URAP - Ulysses
The Ulysses Unified Radio & Plasma Wave Investigation
Principal Investigator: Dr. Robert. J. MacDowall Laboratory for Extraterrestrial Physics Code 695 NASA/GSFC Greenbelt MD 20771 USA |
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[ A & A Article | User Notes | References | WWW Site for URAP ]
URAP Mission Archive
The URAP mission archive contains data, software, and documentation from the URAP instrument on the Ulysses spacecraft.
The contents of the archive are located in a number of directories, whose structure is as follows:
data | URAP data files |
docs | Documentation |
docs/others | Miscellaneous documents |
docs/software | Documentation about software |
docs/URAP_instrument | Documentation on the instrument |
software | Programs to access and display URAP data |
software/Fortran | Fortran programs |
software/IDL | IDL programs |
Data Files
The data directory contains the following sub-directories:
cmd | Files containing instrument status |
dirfind/plot | Plots of direction-finding results |
dirfind/text | Text files of direction-finding results |
edr | EDR files - level zero data |
fes | DECOM output files for the finite envelope sampler |
pfr | DECOM output files for the plasma frequency receiver |
qtn/data | Results for quasi-thermal noise measurements |
qtn/plots | Plots of results for quasi-thermal noise measurements |
rar | DECOM output files for the radio astronomy receiver |
rav | Files of averaged RAR data |
sedr | Files of Supplementary Experimental Data Records |
uds/pfra | 10 minute averages of PFR data |
uds/pfrp | 10 minute peaks of PFR data |
uds/rara | 10 minute averages of RAR data |
uds/rarp | 10 minute peaks of RAR data |
uds/wfba | 10 minute averages of WFA magnetic field data |
uds/wfbp | 10 minute peaks of WFA magnetic field data |
uds/wfea | 10 minute averages of WFA electric field data |
uds/wfep | 10 minute peaks of WFA electric field data |
uds1hr/pfra | Hour averages of PFR data |
uds1hr/pfrp | Hour peaks of PFR data |
uds1hr/rara | Hour averages of RAR average data |
uds1hr/rarp | Hour peaks of RAR peak data |
uds1hr/wfba | Hour averages of WFA magnetic field data |
uds1hr/wfbp | Hour peaks of WFA magnetic field data |
uds1hr/wfea | Hour averages of WFA electric field data |
uds1hr/wfep | Hour peaks of WFA electric field data |
wfa | DECOM output files for the waveform analyzer |
This directory contains the following files
urap_calibration.f90 | A Fortran module containing routines to perform calibration of URAP data for the FES, PFR, RAR and WFA. |
urap_kinds.f90 | A Fortran module that defines the "kind" numbers that are used in the other modules. |
urap_library.f90 | A Fortran module that provides routines to load data from the URAP instruments. Documentation for the routines can be found in the docs/software directory. |
This directory contains IDL procedures for accessing and displaying URAP data. It also contains procedures for performing radio direction finding using URAP data. Documentation for the main procedures can be found in the docs/software directory. The files are:
cvt_day82_ymd.pro | Converts a date/time value in days since 1982 to year, month, day and time values. |
day82.pro | Converts from year, month, day, time to days since 1982. |
day82_to_str.pro | Converts a date/time value in days since 1982 to a string. |
join_path.pro | Join directories names to form a path name. |
lct39.pro | A routine to load a particular color table |
list_urap.pro | List urap data |
load_fes.pro | Load URAP FES data. |
load_pfr.pro | Load URAP PFR data. |
load_rar.pro | Load URAP RAR data. |
load_sedr.pro | Load Ulysses SEDR data. |
load_snd.pro | Load URAP SND data. |
load_wfa.pro | Load URAP WFA data. |
show_spectrum.pro | Display a URAP RAR spectrum. |
time_interval | Convert a time interval to a standard form |
xdfind | Perform radio direction finding of URAP data. |
gui_fes | Display plots of URAP FES data. |
[ Summary Plots | DF Plots ]
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