COSPIN HFT User Notes - Ulysses
COSPIN / HFT - User Notes
Dr. J. David Anglin
Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics
National Research Council of Canada
100 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1A 0R6
Phone: (1) 613 990-0752
Telefax: (1) 613 952-6605
RECORD FORMAT: DIMENSION F1J(16),F2S(32) C FREE FORMAT READ(1,*)IYEAR,IDOY,IHOUR,IMIN,ISEC, . F1J,F2L,F2H,F3,F4,F5,F2S PARAMETER LIST: IYEAR: year IDOY: day of year IHOUR: hour IMIN: minute ISEC: second F1J(0): Z>=1 (proton 0.28-7.0 MeV) F1J(1): " (proton 0.50-2.27 MeV) F1J(2): " (proton 0.76-1.37 MeV) F1J(3): Z>=2 (helium 0.31-5.4 MeV/n) F1J(4): " (helium 0.38-3.9 MeV/n) F1J(5): " (helium 0.45-2.9 MeV/n) F1J(6): " (helium 0.51-2.26 MeV/n) F1J(7): " (helium 0.58-1.91 MeV/n) F1J(8): " (helium 0.64-1.66 MeV/n) F1J(9): " (helium 0.71-1.50 MeV/n) F1J(10): " (helium 0.78-1.35 MeV/n) F1J(11): " (helium 0.85-1.25 MeV/n) F1J(12): " (helium 0.91-1.17 MeV/n) F1J(13): " (helium 0.98-1.12 MeV/n) F1J(14): " (oxygen 0.34-29.6 MeV/n) F1J(15): " (oxygen 0.36-27.4 MeV/n) F2L: Z>=1 (proton 0.29-6.7 MeV) F2H: " (proton 0.55-1.95 MeV) F3: Z>=2 (helium 0.68-1.56 MeV/n) F4: Z>=3 (carbon 0.8-4.9 MeV/n, oxygen 0.64-10.7 MeV/n) F5: Z>=12 (sulphur 1.28-8.5 MeV/n, iron 0.8-34 MeV/n) F2S: Z>=1 (see energy ranges for F2L and F2H) sectors 1 to 32 FLUX UNITS: (/cm2/s/sr) TIME RESOLUTION: 10 minutes NOTES: 1) All data from the HFT are accumulated for an integral number of spacecraft rotations. Counts in accumulation intervals which span either the start or end time of a 10 minute interval are apportioned based on the fraction of the accumulation interval in the 10 minute interval. 2) At the lowest science bitrate (128 bps), the full F2S telemetry cycle is 1024 seconds and, because the F2S data are accumulated eight sectors at a time, approximately every other record will contain fill F2S data. At low counting rates, the statistical accuracy of the multiplexed channels (F1J0 - F1J15 and F2S1 - F2S32) is poor. 3) Although the data are averaged over several telemetry cycles, the software will ensure that either the F2L or F2H data are fill in any record depending on the operating mode of the HFT for the majority of the 10 minute interval. The energy range for the F2S channel is the same as that for the non-fill value of F2L or F2H. 4) The energy ranges shown are for the main ion species in a data channel. The fraction of other ion species in a channel can vary substantially from one period to another. When the energy spectra are steep, heavier ions may in fact dominant a channel. Thus, caution is required in the interpretation of these data. The energy limits are based on accelerator calibrations and estimations from range-energy loss tables for particles incident at right angles to the HFT detector. For precise work, these intervals need to be adjusted because of the 60 degree opening angle of the HFT collimator (c.f., Anglin et al., JGR, 102, 1-36, 1997).
- Removed a total of (1) align=center.