VLT-FLAMES TaranTula Survey Meeting 2024

16-18 September 2024

ESAC, Madrid (Spain)





The VFTS2024 meeting is the latest in the series of annual collaboration meetings focused on observations, theory and modelling of the massive-star populations of the Magellanic Clouds that have been centered on the VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey (VFTS) ESO Large Programme, and now leading into the new Binarity at LOw Metallicity (BLOeM) Large Programme.




 Day 1. Monday 16th September 

Time slot Title Speaker
8.30 9.00 Coffee  
9.00 9.15 Welcome & Intro Lee Patrick
9.15 9.45 BLOeM introduction Tomer Shenar & Julia Bodensteiner
9.45 11.00 Early BLOeM highlights: Sara, Jaime, Julia, Nikolay, Lee
11.00 11.30 Coffee  
11.30 12.00 Assessing the binary interaction products in the MCs Norbert Langer
12.00 12.45 Binary properties of stripped helium stars in the Magellanic Clouds Ylva Götberg
12.45 1.30 Evolved massive stars in young open clusters Chen Wang
1.30 2.30 Lunch  
2.30 3.30 Breakout: BONNSAI 2.0 - The Next Generation Vincent Bronner
2.30 3.30 Breakout:  
2.30 3.30 Breakout: Free  
3.30 4.00 Coffee  
4.00 4.45 Whispering in the dark: Faint X-ray emission from black holes with OB star companions Koushik Sen
4.45 5.15 Possible Binary Origin of Be Stars Ankur Jyoti Kalita
5.15 5.45 He-rich O-type stars as potential tracers of past binary interaction Carlos Martínez-Sebastián
        6.00                                                                                                 Bus to Moncloa


 Day 2. Tuesday 17th September 

Time slot Title Speaker
8.30 9.00 Coffee  
9.00 9.45 A comparative study of 1D and multi-dimensional atmospheric modelling approaches for O and WR stars Gemma Gonzalez-Tora
9.45 10.30 Mass loss implementation of Very massive stars Gautham Narayana Sabhahit
10.30 11.00 Episodic mass loss discovered in two extreme RSG in the LMC Gonzalo Munoz-Sanchez
11.00 11.30 Exploring binarity and pulsations in massive stars: towards a comprehensive understanding Federica Nardini
11.30 12.00 Coffee  
12.00 1.00 Flash presentations  
12.00 12.05 Establishing a mass-loss rate relation for Red Supergiants Konstantinos Antoniadis
12.05 12.10 Cluster winds and how they depend on the stellar population parameters Hanno Stinshoff
12.10 12.15 Interacting supernovae from massive mass transferring binaries Andrea Ercolino
12.15 12.20   Dandan Wei
12.20 1.30 Breakout: Mass-loss  
12.20 1.30 Breakout: BlOeM Multiplicity meeting  
12.20 1.30 Breakout: Free  
1.30 2.30 Lunch  
2.15 3.00 Probing massive stars with sub-SMC metallicity in the Magellanic Bridge Elisa Schösser
3.00 3.30 Analyzing B supergiants in the SMC Matheus Bernini Peron
3.30 4.00 New evolutionary clues to understand the nature of massive stars Abel de Burgos
4.00 4.30 Coffee  
4.00 5.30 Discussion: VFTS next steps  
4.00 5.30 Breakout:
4.00 5.30 Breakout: Free
        6.00                                                                                                 Bus to Moncloa


 Day 3. Wednesday 18th September 

Time slot Title Speaker
8.30 9.00 Coffee  
9.00 9.45 New O and Be runaways stars found with Gaia DR3 Mar Carretero-Castrillo 
9.45 10.15 Two waves of massive stars running away from the young cluster R136. Mitchel Stoop
10.15 11.00 Queen, Oasis, or Bruce Springsteen? Jesús Maíz Apellániz
11.00 11.30 Coffee  
11.30 12.15 A Second Search for OB+BH Systems in Tarantula Kunal Deshmukh
12.15 12.45 Hubble Space Telescope images of SN 1987A: Evolution of the ejecta and the equatorial ring from 2009 to 2022 Sophie Rosu
12.45 1.45 Progenitors of LGRBs: Are single stars enough? Rafia Sarwar
1.15 1.30 Wrap up Lee Patrick
       1.30                                                                                                         Lunch
       6.00                                                                                                   Bus to Moncloa