetic reconnection: in-situ observations at the magnetopause. |
09:20 |
Perrone |
Study of differential kinetic behavior of ions in solar wind |
09:40 |
Walsh |
Use of Solar Wind Electron Measurements in Predicting Interplanetary Magnetic Field Direction |
10:00 |
Observing the internal dynamics of a solar filament eruption |
10:20 |
Coffee |
10:50 |
Poster viewing session |
Session 8: Closing |
Chair: Kalfountzou |
11:10 |
McNamara |
LISA Pathfinder: First Steps to Observing Gravitational Waves from Space |
11:30 |
Taylor (invited talk) |
The Rosetta mission |
12:20 |
Kessler/Parmar |
Closing words |
12:30 |
Lunch |
>14:00 |
Buses to ESTEC / Schiphol |
List of Posters
Topic |
Name |
Title |
Astrophysics - galaxies and interstellar medium
Calzoletti |
Deriving the absolute calibration of the PACS 160 from the AKARI all-sky survey |
Tomas |
The Starburst-AGN relation in a nearby low luminosity AGN: NGC 1566 |
Ibarra Ibaibarriaga |
XMM-Newton counterparts of Gaia photometric transients |
Saxton |
A summary of X-ray emission characteristics from Tidal Disruption Events |
Vallejo |
Role of dark matter haloes on the predictability of computed orbits |
López-Caniego |
Improving the Planck source catalogues with the help of IRIS and Herschel |
López-Caniego |
A Planck multifrequency catalogue of radio-selected sources |
Foing |
Diffuse Interstellar Bands and Large Organics in Space |
Kalfountzou |
Hunting Binary AGNs |
Pforr | Star formation and dust properties of high redshift galaxies as seen through the Hydrogen Lyman-alpha emission line | |
Favole |
Star-forming galaxies as tools for cosmology in new-generation spectroscopic surveys |
Astrophysics - stars and planets |
Nielsen |
Characterising exoplanet atmospheres with JWST/NIRSpec |
Heras Pastor |
Updates of the Extra-Solar Planet Programme at ESA’s Optical Ground Station |
Prusti |
Carte du Ciel and Gaia |
Kretschmar |
BeXRB Database |
Sanchez |
Time resolved hard X-ray spectroscopy of V404 Cyg over the June 2015 outburst |
Fundamental physics |
Lammers |
Search for Gravitational Waves in the Data of Scanning Astrometric Missions |
Jennrich |
Getting kicked repeatedly - a recipe for low noise measurements |
Planetary sciences; Solar system bodies |
Sefton-Nash |
Characterizing Rock Abundance at ExoMars Landing Site Candidates |
Foing |
Research in support to Moon Village studies |
Altobelli |
Rosetta Data Fusion |
Koschny |
Scientific results from two cameras of our double-station meteor cameras in the Canaries |
Koschny |
Images from the Descent Camera on Schiaparelli |
Koschny |
Hayabusa grain analysis - current status |
Altieri |
Mining the Kilo-Degree Survey to search for Solar System Objects |
Carlyle |
Mass Diagnostics of Eruptive Filament Material |
Avdellidou | Impacts can alter or reveal the composition of the impactor | |
Rengel |
Tracing the Composition of Hydrogen Cyanide in the Stratosphere of Titan from Space; Airborne; and Ground-Based Observations |
Solar physics; Heliophysics; Space Plasma physics |
Roberts |
Rapid changes in the solar wind proton velocity distribution function observed with CIS |
Roberts |
Variability of the electron power spectrum in the solar wind |
Toledo Redondo |
Particle in Cell simulations of a spacecraft potential controller (ASPOC) on the Magnetospheric MultiScale (MMS) mission |
Mueller |
JPEG2000 image compression of solar EUV images |
Mueller |
3D Visualisation of Solar Data: Preparing for Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus |
Perrone |
Statistical analysis of compressive coherent structures in the solar wind |
Toledo Redondo |
Schumann resonances at Mars: effects of the day-night asymmetry and dust |
Instrumentation |
Giardino |
The spectral calibration of JWST/NIRSpec: results from ISIM/CV3 |
Foing |
ExoGeoLab MoonMars Field Analogue Campaign at Eifel Volcanic Area |
Valtchanov |
Challenges for the extended source calibration of the Herschel-SPIRE Fourier-Transform Spectrometer |
Other |
O'Mullane |
SCI-O funded research |
Kretschmar |
Atomic Data for X-ray Astronomy |
Sirianni |
Engaging the Astronomical Community in preparation for JWST |
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