Example Clients - VOVisObs_protocols
Example Clients
A) Visibility
A multi-observatory visibility and schedule tool is available under
All observatories currently offering the visibility service following the ObjVisSAP protocol are included. The usage is self-explanatory, i.e., entering coordinates and time interval of interest, in UTC or MJD. Target coordinates can also be obtained with the Simbad resolver. A graphical illustration of visibility intervals is returned after hitting 'Calculate', and overlapping visibility intervals can be identified. In the lower result panel, all available information from observation plans during the request period are displayed, obtained from the ObsLocTAP service.
A basic web service (REST) complaint with ObjVisSAP can be downloaded as python source code from github under:
It listening for requests in port 8000. It needs python 3.6 and uses two libraries django and astropy:
Django==3.0.3 astropy==3.0.4
To run the server:
/path/to/python3/bin/python manage.py runserver
Starting development server at
B) Observation Times
A calendar view of targets being observed by various observatories can be seen with
In the top, various observatories can be selected. Currently, look-up tables are used, but once the services based on the ObsLocTAP protocol have been implemented, the calendar will be updated.
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