2014 The X-ray Universe - XMM-Newton
"The X-ray Universe 2014" Symposium
The X-ray Universe 2014
Dublin, Ireland, 16 - 19 June 2014
The following conference related information is available:
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Online Presentations
All contributions are listed with title and name of first author. All abstracts and electronic materials, if available, are also stored in the ADS. The electronic versions can be accessed in pdf format by clicking on the titles. Other formats, if provided by the authors, are accessible via links in brackets at the end of each line.
- Stars and Star-forming Regions, Solar System Studies
- Interacting Binary Systems, Galactic Black Holes, Micro-quasars
- Cataclysmic Variables and Novae
- Isolated Neutron Stars and Pulsars
- Planetary Nebulae, SN, SNR, PWN, Gamma-ray Bursts and Afterglows
- Galaxies, Galaxy Surveys, Population Studies, ISM and Diffuse Galactic Emission
- Active Galactic Nuclei
- Clusters of Galaxies
- Extragalactic Surveys and Population Studies, the CXB, WHIM and Cosmology
- Future of X-ray Astronomy
- Accretion Physics
- General Relativity: Compact Objects & Reverberation
- Extrasolar Planets and their Hosts
- Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect: Recent Results
- The Sky at High Energies
Stars and Star-forming Regions, Solar System Studies
Invited Talks
- X-ray emission of hot massive stars, Lidia Oskinova
- X-rays from low and intermediate mass stars, Jan Robrade
Contributed Talks
- XMM-Newton view of eight young open star clusters, Himali Bhatt (ppt)
- Accretion shocks in young stars: the role of local absorption on the X-ray emission, Rosaria Bonito
- Solar system X-rays: What we know and what we are looking for, Graziella Branduardi-Raymont
- Puzzling fluorescent emission from Orion, Stefan Czesla
- Hot-subdwarf stars: a new class of X-ray sources, Nicola La Palombara
- On the X-ray variability of HD 150136, Jean-Christophe Leyder
- The X-ray properties of lambda Cep, a true twin of zeta Pup?, Gregor Rauw
- Accretion impacts studied on the Sun, Fabio Reale
- X-ray studies of circumstellar material around classical T Tauri stars, Christian Schneider
- X-ray survey of the Chamaleon I star forming region, Juan Facundo Albacete-Colombo
- Ionization-Gasdynamics Modelling, and X-ray Spectral Calculations, of Wind-Bubbles around Massive Stars, Vikram Dwarkadas
- Magnetic coronae and circumstellar disks - new insights from the Coordinated Synoptic Investigation of NGC2264 (CSI-NGC2264), Ettore Flaccomio
- X-ray emission of the young stellar population of the Orion B molecular cloud, Miguel Angel Lopez-Garcia
- A study of HD 161103: new pieces to the puzzle of gamma Cassiopeiae-like stars, Evandro Martinez Ribeiro
- The X-ray bright massive stars in Cyg OB2, Yael Naze
- X-ray emission from magnetic massive stars, Yael Naze
- Modeling the non-thermal emission from bowshocks produced by runaway stars, Victor Pereira
- The frequency of stellar X-ray flares from a large-scale XMM-Newton sample, John Pye
- X-raying the winds of the evolved massive binary HDE228766, Gregor Rauw
- The X-ray emission of the massive stars population in Cyg OB2, Gregor Rauw
- The stellar population in the XMM-Newton slew survey, Beate Stelzer
- X-rays from Magnetically Confined Wind Shocks: Effect of Cooling-Regulated Shock Retreat, Asif ud-Doula
Interacting Binary Systems, Galactic Black Holes, Micro-quasars
Invited Talks
- Swings between accretion and rotation power in binary millisecond pulsars, Alessandro Papitto
- Models of X-ray emission from black-hole binaries, Andrzej Zdziarski
Contributed Talks
- Predicting Jets in Cygnus X-2, Monika Balucinska-Church
- Luminous Supersoft X-ray sources: RXJ0527, RXJ0513.9-6951, RXJ0537 and XMMUJ0520, Monmoyuri Baruah
- The tormented quiescence of the low mass X-ray binaries Cen X-4 and V404 Cyg, Federico Bernardini
- Low frequency QPOs and Variable Broad Iron line from LMC X-1, Gulab Dewangan
- Probing black hole disk atmospheres in X-rays and UV: XMM and HST-COS observations of 4U 1957+11, Victoria Grinberg
- Power Colours: Easy power spectral comparison, Lucy Heil
- X-ray binaries in the Local Universe, Tana Joseph
- The radio-quiet nature of Swift J1753-0127, Mari Kolehmainen
- X-ray diagnostics of chemical composition of the accretion disk and donor star in UCXBs II: XMM-Newton observations, Filippos Koliopanos
- Unsupervised spectral decomposition of X-ray spectra from galactic black hole X-ray binary GX 339-4, Karri Koljonen
- The Galactic bulge as seen by INTEGRAL: it never looks the same, Erik Kuulkers
- INTEGRAL view of LS I +61 303 in orbital/superorbital phase space, Jian Li
- The feedback of type-I bursts to the corona and the accretion process in X-ray binaries, Jian Li
- The OmegaWhite Survey for Ultracompact Binaries, Sally Macfarlane
- Timing variability of Vela X-1 during a bright flare, Antonio Martin-Carrillo (key)
- Optical observations of the transiently accreting radio pulsar binary PSR J1023+0038, Owen McConnell
- Quasi-Periodic Oscillations: Energy Dependent Time-lags, Ranjeev Misra
- Multi-scale virtual view on the precessing jet SS433, Remi Monceau-Baroux
- Spectroscopic evidences for a low-mass black hole in SWIFT J1753.5-0127, Vitaly Neustroev
- Revealing accretion onto black holes through X-ray reflection, Daniel Plant
- The 100-month Swift Catalogue of Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients, Patrizia Romano
- Millihertz to hectohertz variability in low mass X-ray binaries as seen by XMM-Newton, Holger Stiele
- Irradiated accretion discs in ultraluminous X-ray sources, Andrew Sutton
- Exploring the formation of binary systems of Ultraluminous X-ray Sources, Luca Zampieri
- A Unified Model of Low Mass X-ray Binaries, Monika Balucinska-Church
- Multi-component high-energy emission from gamma-ray binary LS 5039, Maria Chernyakova
- Modeling the heartbeat state in the microquasar IGR J17091-3624, Mikolaj Grzedzielski
- A Deep Census of Low-Luminosity X-ray Sources in Globular Cluster w Cen, Simon Henleywillis
- Accretion influences cooling of neutron star atmospheres during type-I X-ray bursts, Jari J.E. Kajava
- The multicolour optical monitoring of the High Mass X-ray Binary CI Cam/XTE J0421+560, Tatiana Konstsntinova
- Eighteen years of the life of the Be/X-ray binary XMMU J054134.7-682550, Raimundo Lopes de Oliveira
- Suzaku observations of ultraluminous X-ray sources in nearby galaxies, Wasutep Luangtip
- Gemini H-band spectroscopy of the Galactic microquasar GRS 1915+105, Owen McConnell
- Geometrical constraints on the origin of timing signals from black holes, Sara Elisa Motta
- 4U1700+24: a puzzling symbiotic, Achille Nucita
- Searching for Gamma-Ray Binaries using the Fermi Second Source Catalog, Liam O'Shaughnessy
- FABADA: Fitting Algorithm for Bayesian Analysis of DAta, Luis Carlos Pardo
- Probing the Geometry of the Comptonizing Coronae of Neutron Star LMXBs, Zhongli Zhang
- New Results on Time lags of quasi-periodic oscillations in the low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1636-53, Marcio de Avellar
Cataclysmic Variables and Novae
Invited Talks
- High-energy observations of novae, Julian Osborne
Contributed Talks
- Soft Fourier time lags observed in the dwarf nova SS Cyg, Ester Aranzana
- Dwarf Novae of the Catalina Real-time Transient Survey, Deanne Coppejans
- Novae as supersoft X-ray sources in the Andromeda galaxy, Martin Henze
- V2487 Oph 1998: a puzzling recurrent nova observed with XMM-Newton, Margarita Hernanz
- Classical and Recurrent Novae as Quintessential Panchromatic Transients, Koji Mukai
- Transient short-period oscillations in Super Soft Sources, Jan-Uwe Ness (odp)
- X-ray Grating Spectra of Classical and Recurrent Novae, Marina Orio
- The space density of magnetic and non-magnetic cataclysmic variables, and implications for CV evolution, Magaretha Pretorius
- The grating spectra of the SSS classical novae V5116 Sgr and V5115 Sgr, Gloria Sala
- Timing HU Aqr, Axel Schwope
- X-ray properties of hard X-ray Cataclysmic Variables, Domitilla de Martino
- Model atmospheres for Novae in the SSS phase, Daniel R. van Rossum
- Pre-outburst Chandra Observation of the Recurrent Nova T Pyxidis in Quiescence, Solen Balman
- On Different Absorption Components in the X-ray Spectra of the Intermediate Polar Systems, Solen Balman
- Constraints on QPOs in accreting magnetic white dwarfs from XMM observations and simulations, Jean-Marc Bonnet-Bidaud
- Early X-ray emission from novae: The case of the symbiotic recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi, Laura Delgado
- Suzaku observations of the peculiar cataclysmic variable FS Aurigae, Vitaly Neustroev
- Multi-Observation Identification for Studying the Evolution of Spin-up line, Ali Taani
- CV Science with Athena: A case study of AM Herculis, Iris Traulsen
- A Systematic X-ray Study of Dwarf Novae with Suzaku, Qazuya Wada
- X-ray observations of VY Scl-type nova-like binaries in the high and low state, Polina Zemko
Isolated Neutron Stars and Pulsars
Invited Talks
Contributed Talks
- Thermal properties of three Fermi pulsars, Andrey Danilenko
- Spectral analysis of the Double Pulsar PSR J0737-3039 with XMM-Newton, Elise Egron (key)
- The magnetic spectrum of X-ray pulsars, Carlo Ferrigno
- NuSTAR pulsar discoveries: SGR J1745-2900 near the Galactic Center and PSR J1640- 4631 associated with HESS J1640-465, Eric Gotthelf
- Constraining parameters of the neutron star in the supernova remnant HESS J1731-347, Dmitry Klochkov
- X-ray observations of radio-quiet black widow-type millisecond pulsars, Albert Kong
- The most magnificent of the seven? A candidate spin and spin down for RX J1605.3+3249, Adriana Mancini Pires
- The X-ray timing behaviour of gamma-ray pulsars, Martino Marelli
- X-ray tails powered by gamma-ray pulsars, David Salvetti
- X-ray observations of Fermi LAT gamma-ray pulsars and pulsar candidates, Pablo Saz Parkinson
- Measuring the strongest magnetic fields in the Universe, Andrea Tiengo
- XMM-Newton observations of SNR G350.0-2.0, Dima Zyuzin
Planetary Nebulae, SN, SNR, PWN, Gamma-ray Bursts and Afterglows
Invited Talks
- The X-ray afterglows of Gamma-Ray Bursts, Darach Watson (key)
Contributed Talks
- The X-ray Lightcurves of Young Supernovae, and Implications for the Supernova Progenitors, Vikram Dwarkadas
- Gamma Ray Bursts from Binary Black Holes, Agnieszka Janiuk (odp, ppt)
- XMM-Newton observations of 30 Dor C in the Large Magellanic Cloud, Patrick Kavanagh (key)
- Synchrotron X-ray radiation in highly turbulent fields, Dmitry Khangulyan
- Shock-cloud interaction in the southwestern limb of SN 1006, observations and models, Marco Miceli (pptx)
- Three-dimensional hydrodynamic modeling of SN 1987A from the supernova explosion till the Athena+ era, Salvatore Orlando
- Supernova remnant candidates in the ROSAT All-Sky Survey, Tobias Prinz (pptx)
- New findings on the X-ray emission from Wolf-Rayet nebulae, J.A. Toala
- A Deep Chandra Observation of SN 1006, Brian Williams (key)
- SN 1993J - The X-ray Story of a Supernova Slowly Transitioning to a Remnant, Vikram Dwarkadas
- Nucleosynthesis of elements in the outflows from gamma ray bursts, Agnieszka Janiuk
- Constraints on the rate of particle acceleration using late X-ray observations of GRB afterglows, Antonio Martin-Carrillo
- Filling the gap between supernova explosions and their remnants: the Cassiopeia A laboratory, Salvatore Orlando
- An Archival X-ray Study of the Large Magellanic Cloud Supernova Remnant N132D, Paul Plucinsky
- XMM-Newton observations of the newly confirmed X-ray supernova remnants 1RXS J053353.6-720404 and [HP99] 1139 in the Large Magellanic Cloud, E.T Whelan
Galaxies, Galaxy Surveys, Population Studies, ISM and Diffuse Galactic Emission
Invited Talks
Contributed Talks
- A Search for Periodicities from a ULX in the LINER Galaxy NGC 4736, Aysun Akyuz
- The second ROSAT All-Sky Survey source catalogue: the deepest X-ray All-Sky Survey before eROSITA, Thomas Boller
- The X-ray Evolution of Young Post-Merger Galaxies, Nicola Brassington (ppt)
- X-rays as a tool to reveal the interstellar dust chemistry, Elisa Costantini
- Abundance patterns in the Interstellar Medium of early-type galaxies observed with Suzaku, Saori Konami
- Discovering Rare AGN with Stripe 82X, Stephanie LaMassa
- Direct Constraints on the Evolution of LMXBs from Deep Chandra and HST Observations of Nearby Early-Type Galaxies, Bret Lehmer (key)
- A deficit of ultraluminous X-ray sources in luminous infrared galaxies, Wasutep Luangtip
- New X-ray lights on the supernova remnant population of the Large Magellanic Cloud, Pierre Maggi
- The Warm-hot Gaseous Halo of the Milky Way, Smita Mathur (ppt)
- A thin diffuse component of the Galactic Ridge X-ray emission contributed by the radiation of Galactic X-ray binaries, Margherita Molaro
- Superbubbles in the Large Magellanic Cloud, Manami Sasaki
- The diffuse X-ray emission of the Small Magellanic Cloud, Richard Sturm
- Low-luminosity X-ray sources and the Galactic ridge X-ray emission, Robert Warwick
- Hot gas and the magnetic arms of NGC 6946, Marek Wezgowiec
- Populations of accreting, nuclear-burning white dwarfs and the origin of type Ia supernovae, Tyrone E Woods
- The deep census of the X-ray source populations in the Small Magellanic Cloud, Andreas Zezas
- A search for hyperluminous X-ray sources in the XMM-Newton source catalog, Ivan Zolotukhin
- XMM-Newton study of the interacting galaxies NGC1512 and NGC1510, Lorenzo Ducci
- A new X-ray Absorption Model for the Interstellar Medium, Efrain Gatuzz
- A Hard X-ray View of Starburst Galaxies with NuSTAR, Bret Lehmer
- Dwarf spheroidal galaxies in X-rays, Luigi Manni
- The ARCHES project, Christian Motch
- Infrared identification of hard X-ray sources in the Galaxy, Ada Nebot
- Half-megasecond Chandra Spectral Imaging of the Hot Circumgalactic Nebula around Quasar Markarian 231, Stacy Teng
- XCHANGES: XMM-Newton data on CHANG-ES spiral galaxies, Marek Wezgowiec
- Investigating dense interstellar environments in the X-rays, Sascha Zeegers
- Constraining X-ray binary formation and evolution parameters, Andreas Zezas
Active Galactic Nuclei
Invited Talks
- An Overview of Some Recent Results in the Galactic Center, Frederick Baganoff (ppt)
- Tidal disruption events, Andrew Levan
- Recent results on the X-ray emission of radio-quiet AGN, Giorgio Matt
- Relativistic Astrophysics in Active Galactic Nuclei, Christopher Reynolds (pptx)
- Reflection from the Strong Gravity Regime in a Lensed Quasar at z=0.658, Mark Reynolds
- X-ray time lags and reverberation from accreting black holes, Phil Uttley (pptx)
Contributed Talks
- ESO 362-G18: black hole spin and the size of the X-ray emitting region, Beatriz Agis Gonzalez (key)
- Modeling Active Galactic Nuclei in Cosmological Simulations, Lisa Karin Bachmann
- A new cosmological distance measure using AGN X-ray variability, Stefano Bianchi (pptx)
- Origin of the high energy emission from the Galactic Center, Maria Chernyakova
- Absorption at the Dust Sublimation Radius and the Dichotomy Between X-ray and Optical Classification in the Seyfert Galaxy H0557-385, Damien Coffey
- The X-ray view of the gamma-ray emitting narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies, Filippo D'Ammando
- Simultaneous UV/X-ray observation of the Seyfert 1 galaxy 1H 0419-577, Laura Di Gesu
- Relativistic reflection from accretion disc ionised due to illumination from on-axis compact corona, Michal Dovciak
- Origin of the Seemingly Broad Iron-Line Spectral Feature in Seyfert Galaxies, Ken Ebisawa (pptx)
- Anatomy of the AGN in NGC 5548: long-term variability of the warm absorber, Jacobo Ebrero
- Distant and disk reflection in the average X-ray spectrum of AGN in the Véron-Cetty-Véron catalogue, Serena Falocco
- Active galactic nuclei synapses: X-ray versus optical classifications using artificial neural networks, Omaira Gonzalez-Martin
- Discovery of Relativistic Outflows in the Seyfert Galaxies Ark 564 and Mrk 590, Anjali Gupta (pptx)
- Anatomy of the AGN in NGC 5548: Discovery of a fast and massive outflow, Jelle Kaastra (pptx)
- Tidal Disruption Events (TDEs) as Probes of Single and Binary SMBHs, S. Komossa
- Ernie and Bert in the Radio: The TANAMI view of the IceCube PeV Neutrino events, Felicia Krauss
- More massive SMBHs reside in more massive dark matter halos, Mirko Krumpe
- Warm Absorbers in X-rays (WAX), a comprehensive high resolution grating spectral study of a sample of Seyfert galaxies, Sibasish Laha
- Hard X-ray Properties of Water Maser Galaxies, Eugenia Litzinger
- Hard X-Ray Time Lags from a Seyfert 2, Andrew Lobban
- The Extreme X-ray/UV Flux Dips in Fairall 9, Anne Lohfink
- Relativistic iron K alpha line detection in the Suzaku spectra of IC4329a, Giulia Mantovani (key)
- Revealing the coronal properties of Seyfert galaxies with NuSTAR, Andrea Marinucci
- First Statistical Tests for Clumpy Tori Models: Constraints from RXTE monitoring of Seyfert AGN, Alex Markowitz
- Anatomy of the AGN in NGC 5548: tracking long-term evolution of a new massive outflow with Swift, Missagh Mehdipour
- Using Doppler Tomography to constrain the spin of a low mass AGN, Matthew Middleton
- Radio-loud AGN through the eyes of 3XMM, WISE and FIRST/NVSS, Beatriz Mingo
- The X-ray continuum and soft excess emitting region sizes from occultation events, Giovanni Miniutti
- The New Spectral Picture of Seyfert 1 AGNs, Katsuma Miyake
- The Compact Symmetric Radio Structure of the Peculiar Gamma-Ray Source PMN J1603-4904, Cornelia Mueller
- Understanding X-ray Spectral and Timing Characteristics of Active Galactic Nuclei by a Novel Picture with Multiple Primary Emission, Hirofumi Noda
- The energy dependence of the AGN X-ray power spectra, Iossif Papadakis
- Principal Component Analysis: Revealing AGN spectral variability, Michael Parker
- New insights into optically elusive AGN, Estelle Pons (pptx)
- The XMM-Newton view of the Central degree of the Galaxy, Gabriele Ponti
- Revealing Massive Black Holes in Dwarf Galaxies with X-rays, Amy Reines
- Probing the unification of AGN using the narrow Fe Kalpha line, Claudio Ricci
- A wide search for obscured Active Galactic Nuclei using XMM-Newton and WISE, Emmanouil Rovilos
- X-ray wind variability in ESO 323-G077, Mario Sanfrutos
- Investigating an extreme transient AGN from the XMM-Newton slew survey, Richard Saxton
- AGNs in Dwarf Galaxies? Evidence from WISE and XMM-Newton, Nathan Secrest (pptx)
- On the origin of X-ray spectra in luminous blazars, Marek Sikora
- Anatomy of the AGN in NGC 5548: A twin of NGC 4151?, Katrien C. Steenbrugge
- XMM-Newton and AKARI Selection of Obscured AGNs, Yuichi Terashima
- The importance of nuclear winds in shaping the X-ray properties of AGN, Tracey Jane Turner
- Anatomy of the AGN in NGC 5548: the XMM/NuSTAR/INTEGRAL view, Francesco Ursini
- The 58-month BAT AGN catalogue: results from the Northern Galactic Cap, Ranjan Vasudevan
- NuSTAR and XMM-Newton Observations of NGC 1365: Extreme Absorption Variability and a Constant Inner Disc, Dominic Walton (pptx)
- Clustering of moderate luminosity X-ray selected Type 1 and Type 2 AGNs in COSMOS, Viola Allevato
- Towards A Complete Census of Compton-thick AGN and N_H Distribution in the Local Universe, Adlyka Annuar
- On the cosmological bias of the excess variance as a variability estimator, Marco Antonucci
- Probing the X-ray absorber structure in the AGN population through fast spectral variability, Lucia Ballo
- A Variable-Density Absorption Event in NGC 3227 mapped with Suzaku and Swift, Tobias Beuchert
- A hard X-ray view of the soft-excess in AGN, Rozenn Boissay
- Evolution and Geometry of obscured AGN: Bayesian model selection for X-ray spectra, Johannes Buchner
- Long Term X-ray Spectral Variability of PDS 456 with Suzaku, XMM-Newton and NuSTAR, Michele Costa
- Anatomy of the AGN in NGC 5548: the short-term variability, Laura Di Gesu
- X-ray polarization in the lamp-post model of non-smooth black-hole accretion discs, Michal Dovciak
- Constraining physical parameters of ultra-fast outflows in PDS 456 with Monte Carlo simulations, Kouichi Hagino
- X-ray spectral variability of LINERs selected from the Palomar sample, Lorena Hernandez-Garcia
- CANDELS/GOODS-S, CDFS, ECDFS: Photometric Redshifts For X-Ray Detected AGNs, Li-Ting Hsu
- VERITAS observations and spectral energy distribution of H~1426+428 BL Lac, Yerbol Khassen
- The X-ray view of the gamma-NLS1 galaxy PKS 2004-447, Annika Kreikenbohm
- A Hard X-Ray Survey of Radio-Selected Blazars, Marcus Langejahn
- Heavily Obscured AGN in the XMM-COSMOS survey, Giorgio Lanzuisi
- The X-Ray Emission of Water Maser and Non-Maser Galaxies, Katharina Leiter
- X-ray spectroscopic study of the largest X-ray selected spectroscopic AGN sample in the XMM-XXL north, Zhu Liu
- The story of Seyfert galaxy RE J2248-511: from intriguingly ultrasoft to unremarkably average, Andrew Lobban
- Broad Line Radio Galaxies with NuSTAR, Anne Lohfink
- Short term X-ray spectral variability of the strong iron-k absorption feature in PDS 456, Gabriele Matzeu
- Relativistic model of disk-jet variability, Prashanth Mohan
- High-Resolution Observations of Centaurus A, Cornelia Mueller
- IRAS 00521-7054, a peculiar type-II AGN with a very broad feature at 6 keV, Claudio Ricci
- Absorption Variability in NGC 1365 seen with XMM-Newton and NuSTAR, Elizabeth Rivers
- A Catalogue of XMM-Newton BL Lacs, Alicia Rouco
- Red Quasars in the 2XMMi/SDSS Cross-Correlation, Angel Ruiz
- Exploratory X-ray Monitoring of Luminous Radio-Quiet Quasars at High Redshift, Ohad Shemmer
- Timing warm absorbers in AGN, Catia Silva
- The Global Implications of the Hard X-Ray Excess in Type 1 Active Galactic Nuclei, Malachi Tatum
- An X-ray outflow in a luminous obscured quasar at z=1.6 in the Chandra Deep Field-South, Cristian Vignali
- Variability of Sgr A*, Monte Carlo code for X-Ray Emission, Michael Walls
- Anatomy of the AGN in NGC 5548: the X-ray narrow emission lines, Megan Whewell
- A multi-wavelength study of the radio-loud Narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy RXJ23149+2, Dawei Xu
Clusters of Galaxies
Invited Talks
- New Constraints on Galaxy Cluster Evolution from Chandra Observations of SPT-Selected Clusters, Michael McDonald
- Galaxy Clusters: Trouble in the Periphery, Georgiana Ogrean
- A Comparison of Weak-lensing and X-ray masses of Galaxy Clusters, Nobuhiro Okabe
Contributed Talks
- Characterising our Universe with the REFLEX II cluster survey, Gayoung Chon
- A Wild Ride for Abell 2443: A High Impact Velocity Merger with a Shock, Cold Front, and Relic, Tracy Clarke (pptx)
- The 100 XXL brightest clusters: morphological study, Jessica Democles
- Hot gas accretion in cluster outskirts, Dominique Eckert
- The ICM power spectrum: probing the gas physics of galaxy clusters, Massimo Gaspari
- The Bullet Group, Fabio Gastaldello (ppt)
- Metal distribution in sloshing galaxy clusters, Simona Ghizzardi (pptx)
- The Luminosity-Temperature Relation of Clusters Detected in the XXL Survey, Paul Giles
- Probing of Interactions between the Hot Plasmas and Galaxies in Clusters over a Cosmological Timescale, Li Yi Gu
- Weak lensing calibrated scaling relations for galaxy groups and clusters in the COSMOS and CFHTLS fields, Kimmo Kettula
- An XMM-Newton view of Abell 4059, Francois Mernier
- Exploring the Outskirts of Galaxy Clusters, Eric Miller
- The ARCHES Integrated Cluster Finder, Alexey Mints
- Exploring Hot Gas at Junctions of Galaxy Filaments with Suzaku, Ikuyuki Mitsuishi
- Turbulence measurements in clusters of galaxies with XMM-Newton, Ciro Pinto
- eROSITA Cluster Cosmology - Statistics and Challenging Systematics, Thomas Reiprich
- Fluid flow experiments in galaxy clusters: Using cluster galaxies and minor mergers as probes for transport coefficients of the intracluster medium, Elke Roediger
- XMM-Newton and Chandra Observations of the Remarkable Dynamics of the Intracluster Medium and Radio Sources in the Clusters Abell 2061 and 3667, Craig Sarazin
- Mapping fossil and non-fossil systems out to their virial radii, Yuanyuan Su
- Extending the bolometric L-T relation from galaxy clusters to groups: Impact of ICM cooling, AGN feedback and selection effects, Bharadwaj Vijaysarathy
- Plasma physics in the outskirts of the nearest, X-ray brightest galaxy clusters, Norbert Werner
- Discovery of a Nearby, Massive Galaxy Cluster Behind the Galactic Bulge with the XMM-Newton Observatory, Daniel Wik
- Multi-wavelength mass calibration of galaxy clusters for cosmology, Yu-Ying Zhang
- Chemical evolution and cluster physics with the CHEERS sample, Jelle de Plaa
- The X-ray view of high-redshift clusters: ICM and AGN contribution, Veronica Biffi
- Cosmological implications from the eROSITA all-sky survey, Katharina Borm
- X-ray morphology and cool core state in galaxy clusters, Paolo Cazzoletti
- Substructures in DAFT/FADA survey clusters based on XMM and optical data, Florence Durret
- Galaxy Cluster Substructure Study, Florian Hofmann
- Dynamical History of the A1589 Cluster of Galaxies, Murat Hudaverdi
- Taking a census of the Oxygen abundance and distribution in galaxy groups and clusters, Lorenzo Lovisari
- LBT/MODS spectra of distant X-ray selected galaxy clusters, Andreas Rabitz
- Optical and near-infrared follow-up of the XMM Cluster Archive Super Survey (X-CLASS): Preparing for eRosita, Jethro Ridl
- Beyond the (cool) cores: large scale sloshing in the ICM, Mariachiara Rossetti
- MBPROJ: MultiBand X-ray Surface Brightness PROJector applied to the PKS 0745-191 galaxy cluster, Jeremy Sanders
- The Effect of Viscosity on Sloshing Cold Fronts in Galaxy Clusters, John ZuHone
Extragalactic Surveys and Population Studies, the CXB, WHIM and Cosmology
Invited Talks
- Missing Baryons and the WHIM: Current Evidence and Future Prospects, Fabrizio Nicastro
- XXL: The ultimate XMM extragalactic survey, Marguerite Pierre
Contributed Talks
- New constraints on the evolution of the X-ray luminosity function of AGN out to z~5, James Aird
- Completing the census of heavily obscured AGN with Athena, Francisco Carrera
- Deep X-ray spectroscopy of obscured AGN in the XMM-CDFS, Andrea Comastri
- The NuSTAR hard X-ray view on quasars, Agnese Del Moro
- Galaxy groups in deepest XMM fields, Alexis Finoguenov (pptx)
- The X-ray signature of the solar axion flux observed by XMM Newton?, George Fraser, presented by Andy Read
- Investigating different AGN fuelling modes since z=1, Antonis Georgakakis
- Compton-thick AGN in the 3XMM spectral survey, Ioannis Georgantopoulos
- Testing the unified model of Active Galactic Nuclei in X-ray selected type 1 and type 2 quasars, Silvia Mateos
- The host galaxies of X-ray selected AGN: feeding and feedback, Andrea Merloni
- The 2-10 keV luminosity function of AGN in the XMM-LSS and XMM-CDFS surveys, Piero Ranalli
- Reflection in obscured Seyfert galaxies and the CXB, Roland Walter
- Signature of Early Black holes in Cosmic Backgrounds, Nico Cappelluti
- The cosmological analysis of large X-ray galaxy cluster surveys, Nicolas Clerc
- Obscured accretion history from the spectrum of the unresolved Cosmic X-ray background, Alberto Moretti
Future of X-ray Astronomy
Invited Talks
- The X-ray Integral Field Unit of the Athena X-ray Observatory, Didier Barret
- Astro-H: science goals, development status, and European contribution, Matteo Guainazzi
- XMM-Newton: Longevity through continued modification, Fred Jansen
- The Athena mission, Paul Nandra
- Spectrum Roentgen Gamma, Peter Predehl (pptx)
Contributed Talks
- Atlas of High Resolution X-ray spectra: a Diagnostic Tool of the Hot Universe, Katarzyna Bensch (odp)
- The XMM-Newton spectral-fit database, Amalia Corral
- The EXTraS project: Exploring the X-ray Transient and variable Sky, Andrea De Luca
- Status of ESA developments for the L2 X-Ray Observatory Mission, David Lumb
- On the importance of polarimetry for the future of X-ray astronomy, Frederic Marin
- The Wide Field Imager for the Athena X-ray Observatory, Arne Rau
- European user support activities for ASTRO-H, Marc Audard
- XMM Future Operational Ground Segment, Timothy Finn
- The eROSITA/SRG All-Sky Survey: A new era of large-scale structure studies with AGN, Alexander Kolodzig
- The new SCOS-based EGSE of the EPIC flight-spare on-ground cameras, Nicola La Palombara
- Constraining the layout of circumnuclear clouds with respect to the supermassive black hole in the Galactic center: outlook of X-ray polarimetry, Frederic Marin
- Stability of the XMM-Newton EPIC-pn and Variability of X-ray Sources, Andrew M.T. Pollock
- cdfs-sim, cdfs-extract, LFtools: new software tools for XMM-Newton and other missions, Piero Ranalli
- Towards Practical Deep-Space Navigation using X-ray Pulsar Timing, Setnam Shemar
- Toward solving the mystery of the AGN soft X-ray excess with hard X-ray observatories, Ranjan Vasudevan
- The 3XMM catalogue, Natalie Webb
- Detecting Tidal Disruption Events (TDEs) with the Einstein Probe, Weimin Yuan
Accretion Physics
Invited Talks
- The geometric origin of low frequency quasi-periodic oscillations in black hole binaries, Adam Ingram (pptx)
Contributed Talks
- Ultraluminous X-ray Sources with NuSTAR and Friends, Matteo Bachetti
- Anatomy of the AGN in NGC 5548: Evidence for an unexpected, new, heavy, variable and complex absorber, Massimo Cappi
- A Hard X-ray Power-Law Cutoff in Cen X-4, Deepto Chakrabarty
- Studying the inner accretion disk of GX 339-4 with NuSTAR and Swift, Felix Fuerst
- MINBAR: A comprehensive study of 6000+ thermonuclear shell flashes from neutron stars, Duncan Galloway
- The impact of an X-ray superburst from the neutron star in 4U 1636-536 on the accretion disk, Laurens Keek
- X-ray emission from hot accretion flows, Andrzej Niedzwiecki
- The Quiescent Neutron Star and Hierarchical Triple, 4U2129+47, Michael Nowak (key)
- Relativistic jets without large-scale magnetic fields, Kyle Parfrey
- X-ray observations of supersoft binaries: Status and perspectives, Klaus Reinsch
- The ultraluminous state refined: spectral and temporal characteristics of super-Eddington accretion, Timothy Roberts (pptx)
- The potential of X-ray polarimetry, Francesco Tamborra
- The accreting intermediate mass black hole candidate ESO 243-49 HLX-1, Natalie Webb
- Unveiling recurrent jets of the ULX Holmberg II X-1: evidence for a massive stellar-mass black hole?, David Cseh
- Swift/X-ray telescope monitoring of the supergiant fast X-ray transient IGR J17354-3255, Lorenzo Ducci
- A close re-examination of the XMM-Newton observations of GX 339-4, Charles Field
- A Unified View of the Spectral States of ULXs Using the Te/Tin Ratio, Shogo Kobayashi
- Monte Carlo modelling of Comptonised X-ray radiation from accretion flows onto neutron stars and black holes, Hirokazu Odaka
- An optical version of the Fundamental Plane of Black Hole activity, Payaswini Saikia
- Type I bursts and irradiated discs, Hauke Worpel
- Sub-Eddington Model Atmospheres, specta, and color corrections for X-ray Bursting Neutron Stars, Marina von Steinkirch
General Relativity: Compact Objects & Reverberation
Contributed Talks
- Timing properties and X-ray lags of an ultraluminous X-ray source, Barbara De Marco
- The disc-jet-spin connection: 3C273, Chris Done (pptx)
- Time Lags Reveal the Soft X-ray Excess is not from Reflection in the NLS1 PG1244+026, Emma Gardner
- Iron K reverberation in Active Galactic Nuclei, Erin Kara
- Accretion tomography with X-ray reverberation: Localizing the X-ray emission in AGN, Abderahmen Zoghbi
- Reverberation mapping in the lamp-post geometry of the compact corona illuminating a black-hole accretion disc in AGN, Michal Dovciak
- A New Route to Phase-Resolved Spectroscopy of Pulsations and QPOs in X-ray Binaries, Abigail L. Stevens
Extrasolar Planets and their Hosts
Invited Talks
- Extrasolar Planets and their Hosts: why exoplanet science needs X-ray observations, Katja Poppenhaeger
- X-ray irradiation of hot Jupiters with atmospheres amenable to comprehensive follow-up, Michael Salz
Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect: Recent Results
Invited Talks
- Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect: Recent results, Etienne Pointecouteau
The Sky at High Energies
- Very-High-Energy Gamma-Ray Observations of M 31 with VERITAS, Ralph Bird
- Unveiling long-term variability in XMM-Newton surveys: the EXTraS project, Simon Rosen
Invited Speakers
Invited and Solicited Speakers
F. Baganoff | Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA |
D. Barret | IRAP Université de Toulouse, France |
A. Beloborodov | Columbia University, New York, USA |
M. Guainazzi | Astro-H & XMM-Newton SOC, Villanueva de la Cañada, Spain |
F. Haberl | Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Garching, Germany |
A. Ingram | University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
F. Jansen | European Space Agency, Noordwijk, The Netherlands |
A. J. Levan | University of Warwick, United Kingdom |
G. Matt | Universita degli Studi Roma Tre, Italy |
M. McDonald | Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA |
K. Nandra | Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Garching, Germany |
F. Nicastro | INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, Monte Porzio Catone, Italy |
G. A. Ogrean | Universität Hamburg, Germany |
N. Okabe | Kavli IPMU, The University of Tokyo, Japan |
J. P. Osborne | University of Leicester, United Kingdom |
L. Oskinova | University of Potsdam, Germany |
A. Papitto | Institute of Space Sciences (CSIC-IEEC), Barcelona, Spain |
M. Pierre | CEA Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France |
E. Pointecouteau | Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie, Toulouse, France |
K. Poppenhäger | Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, USA |
P. Predehl | Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Garching, Germany |
N. Rea | CSIC-IEEC/University of Amsterdam, Spain/The Netherlands |
C. Reynolds | University of Maryland, College Park, USA |
M. Reynolds | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA |
J. Robrade | Hamburger Sternwarte, Germany |
P. Uttley | University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
D. Watson | University of Copenhagen, Denmark |
A. A. Zdziarski | N. Copernicus Astronomical Center, Warsaw, Poland |
Scientific Organising Committee (SOC)
Jürgen Schmitt (chair) | Hamburger Sternwarte, Germany |
Monique Arnaud | CEA Saclay, Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France |
Xavier Barcons | Instituto de FÃsica de Cantabria (CSIC-UC), Santander, Spain |
Martin Barstow | University of Leicester, United Kingdom |
Laura Brenneman | Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, USA |
Eugene Churazov | Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik, Garching, Germany |
Anne Decourchelle | CEA Saclay, Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France |
Domitilla de Martino | INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte Napoli, Italy |
Chris Done | University of Durham, United Kingdom |
Gordon Garmire | Huntingdon Institute for X-ray Astronomy, USA |
Sergei Grebenev | Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia |
Manuel Güdel | University of Vienna, Austria |
Louise Harra | UCL-Mullard Space Science Laboratory, Dorking, United Kingdom |
Jelle Kaastra | SRON, Utrecht, The Netherlands |
Stefanie Komossa | Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, Bonn, Germany |
Kyoko Matsushita | Tokyo University of Science, Japan |
Brian McBreen | University College Dublin, Ireland |
Thierry Montmerle | Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, France |
Robert Petre | Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, USA |
Peter Predehl | Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Garching, Germany |
Gregor Rauw | Université de Liège, Belgium |
Nanda Rea | CSIC-IEEC/University of Amsterdam, Spain/The Netherlands |
Pedro Rodriguez | XMM-Newton SOC, Villanueva de la Cañada, Spain |
Norbert Schartel (co-chair) | XMM-Newton SOC, Villanueva de la Cañada, Spain |
Salvatore Sciortino | INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo, Italy |
Ginevra Trinchieri | INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Milano, Italy |
Michiel van der Klis | University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
Alexey Vikhlinin | Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, USA |
Robert Warwick | University of Leicester, United Kingdom |
Jörn Wilms | Karl Remeis-Observatory & ECAP, Bamberg, Germany |
Andrzej A. Zdziarski | N. Copernicus Astronomical Center, Warsaw, Poland |
Local Organising Committee (LOC)
Jan-Uwe Ness (chair) |
Matthias Ehle |
Carlos Gabriel |
Peter Gallagher (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland) |
Aitor Ibarra |
Nora Loiseau |
Antonio Martin-Carrillo (University College Dublin, Ireland) |
Brian McBreen (University College Dublin, Ireland) |
Eduardo Ojero |
Richard Saxton |
Norbert Schartel |
Photo Gallery
More photographs taken during the conference are available in a photo album:
Conference photo album
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