Abstract submission - TherMoPS4
Abstract submission was open from 5 December 2022 to 14 February 2023. Abstract submission is free, there is no processing charge.
Abstracts must be limited to one page (figures included), and uploaded as pdf.
Please use the abstract template provided.
Please note: Travel support for Early Career Researchers to attend the workshop may become available when workshop registration opens.
Abstract topics
Thermal models
Thermal modelling of rocky planets
Thermal modelling of gas giants
Thermal modelling of asteroids and small bodies
Thermal modelling of the Moon and moons of the solar system
Technical sessions of how models work, thermal evolution and comparisons
Planetesimal thermal evolution and exoplanets
Thermal evolution of planetary interiors
Advances in thermal modelling: theory and computational approaches
Disk integrated versus disk resolved models
Thermal conductivity models
Laboratory works, observations from observatories or spacecrafts
Laboratory investigations and validation of thermal models
New observations or instruments and their implications for thermal modelling