SWICS Archive - Ulysses
Ulysses/SWICS Archive DVD-ROM Version 2.3
This is release 2.3 of the Ulysses/SWICS Archive DVD-ROM. The archive data processing and query software have been developed by the Berne University of Applied Sciences (formerly Institute for Technology Transfer INTEC) in close collaboration with the Physikalisches Institut of the University of Bern under an ESA/PRODEX contract.
Ulysses/SWICS Archive DVD-ROM Content
This DVD-ROM conforms to the ISO specification and uses only the 8.3 file naming convention, it therefore should be equally readable on Windows or UNIX platforms. The content on the DVD-ROM is organized into the following directories:
Directory | Content |
/readme.txt | 'readme.txt' containing the latest archive DVD-ROM information |
/data | Ulysses/SWICS mission CDF and SFDU data files |
/doc | Miscellaneous documentation |
/saxxx | SAxxx archive software source code and test data |
/saweb | SAWeb application and source code |
/sasws | SASWS application and source code |
/install | Additional software packages used for local archive query |
/download/sa23.zip | Complete SWICS/Archive DVD Version 2.3 download file (~625 MB!) |
What is new in Archive Release 2.3
This Ulysses/SWICS Archive release is a data update release. It now contains SWICS instrument daily files from years 2006, 2007 and 2008 (in CDF and SFD format).
Current Archive Status
The archive software development for the Ulysses/SWICS data archive and retrieval applications are completed. This is probably the final archive update. After DOY 134, 2008, the data rate was getting progressively sparser and the SWICS instrument was in a non-nominal state until the end of the Ulysses mission on June 30, 2009.
Responsible investigator for the Ulysses/SWICS Archive project is Dr. Rudolf von Steiger, International Space Science Institute (ISSI), Hallerstrasse 6, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland
For questions regarding the Ulysses/SWICS scientific data, please contact any member of the Ulysses/SWICS team of the Solar and Heliospheric Research Group of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA.
For further information regarding the software please contact the responsible software engineer U. Künzler, Berne University of Applied Sciences, Quellgasse 21, CH-2501 Biel, Switzerland.
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