Venus Express PhD Theses


The following table provides details on PhD theses related to Venus Express including, data analysis and interpretation, modelling, calibration, operations planning and archiving.
Entries are compiled from information sent to us directly from the VEX scientists or through the submission form linked below.

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VEX PhD Theses status October 2019      
Name Title of thesis Main institute PhD year Country
VMC (5)        
R. Moissl Morphology and dynamics of the Venus atmosphere at the cloud top level as observed by the Venus Monitoring Camera Max-Planck Institute for Solar System Research/ University of Braunschwei 2008 D
A. Piccialli Cyclostrophic wind in the mesosphere of Venus from the Venus Express observations Max-Planck Institute for Solar System Research/ University of Braunschweig 2010 D
E. Shalygin Study of the Venus surface and lower atmosphere using VMC imagess Max-Planck Institute for Solar System Research/ University of Braunschweig 2013 D
I. Khatuntsev Circulation of the Venus mesosphere from spacecraft observations Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia 2008 RU
Chris Lee Venus GCM development University of Oxford 2006 UK
SPICAV/SOIR (7)        
Arnaud Mahieux Inversion of infrared spectra recorded by the SOIR instrument on board Venus Express IASB and ULB, Brussels 2011 B
Denis Belyaev Planetary atmospheres exploration by means of solar occultation using acousto-optical filtration Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia 2008 RU
Eric Villard Preparation, ground calibration and in-flight calibration of SPICAV UV and IR Service d'Aéronomie, CNRS France 2008 F
Emilie Royer Night side NO emissions in Venus during star occultations LATMOS,France 2011 F
Cédric Cox Nightside NO airglow distribution and modeling Uni-Liège - Belgium 2010 B
Loic Rossi Étude des nuages de Vénus par polarimétrie avec les données de l’instrument SPICAV-IR à bord de Venus Express LATMOS,France 2015 F
Arnaud Stiepen Nitric oxide nightglow mapping Uni-Liège - Belgium 2014 B
VeRa (6)        
Riccardo Mattei Radio Science Experiment Data Analysis in the framework of the ESA Missions "Venus Express" and "Rosetta" Uni-BW, Munchen 2010 D
Stefan Remus Untersuchungen zur Durchführung von satellitengestützten Radio Science Experimenten im interplanetaren Raum Uni-BW, Munchen 2004 D
Jörg Selle Planung und Simulation von Radio-Science-Experimenten interplanetarer Raumfahrt-Missionen Uni-BW, Munchen 2005 D
Hiroki Ando Vertical wavenumber spectra of gravity waves in terrestrial atmospheres ISAS/JAXA, Japan 2013 J
Tatiana Bocanegra Bahamon Planetary Radio Interferometry and Doppler Experiment (PRIDE) for radio occultation studies; A Venus Express test case TU Delft 2019 NL
Kerstin Peter Small scale disturbances in the lower dayside ionosphere of Mars as seen by the MaRS radio science experiment on Mars Express Univ. Köln 2018 D
MAG (1)        
Lars Guicking Niederfrequente Magnetfeldfluktuationen in der Plasmaumgebung der Venus Max-Planck Institute for Solar System Research/ University of Braunschweig 2011 D
ASPERA (26)        
K. Brinkfeldt Instrumentation for Energetic Neutral Atom Measurements at Mars, Venus, and the Earth IRF/Umeå University, Umeå 2005 S
A. Grigoriev The neutral particle detector on the mars and venus express missions IRF/Umeå University, Umeå 2007 S
E. Carlsson Mars: Plasma environment and surface hydrology IRF/Luleå University of Technology, Luleå 2008 S
A. Ekenbäck Numerical modelling of ENAs from stellar wind interactions IRF/Umeå University, Umeå 2008 S
C. Dieval Solar wind ions inside the induced magnetosphere of Mars IRF/Luleå University of Technology, Luleå 2012 S
Robin Ramstad Ion escape from mars: Measurements in the present to understand the past IRF/Umeå University, Umeå 2017 S
Moa Persson Hot plasma in the Venusian upper ionosphere IRF/Umeå University, Umeå 2020 S
A. Galli Energetic neutral atoms imaging of mars, venus, and the heliosphere University of Bern, Switzerland 2008 CH
E. Roussos Interactions of weakly or non-magnetized bodies with solar system plasmas: Mars and the moons of Saturn MPS/Technical University Braunschweig, Germany 2008 D
C. Martinecz The Venus plasma environment: a comparison of Venus Express ASPERA-4 measurements with 3D hybrid simulations MPS/Technical University Braunschweig, Germany 2008 D
Anne Angsmann Magnetic states of the ionosphere of Venus observed by Venus Express MPS/Technical University Braunschweig, Germany 2011 D
Y. Soobiah   MSSL/University College London, UK 2009 UK
Glyn Collinson   MSSL/University College London, UK 2010 UK
Sharon Tsang   MSSL/University College London, UK 2012 UK
Shannon Curry   University of Michigan, USA 2013 USA
Tess McEnulty Oxygen loss from Venus and the influence of extreme solar wind conditions University of California, Berkeley, USA 2012 USA
Claire Ferrier   CESR/UPS, Toulouse, France 2009 F
Riku Järvinen On ion escape from Venus FMI/University of Helsinki, Finland 2011 SF
Ian Whittaker   University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK 2010 UK
Gemma Guymer   University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK 2011 UK
Alessandro Mura   IFSI, Italy 2004 I
Tom Nordheim   MSSL/University College London, UK 2015 UK
Takuya Hara Study on the roles of solar wind variations and crustal magnetic fields in atmospheric escape from Mars based on in-situ spacecraft observations Nagoya University, Japan 2014 Jp
Kei Masunaga Oxygen ion outflow from {Venus} and the mechanism of the ion acceleration Tohoku University, Japan 2013 Jp
Adriane Marques de Souza A STUDY OF PLASMA WAVES IN THE INDUCED MAGNETOSPHERES OF MARS AND VENUS National Institute for Space Research (INPE), Brazil 2018 BRA
Benjamin Hall Spatiotemporal Studies of the Martian Plasma Environment Uni. Leicester, UK 2017 UK
VIRTIS (17)        
P. Machado Characterization of Venus atmospheric dynamics from ground-based observations University of Lisbon, Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics 2013  
C. Tsang The Composition and Circulation of the Atmosphere of Venus using Venus Express/VIRTIS Data Univ. Of Oxford 2008 UK
Jo Barstow Cloud properties from VIRTIS/VEx Univ. Of Oxford 2011 UK
J. Mendonca Studies of Venus using a comprehensive General Circulation Model Univ. Of Oxford 2013 UK
N. Mueller Mapping of surface emissivity   2012  
D. Kappel Development of multispectrum retrieval techniques and their application to Venus' deep atmosphere and surface University of Potsdam, Germany, Institut für Physik und Astronomie and WWU Münster, Germany, Institut für Planetologie   D
E. Marcq Lower Prélude à la mission Vénus Express : étude de l'atmosphère par spectro-imagerie infrarouge LESIA, Observatoire de Paris 2008 F
J. Peralta Turbulence and waves on Venus from VIRTIS-M/Vex Universidad del País Vasco, Spain   E
I. Gárate Dinámica de la atmósfera de Venus al nivel de las nubes Universidad del País Vasco, Spain 2014 E
S. Stefani Study of the optical properties of CO2 at extreme conditions University of Rome, Italy 2011 I
Yeon Joo Lee Venus cloud structure and radiative energy balance of the mesosphere Max-Planck Institute for Solar System Research/ University of Braunschweig 2012 D
A. Cardesin Planning and archiving for VIRTIS/VEx CISAS, Italy   I
K. McGouldrick Mesoscale modelling of Venus clouds, constrained by VIRTIS obs. Uni. Of Colorado, USA   USA
L. Soret Oxygen airglow emission study with VIRTIS data Uni-Liège Belgium 2012 B
G. Gilli Non-LTE measurements with VIRTIS Granada 2012 ES
C. Père Étude de l’atmosphère de Vénus à l’aide d’un modèle de réfraction lors du passage devant le Soleil LESIA, Observatoire de Paris 2016 F
P. Scarica GCM verification through the data from Venus Express Università La Sapienza, Rome 2019 I
Total: 62