Science with XMM - Final Programme - XMM-Newton
Science with XMM - Final Programme
Invited talks are indicated in boldface.
Day 1: September 30
Session 1: XMM Overview and Science Payload
- 09:30 Welcome and introduction - Brian Taylor (SSD, ESTEC)
- 09:45 XMM Mission Overview - Fred Jansen (SSD, ESTEC; XMM Project Scientist)
10:15 Coffee break
- 10:45 The Scientific Performance of the XMM Flight Mirror Modules - Bernd Aschenbach (MPE; XMM Telescope Scientist)
- 11:15 The EPIC Instrument on XMM - Martin Turner (Univ. Leicester; EPIC PI)
- 11:45 The Optical/UV Monitor Telescope on XMM - Keith Mason (MSSL, OM PI)
- 12:15 The Reflection Grating Spectrometer on XMM - Bert Brinkman (SRON; RGS PI)
- 12:45 Analysis of Real Data Acquired using the RGS - Andy Rasmussen (Columbia Univ.)
- 13:00 Lunch
Session 2: XMM Science
- 14:15 Science with XMM: overview and comparisons with other missions - Richard Mushotzky (GSFC)
- 14:45 Probing black holes - Andy Fabian (IoA, Cambridge)
- 15:15 Studying circumnuclear matter in AGN with X-ray spectroscopy - Giorgio Matt (Rome)
- 15:45 Simultaneous Intensive X-ray and Optical Monitoring of NGC 3516: Implications for XMM Monitoring Campaigns - Rick Edelson (Univ. Leicester)
16:00 Coffee break
- 16:30 Galaxy studies - Martin Ward (Univ. Leicester)
- 17:00 X-ray Observations of Nearby Spiral Galaxies - Wolfgang Pietsch (MPE)
- 17:15 Accreting binary systems - Arvind Parmar (SSD, ESTEC)
- 17:45 Broad Iron Lines as a Probe of Accretion in Magnetic CVs - Coel Hellier (Keele Univ.)
- 18:00 Close of session
- 18:30 Cocktail
- 19:00 Welcome buffet
Day 2: October 1
Session 2 (continued): XMM Science
- 09:00 High resolution spectroscopy with XMM - Frits Paerels (SRON)
- 09:30 X-ray Spectroscopy Diagnostics with XMM: New Prospects for the Physics of Thermal, Optically Thin Plasmas - Manuel Guedel (PSI) & Rolf Mewe (SRON)
- 09:45 Stellar X-ray astronomy with XMM - Jürgen Schmitt (Hamburg)
- 10:15 The XMM GT Programme on Stellar Coronae: an Overview - Roberto Pallavicini (Oss.Astr.Palermo)
- 10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Poster session
- 11:30 X-rays and Regions of Star Formation: a Combined ROSAT/ISO Study of the Rho Oph Cloud - N. Grosso, T. Montmerle (Saclay) et al.
- 11:45 Supernova remnants - Hiroshi Tsunemi (Osaka)
- 12:15 SNRs in the LMC - Jack Hughes (Rutgers Univ.)
- 12:30 Seeking, Seeing and Studying Isolated Neutron Stars with XMM - David Helfand (Columbia Univ.)
13:00 Lunch
- 14:00 Clusters of galaxies - Monique Arnaud (Saclay)
- 14:30 Determination of Iron Abundance of an Intracluster Medium with the Resonance Scattering Effect - Koujun Yamashita et al. (Nagoya Univ.)
- 14:45 X-ray Selected Distant Clusters of Galaxies - Isabella Gioia (IRA Bologna/IFA Honolulu)
- 15:00 Deep Extragalactic X-ray surveys - Omar Almaini (IFA, Edinburgh)
- 15:30 The BeppoSAX High Energy Large Area Survey: Resolving the Hard X-ray Background - Fabrizio Fiore (Oss. Astr. Roma)
- 15:45 XMM Serendipitous Survey and the SSC Follow-up Programme - Mike Watson (Univ. Leicester)
16:15 Coffee break
- 16:45 Prospects for understanding the X-ray background through hard X-ray surveys - Günther Hasinger (AIP)
- 17:15 Mapping Cosmic Large Scale Structures with XMM - Marguerite Pierre (Saclay)
- 17:30 Close of day 2
Day 3: October 2
Session 3: XMM Data Analysis and Archive Plans
- 09:15 XMM data analysis: overview - Fred Jansen (SSD, ESTEC)
- 09:30 XMM Pipeline Processing and science data products - Julian Osborne (Univ. Leicester)
- 10:00 XMM Interactive Analysis - Hassan Siddiqui (SSD, ESTEC)
- 10:15 XMM science archive - Jean Clavel (SSD, European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC))
- 10:30 Coffee break
Session 4: Proposing for XMM observations
- 11:00 The XMM Observing Programme and Science Operations - Fred Jansen (SSD, ESTEC)
- 11:30 Proposal documentation and planning tools - Michael Dahlem (SSD, ESTEC)
- 11:45 XMM instrument operation and mode selection - Dave Lumb (SSD, ESTEC)
- 12:15 XMM proposal submission - Michael Dahlem (SSD, ESTEC)
- 12:30 Questions and answers session - all
- 12:45 Closing Remarks - Johan Bleeker (SRON)
- 13:00 End of workshop
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