2008 The X-ray Universe - XMM-Newton
"The X-ray Universe 2008" Symposium
The X-ray Universe 2008
Granada, Spain, 27 - 30 May 2008
In addition to the online presentations (see below), the following conference related information is available:
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Online Presentations
All contributions are listed with title and name of first author. The electronic versions (if available) can be accessed in the format provided by the authors by clicking on the titles.
- Topic A: Stars, Star-forming Regions, Planetary and Cometary Studies
- Topic B: Interacting Binary Systems, (Galactic) Black Holes & Micro-quasars
- Topic C: Cataclysmic Variables and Novae
- Topic D: Magnetars, Isolated Neutron Stars and Pulsars
- Topic E: Planetary Nebulae, SN, SNR, Gamma-ray Bursts and Afterglows
- Topic F: Galaxies, Galaxy Surveys, Population Studies, ISM and Diffuse Galactic Emission
- Topic G: Active Galactic Nuclei
- Topic H: Clusters of Galaxies
- Topic I: Extragalactic Surveys and Population Studies, the Cosmic X-ray Background, WHIM and Cosmology
- Topic J: X-ray Astronomy, Missions, Optics, Instrumentation, Data Analysis and Archiving
Topic A: Stars, Star-forming Regions, Planetary and Cometary Studies
Invited talks
X-rays in cool stars: From present challenges to future observations, Audard
X-ray emission from hot stars, Naze
Contributed talks
X-ray views of the Solar System, Branduardi-Raymont
X-ray activity and the YSO circumstellar environment: results from DROXO, Flaccomio
Young A stars: The softest Youngsters, Guenther
Resonance scattering in the X-ray emission line profiles of zeta Pup, Leutenegger
Hard X-ray emission from Eta Carinae, Leyder
X-ray spectroscopy of single O stars, Oskinova
The periastron and X-ray eclipse of WR25, Pollock
X-rays from classical T Tauri stars - Accretion and wind signatures, Robrade
Carbon rich X-ray spectrum of a Wolf-Rayet binary theta Muscae, Sugawara
A Survey of Orion A with XMM-Newton and Spitzer: SOXS, Wolk
Pinpointing a stellar X-ray flare using XMM-Newton and VLT/UVES, Wolter
The ChaMP Extended Stellar Survey (ChESS), Agueros
The Chandra view of the weak-lined T Tau binary HDE 245059, Baldovin Saavedra
Identifying XMM-Newton observation affected by solar wind charge exchange, Carter
An XMM-Newton View of Westerlund 1, Kavanagh
Coronal properties of active M dwarfs, Liefke
Accretion and Corona: HETG Chandra observations of TW Hya, Luna
X-ray properties of sources detected in the DROXO survey, Pillitteri
2XMM Cool-Star Variability Survey: the 2XMM/Tycho Sample, Pye
First analysis of the LETGS observations of Delta Orionis, Raassen
The XMM-Newton view of the rich cluster Cygnus OB2, Rauw
Topic B: Interacting Binary Systems, (Galactic) Black Holes & Micro-quasars
Invited talks
Ultraluminous X-ray Sources, Roberts
Variability: from X-ray binaries to AGN, Uttley
Contributed talks
The "Big Dipper" to probe the warm absorber in X-ray binaries, Boirin
X-ray eclipse time delays in 4U 2129+47, Bozzo
Multiwavelength Comparisons between Two Recent X-ray Novae, Cadolle Bel
X-rays from Quiescent Black Holes: Accretion or Jet Powered?, Cui
Variations in the dip properties of the LMXB XB 1254-69 as observed by XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL, Diaz Trigo
The Variable Source Content of the 2XMM Catalogue, Farrell
Low-Mass X-Ray Binary Models for Ellipticals NGC 3379 and NGC 4278, Fragos
Rapid Optical/X-ray flux correlations in the low/hard state of GX 339-4, Gandhi
A Jet Emitting Disc model for the microquasar broad band emission, Henri
The thermal emission component in low-luminosity binary pulsars, La Palombara
Wind accretion in supergiant X-ray binaries, Negueruela
Enlightening differences in Accreting Millisecond Pulsars behavior, Papitto
Are there atoll/Z sources in HMXB?, Reig
Measuring the black hole spin of GX 339-4: A systematic look at its very high and low/hard state, Reis
INTEGRAL Observations Of Massive Stars Unveil Dynamics Of Stellar Winds, Walter
New observational insights into the Low/Hard State of Cygnus X-1 with Suzaku, Yamada
Mass estimates in Ultraluminous X-ray Sources, Zampieri
A genuine new black hole candidate in the M31 globular cluster Bo 45, Barnard
Suzaku Observation of IGR J16318-4848, Barragan
Pulse profile study of the accreting X-ray pulsar A 0535+26, Camero-Arranz
The Scutum survey, Camero-Arranz
X-ray spectra and polarization from accreting black holes: Polarization of the thermal emission, Dovciak
X-ray spectral variability in the ULX population of NGC 4485 and NGC 4490, Gladstone
XMM-Newton's view of the eclipsing burster low-mass X-ray binary AX J1745.6-2901, Grosso
Exploring variability in GRS 1915+105 using INTEGRAL, RXTE and the radio , Hannikainen
Pulsed thermal emission in the accreting pulsar HMXB XMMU J054134.7-682550 reveals accretion geometry, Manousakis
X-ray behaviour of the Supergiant Fast X-ray Transient: XTE J1739-302, Martinez-Nunez
The INTEGRAL/IBIS view of IGR J16318-4848. Possible detection of spin period, Miralles-Caballero
NGC 6388: XMM-Newton and Chandra observation, Nucita
XMM-Newton observation of 1RXS J180431.1-273932, Nucita
Mass-loss rate estimation for the massive binary 4U 1538-52/QV Nor, Rodes
Three black-hole binaries observed with XMM: XTE J1817-330; XTE J1856+053 and GRS 1915+105, Sala
Modelling the RXTE and INTEGRAL Spectra of GX 9+9, Savolainen
Iron Lines and Precession Variability of the Unique Microquazar GRS 1915+105, Seifina
The role of the disk irradiation in the outbursts of the Rapid Burster, Simon
The strange 12 years long outburst with a series of echo outbursts in KS1731-260, Simon
Accretion discs in interacting compact binaries: Optical spectroscopy of X1822-371, Somero
INTEGRAL long term monitoring of 4U 1722-30: spectral state variations, Tarana
Topic C: Cataclysmic Variables and Novae
Invited talks
X-ray Studies of Classical Novae & Super Soft Sources (SSS), Ness
Contributed talks
Chandra Spectroscopy of the Hot DA White Dwarf LB1919 and the PG1159 Star PG1520+5250, Adamczak
Magnetic accreting white dwarfs in the XMM-Newton era, de Martino
Cataclysmic variables as hard X-ray emitters seen by INTEGRAL, Galis
The turn-off and recovery of accretion in classical novae as seen by XMM-Newton, Hernanz
Hard X-ray Emitting White Dwarfs in Symbiotic Stars: a Progress Report, Mukai
Novae: X-ray observations as a test of mass loss and evolution, Orio
Are many Supersoft X-ray Sources in Be-White Dwarf Binaries?, Orio
Soft X-ray emission of polars, Reinsch
Multiwavelength spectroscopy of high-accretion rate polars, Schwope
Suzaku Observation of a White Dwarf as a new Candidate of Cosmic-ray Origin, Terada
RR Pic (1925): A Chandra X-ray View, Pekoen
The recovery of accretion in a classical nova seen for the first time in X-rays with XMM-Newton, Ferri
INTEGRAL broadband X-ray spectra of the selected intermediate polars, Galis
V1223 Sgr: long term variability and periodic modulation of hard X-ray emission, Galis
XMM-Newton observation of the supersoft classical nova V5116 Sgr 2005 No.2, Sala
Long-term activity and outbursts of the intermediate polar V1223 Sgr, Simon
Suzaku ToO Studies of Classical Novae V458 Vul and V2491 Cyg, Takei
Topic D: Magnetars, Isolated Neutron Stars and Pulsars
Invited talks
X-ray emission from Isolated Neutron Stars: The "Three Musketeers" meet the "Magnificent Seven", Haberl
The Equation of State of Neutron Stars: Neutron-star masses, radii and internal composition, Mendez
Pulsar wind nebulae: The VHE - X-ray connection, Puehlhofer
Contributed talks
Neutron Star Structure Constraints from Low-Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy, Heinke
Recent Suzaku Results on Strongly Magnetized Neutron Stars, Makishima
XMM-Newton reveals magnetars magnetospheric plasma densities, Rea
A resonant cyclotron scattering model for the soft X-ray spectra of Magnetar Candidates, Zane
A Study of Broad-Band Noise Characteristics of AXPs and SGRs, Balman
Long X-ray burst monitoring with INTEGRAL, Chenevez
Cyclotron Lines in Binary X-ray Pulsars, Nakajima
Soft X-ray Sources in the 2XMM Catalogue, Rodrigues
Chandra Study of the High Magnetic Field PSR J1119-6127: Any Link to Magnetars?, Safi-Harb
X-ray timing and spectral properties of the glitching AXP 1RXS J170849.0-400910, Zane
Topic E: Planetary Nebulae, SN, SNR, Gamma-ray Bursts and Afterglows
Contributed talks
On the chemical abundance of mixed morphology supernova remnants, Bocchino
Accretion in the collapsar. How long can be a long GRB?, Janiuk
The Slow X-ray Expansion of the Northwestern Rim of RX J0852.0-4622, Katsuda
Examination of XMM-Newton spectra of the SNR 0509-67.5, Kosenko
The nature of a cosmic-ray accelerator CTB37B observed with Suzaku and Chandra, Nakamura
Chandra Monitoring of X-Ray Evolution of SNR 1987A, Park
X-ray observation of the Cygnus Loop with Suzaku and XMM-Newton, Tsunemi
Detection of a SNIa progenitor? SN2007on in the X-rays, Voss
Mapping the TeV SNR RX J1713.7-3946, Acero
Cosmic ray acceleration by the supernova remnant RCW 86, Helder
A comprehensive study of X-ray supernova remnants in nearby galaxies, Leonidaki
X-ray emission of the shock of SN1006. Constraints on electron kinetics, Petruk
X-ray studies of Canadian Galactic Plane Survey (CGPS) Supernova Remnants (SNRs), Safi-Harb
Investigation of the evolution of SN 2006aj/GRB060218 using the color indices, Simon
XMM-Newton Observations of the Southwestern Region of the Cygnus Loop, Uchida
Supernova Remnants in M33: Results from the Chandra ACIS Survey of M33, Winkler
Fe-rich ejecta in the northeast shell of RCW 86 revealed with Suzaku, Yamaguchi
Topic F: Galaxies, Galaxy Surveys, Population Studies, ISM and Diffuse Galactic Emission
Invited talks
Spatial Distribution of the Galactic Diffuse X-Rays and Time Variability of the 6.4-keV Clumps, Koyama
Contributed talks
X-ray follow-ups of TeV unID sources using Suzaku, Bamba
Discovery of Hot Gas in Outflow in NGC 3379, Brassington
Deep Chandra Observations of LMXB Populations in Normal Elliptical Galaxies, Brassington
The Spectral Properties of Galactic X-ray Sources at Faint Fluxes, Byckling
The X-ray Morphology and Spectra of Galactic Disks, Owen
A deep XMM observation of M82, Ranalli
XMM-OM Serendipitous UV Source Survey, Still
Hot gas in Spiral Cluster Galaxies, Wezgowiec
An X-ray Survey of Wolf-Rayet Stars in the Magellanic Clouds, Guerrero
Topic G: Active Galactic Nuclei
Invited talks
Outflows in AGNs: High and Low Resolution X-ray View, Krongold
Accretion and reflection in Galactic BHs and AGNs, Miniutti
Contributed talks
Robust identification of distant Compton-thick AGNs, Alexander
The Dichotomy of Seyfert Galaxies at Hardest X-rays, Beckmann
NGC 3147: a "true" type 2 Seyfert galaxy without the broad-line region, Bianchi
The nature of X-ray selected Broad Absorption Line Quasars, Blustin
X-ray selected z>3 QSOs in the XMM-COSMOS field, Brusa
Average Fe K-alpha emission from distant AGN, Corral
Variability of the Fe K line complex in bright nearby AGNs, De Marco
The X-ray view of absorbed INTEGRAL AGN, De Rosa
Seeking type 2 QSO amongst bright X-ray selected EXOs, Del Moro
Mrk 509 with RGS and EPIC-pn: The best of both worlds, Detmers
Multi-epoch X-ray observations of Seyfert 1 Galaxies, Gallo
The spatial clustering of X-ray selected AGN at z~1, Gilli
The disk-jet link: X-ray and radio monitoring of PKS 0558-504, Gliozzi
An XMM-Newton view of Q2122-444: an AGN without Broad Line Region?, Gliozzi
An X-ray view of the Nature of LINERs, Gonzalez-Martin
Particle acceleration in active galaxies - the X-ray view, Hardcastle
Bubble heating in groups and clusters: the nature of ghost cavities, Jetha
The variable X-ray spectrum of PDS456 and High-Velocity Outflows, Kaspi
An XMM-Newton Study of the Centaurus A Northern Middle Radio Lobe, Kraft
The nature and density of Spitzer selected X-ray absorbed AGN, La Franca
AEGIS-X: Results from the Chandra survey of the Extended Groth Strip, Laird
FERO: Finding Extreme Relativistic Objects (statistics of relativistic broad Fe K-alpha lines in AGN), Longinotti
BAT AGN Survey - XMM Suzaku follow-up Progress Report, Mushotzky
GR Models of the X-ray Spectral Variability in MCG-6-30-15, Niedzwiecki
Winds from X-ray absorbed QSOs, Page
The XMM-Newton long look of NGC 1365: Measuring the size of the X-ray source, Risaliti
Spectral Energy Distribution of Hyper-Luminous Infrared Galaxies, Ruiz
A 3D map of the AGN distribution and the relation to the zCOSMOS density field, Silverman
From radio to gamma-rays: 3C 273 reveals its multi-component structure, Soldi
Time resolved X-ray spectroscopy of NGC 4051, Steenbrugge
The Space Density of Compton Thick AGN, Treister
INTEGRAL Spectrum of the Cosmic X-ray Background from Occultation by the Earth, Tuerler
Non-thermal hard X-ray emission from the radio halo of M87, Walter
The Warm Absorber of the Seyfert Galaxy NGC5548, Andrade-Velazquez
The origin of the faintness in the X-ray weak QSOs: the case of PG 0043+039, Ballo
An inhomogeneous jet model for the rapid variability of TeV blazars, Boutelier
Variability selected AGNs in the Chandra Deep Field South, Boutsia
SUZAKU observations of bright Compton-Thin Seyfert2, Braito
XMM-Newton survey of the COSMOS field, Cappelluti
High Velocity Outflows in Narrow Absorption Line Quasars, Chartas
Suzaku observation of Markarian 359, Crummy
The nature of the intranight variability of radio-quiet quasars, Czerny
FERO (Finding Extreme Relativistic Objects): statistics of relativistic Fe K-alpha Lines in Type1 AGN, de la Calle
Tidal disruption events from the XMM-Newton slew survey, Esquej
Connecting AGN with Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays, George
The SDSS/2XMM BALQSO sample, Giustini
Blazars & ESA INTEGRAL Satellite, Hudec
Hydrodynamical simulations of the AGN Central Engine in 3D, Janiuk
X-ray properties of a sample of polar-scattered Seyfert galaxies, Jimenez-Bailon
Revealing X-ray obscured quasars in SWIRE sources with extreme Mid-IR/Optical flux ratios, Lanzuisi
X-ray spectral analysis of sources in SA57, Lanzuisi
NGC 4051: low state XMM-Newton observation and modelization via the Cloudy code, Maruccia
The X-ray emission in the radio jet of 3C 17 and 3C 78, Massaro
The Chandra 3C Snapshot Survey for Sources with z<0.3, Massaro
Variability Analysis of the Seyfert 1 Galaxy MCG-6-30-15 observed by ASCA and Suzaku, Miyakawa
NLS1 galaxies in the eye of the X-ray excess variance method, Nikolajuk
XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL broad-band spectra of newly discovered broad line AGN, Panessa
Are strongly variable Seyfert 2 galaxies really AGN without a BLR?, Panessa
OTELO survey: Properties of X-ray Emitters in the Groth Field, Povic
The XMM-Lockman Hole Survey: Deep multi-band optical imaging with the LBT, Rovilos
X-ray Relic Counterjet of Cygnus A, Steenbrugge
The peculiar properties of the narrow-line quasar PG 1543+489 at z=0.40, Vignali
Topic H: Clusters of Galaxies
Invited talks
High-redshift clusters and their evolution, Arnaud
Feedback at work: Radio sources in clusters, Ferretti
The X-ray Foundation for AGN Feedback in the Radio Mode, McNamara
Contributed talks
Chemical Discriminators of Cold Fronts in Clusters of Galaxies: The case for A3667, Dupke
The cluster gas mass fraction as a cosmological probe: a revised study, Ettori
X-ray Groups with Chandra and XMM: mass, entropy and AGN heating , Gastaldello
The chemical enrichment of clusters of galaxies, Kaastra
Mapping the non-thermal emission in Coma cluster of galaxies using the FeXXV/FeXXVI line ratio, Nevalainen
Chandra, XMM-Newton, and Suzaku Observations of Local Galaxy Groups and Clusters, Reiprich
The XMM Cluster Survey: Project summary and Cosmology Forecasts, Romer
RGS observations of cool gas in cluster cores, Sanders
Hard X-ray Emission and IC in Coma and Abell 3667 from Suzaku and XMM-Newton, Sarazin
Metallicity in ICM of clusters and groups of galaxies observed with Suzaku, Sato
Evolution of the Thermodynamical and Chemical properties of the IntraCluster Medium, Tozzi
Galaxy Clusters in the Swift/BAT era, Ajello
The most distant cluster of galaxies ever detected ?, Albacete Colombo
The disturbed X-ray cluster Abell 3376 and its giant ring-like radio structures, Bagchi
The Evolution History of Binary Cluster Abell 3705, Beygu
X-ray and strong lensing mass estimate of MS2137.3, Donnarumma
INTEGRAL observations of galaxy clusters, Eckert
Dynamical histories of six clusters of galaxies by XMM-Newton, Erkurt
Building a z>=1 X-ray Selected Galaxy Cluster Sample for Cosmic Evolution Studies, Fassbender
Nature of X-ray sources in the outskirts of clusters of galaxies, Hudaverdi
Stellar to gas mass ratio in rich clusters of galaxies, Lima Neto
Search for X-ray signatures of the cosmic web in superclusters, Madej
Intermediate-Redshift Groups in the XBootes Survey, Miller
Direct X-ray Spectral Deprojection of Galaxy Clusters, Russell
The X-ray - SZE - Optical - NIR Galaxy Cluster Survey, Suhada
Distribution of real X-ray clusters in the Universe and model clusters in simulations, Tikhonov
Observations of a z ~ 0.9 cluster of galaxies, Ulmer
Looking for Substructure in A S1136, Weratschnig
Scaling Relations of Galaxy Clusters: X-ray and Lensing vs. Simulations, Zhang
Topic I: Extragalactic Surveys and Population Studies, the Cosmic X-ray Background, WHIM and Cosmology
Invited talks
Exploring the High-Redshift X-ray Universe: Results from Snapshot to Ultradeep Surveys, Brandt
X-ray surveys of AGN : results and perspectives, Comastri
Contributed talks
The Cosmic X-ray Background Spectrum with Swift/BAT, Ajello
X-ray source populations from the XMM-Newton Medium Survey, Carrera
The Cosmological properties of AGN in the XMM-Newton Hard Bright Survey, Della Ceca
Cosmic evolution of AGN in several X-ray bands, Ebrero
The Chandra survey of the COSMOS field, Fiore
Compton thick AGN in the Chandra Deep Field North, Georgantopoulos
X-ray selected Type-2 QSOs: high luminosity in heavily obscured AGN, Mainieri
Cosmological implications from the XMM-LSS Class 1 cluster sample, Pacaud
Outcome of the XXL meeting, Pierre
A New Sample Of "Normal" X-ray Emitting Galaxies, Watson
Constraints on decaying Dark Matter from XMM-Newton observations of M31, Boyarsky
Optical identification of XMM-Newton detected sources in the Lockman Hole, Burwitz
Multiwavelength Identification of Chandra COSMOS X-ray sources, Civano
A POrtable Multi-Purpose Application for the X-ray Background and AGN counts, Gilli
Optical Counterparts of High-Energy Sources by ESA Gaia, Hudec
Extended Chandra Multi-wavelength Project (ChaMPx), Kim
The Foreground to the Hot Universe, Miskovicova
Deep XMM-Newton/ESO observations of the low-latitude area around 1E1207.4-5209, Novara
Topic J: X-ray Astronomy, Missions, Optics, Instrumentation, Data Analysis and Archiving
Invited talks
XMM-Newton: Status of the Project, Schartel
XEUS: the Physics of the Hot Evolving Universe, Turner
Contributed talks
Spectr-RG X-ray Calorimeter, den Herder
Modelling the relativistic features with the KY models in XSPEC, Dovciak
The Simbol-X mission, Ferrando
Future prospects for the detection and characterization of non-thermal emission in galaxy clusters, Molendi
The Constellation-X Mission, Smith
New VO access to 500+ LEDAS high energy catalogues in one go!, Tedds
The ISDC Data Centre for Astrophysics, Beckmann
BiRD: Browsing RGS Spectra, Gonzalez-Riestra
Novel Technologies for Astronomical X-ray Telescopes, Hudec
Astrophysics with Lobster Eye X-ray Telescopes, Hudec
Methods of identification of X-ray sources with small telescopes in optical band, Kocka
Ground based robotic telescopes support of INTEGRAL and Gaia missions, Kocka
News from the XMM-Newton Image Gallery, Loiseau
NuSTAR: the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array, Madsen
X-ray spectral evolution of TeV HBLs with BeppoSAX, XMM-Newton and SWIFT , Massaro
MagEX: Magnetosheath Explorer in X-rays, Read
An XMM-Newton Survey for X-ray Emission from Galactic Planetary Nebulae, Ruiz
Image Deconvolution of XMM-Newton Data, Song
Comparison of relativistic iron line models I. Fitting XMM-Newton data, Svoboda
European Virtual Observatory Data Centre Alliance, Tedds
Invited Speakers
Monique Arnaud | CEA Saclay, France |
Marc Audard | ISDC/Geneva Observatory, Switzerland |
Niel Brandt | Penn State U., USA |
Andrea Comastri | INAF-OA Bologna, Italy |
Luigina Ferretti | INAF-IRA Bologna, Italy |
Martín Guerrero | IAA-CSIC Granada, Spain |
Frank Haberl | MPE Garching, Germany |
Jack Hughes | Rutgers, State U. New Jersey, USA |
Katsuji Koyama | U. Kyoto, Japan |
Yair Krongold | UNAM, Mexico |
Brian McNamara | U. Waterloo, Canada |
Mariano Méndez | U. Groningen, The Netherlands |
Giovanni Miniutti | Laboratoire APC Paris, France |
Yaël Nazé | U. Liege, Belgium |
Jan-Uwe Ness | Arizona State U., USA |
Delphine Porquet | Strasbourg Observatory, France |
Gerd Pühlhofer | ZAH-LSW Heidelberg, Germany |
Tim Roberts | Durham U., United Kingdom |
Norbert Schartel | XMM-Newton SOC, ESA |
Martin Turner | U. Leicester, United Kingdom |
Phil Uttley | U. Southampton, United Kingdom |
Scientific Organising Committee (SOC)
Xavier Barcons (Chair) | IFCA (CSIC-UC) Santander, Spain |
Norbert Schartel (co-Chair) | XMM-Newton SOC, ESA |
Steve Allen | Stanford U., USA |
Marc Audard | ISDC/Geneva Observatory, Switzerland |
Jean Ballet | CEA Saclay, France |
Thomas Boller | MPE Garching, Germany |
Niel Brandt | Penn State U., USA |
Massimo Cappi | IASF Bologna, Italy |
Diana Hannikainen | TKK/Metsähovi Radio Observatory, Finland |
Margarida Hernanz | ICE(CSIC) & IEEC, Barcelona, Spain |
Giorgio Matt | U. Roma Tre, Italy |
Mariano Mendez | U. Groningen, The Netherlands |
Kirpal Nandra | Imperial College London, United Kingdom |
Arvind Parmar | ESTEC, ESA |
Delphine Porquet | ULP Strasbourg, France |
Gregor Rauw | U. Liege, Belgium |
Tim Roberts | Durham U., United Kingdom |
Sabine Schindler | U. Innsbruck, Austria |
Axel Schwope | AI Potsdam, Germany |
Yoshihiro Ueda | U. Kyoto, Japan |
Jacco Vink | U. Utrecht, The Netherlands |
Local Organising Committee (LOC)
Matthias Ehle (Chair) |
Maria Diaz-Trigo (co-Chair) |
Bruno Altieri |
Michelle Arpizou |
Rod Bailey |
Carlos Gabriel |
Martín Guerrero (IAA-CSIC) |
Aitor Ibarra |
Nora Loiseau |
Josefa Masegosa (IAA-CSIC) |
Ramon Muñoz |
Eduardo Ojero |
Andy Pollock |
Maria Santos-Lleo |
Richard Saxton |
Photo Galleries
Photographs taken during the conference (several of them by courtesy of V. Burwitz) are available in a number of photo albums:
Forum | Alhambra | Group Pictures | |
Talks | Conference Dinner |
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