2018 Workshop - XMM-Newton
XMM-Newton 2018 Science Workshop
Time-Domain Astronomy: a High Energy View
ESAC, Madrid, Spain, 13 - 15 June 2018
The following conference related information is available:
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Printed Proceedings
The refereed proceedings articles have been published in Volume 340, Issue 4 (May 2019) of the Astronomische Nachrichten / Astronomical Notes (AN)
Online Presentations
All contributions are listed with title and name of first author. All abstracts and electronic materials, if available, are also stored in the ADS. The electronic versions can be accessed in pdf format by clicking on the titles. Other formats, if provided by the authors, are accessible via links in brackets at the end of each line.
- Statistics, Methodology, and Tools
- Variable Multi Wavelength Emitters and Multiwavelength Facilities
- Timing from Accretion and Ejection Phenomena
- Triggers of Variability: Magnetism, Shocks, Companions
- Explosive Astrophysics/Fast Astrophysics
Invited Talks
Machine Learning and Data Science in the Era of Survey Astronomy, Daniela Huppenkothen
Contributed Talks
Hunting for Binaries in the Fermi FL8Y List: Timing and Multiwavelength Analyses, Robin Corbet
EXTraS: Exploring the X-ray Transient and variable Sky, Andrea De Luca
Automatic detection of tidal disruption events and other long duration transients in XMM-Newton data, Natalie Webb
Global Fit Time Resolved Spectroscopy: Getting the Most from Low Count Rate Data, Anton Chernenko
An X-ray source population study in NGC 7331, Ruolan Jin
Automated detection and analysis of Be X-ray binary outbursts, Matthias Kühnel
Tools for Period Searching in AGN in the Era of “Big Data”, Saikruba Krishnan
HILIGT - an upper limit and flux server for photon-counting instruments, Richard Saxton
Invited Talks
Discovery and Opportunity in the X-ray Time Domain, Daryl Haggard
Mapping the Transient Sky with Gaia, Simon Hodgkin
Multiwavelength variability in AGN surveys: implications for accretion, Elisabeta Lusso
Astronomy through the kaleidoscope, Matthew Middleton
Variable cosmic-ray acceleration in eta Carinae, Roland Walter
Contributed Talks
The Kepler/K2 Supernova Experiment, Geert Barentsen
Time Domain X-Ray Astrophysics: ISS/TAO, Ehud Behar
Coordinated Multi-wavelength Observations of Transitional Millisecond Pulsars, Slavko Bogdanov
The evolving jet spectrum of the neutron star X-ray binary Aql~X-1 in transitional states during its 2016 outburst, Maria Diaz Trigo
The nature of the soft X-ray excess in AGN, Chris Done
Studying optical and very-high-energy gamma-ray variability with Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes, Tarek Hassan
Compact binary millisecond pulsars: new views from X-ray and optical variability, Manuel Linares
Challenges of coordination and possible solutions, Jan-Uwe Ness
Hardness Ratio cycles in AGN –- classifying different states, and the possible XRB connection, Uria Peretz
Optical precursors to X-ray binary outbursts, David Russell
XMM-Newton study of the symbiotic binary systems in the Draco dwarf spheroidal galaxy, Sara Saeedi
Biases in Gamma-ray and MWL timing studies of AGN, Stefan Wagner
The e-ASTROGAM space mission for MeV-GeV gamma-ray astrophysics, Stefano Ciprini
Magnetar-like Activity and Radio Variability from High Magnetic Field Pulsar J1119- 6127, Walid Majid
Towards the SuperWASP - XMM stellar rotation-activity relation, Heidi Thiemann
Invited Talks
High Energy Emission and Its Variability in Young Stellar Objects, Costanza Argiroffi
Understanding accretion in supermassive black hole binaries, Tamara Bogdanovic
An X-ray spectral-timing (re)view of the inner flow around accreting black holes, Barbara De Marco
Can X-ray dust-scattering affect the GRB afterglows?, Fabio Pintore
Accretion, ejection and variability in CVs and novae, Gloria Sala
Contributed Talks
The flickering jet of MAXI J1535-571, Maria Cristina Baglio
Disk Structure of Cataclysmic Variables and Broadband Noise Characteristics in comparison with XRBs, Solen Balman
X-Ray and mm-Wave Monitoring of Radio Quiet AGNs, Ehud Behar
IGR J17329-2731: the birth of a symbiotic X-ray binary, Enrico Bozzo
Using multiwavelength spectral variability to uncover the accretion structure in AGN, Douglas Buisson
Discovery of a new ULX pulsar in NGC 300, Stefania Carpano
First evidence of an X-Ray activity cycle on the young solar-analog Epsilon Eridanae, Martina Coffaro
Variability from weakly magnitized neutron stars in low-mass X-ray binaries to highly magnitized neutron stars in ultra-luminous X-ray sources, Mehmet Hakan Erkut
Simultaneous Kepler and XMM observations of bright flares in the Pleiades, Mario Giuseppe Guarcello
Global radio versus bolometric X-ray flux correlation in the black hole X-ray binary GX 339--4, Nazma Islam
Spectral-Timing Models: The Key to XRB Accretion, Ra'ad Mahmoud
High-density relativistic reflection as the origin of soft and hard X-ray excess in highly-accreting AGN, Labani Mallick
Rapid X-ray spectral variability observed in the star forming galaxy MCG--3--58--007, Gabriele Matzeu
The X-ray continuum time-lags and intrinsic coherence in AGN, Iossif Papadakis
Rapid variability of ultra-fast outflows and timing prospects, Michael Parker
The Vast Potential of Exoplanet Hunting Satellites for High Energy Time Domain Astrophysics, Krista Lynne Smith
Energy dependent timing studies of the low-hard state of black hole X-ray binaries with XMM-Newton, Holger Stiele
Super-Eddington X-ray pulsars in the Magellanic Clouds, Lee Townsend
Multiwavelength variability of GX 339-4 during its 2015 outburst decay, Federico Vincentelli
X-Ray Spectrum of RBS 315: Absorption or Intrinsic Curvature, Sivan Ben Haim
23.8 h QPO in the Swift light curve of XMMU J134736.6+173404, Stefania Carpano
Morfology of the fast variability in selected AGNs observed by XMM-Newton, Andrej Dobrotka
Phase resolved spectrum analysis of mHz QPOs in 4U 1636-53 using Hilbert-Huang Transform, Hung-En Hsieh
Complex Circumnuclear Structures in the Radio-Loud AGN Mkn 6 from X-ray Absorption Variability, Alex Markowitz
Mildly obscured AGN and the CXB: From averaged properties to individual sources, Christos Panagiotou
The rapid growth of black holes in the early Universe, Edwige Pezzulli
Long-term variability of high-mass X-ray binaries with MAXI, José Joaquín Rodes
Radiative transfer in the neutron star atmosphere: reflection model, Ekaterina Sokolova-Lapa
Fast quasi-periodic oscillations in magnetic cataclysmic variables, Lucile Van Box Som
Living on the edge: the RWI in accretion disk around Kerr Black hole, Peggy Varniere
NOVAs: a Numerical Observatory of Violent Accreting systems, Peggy Varniere
Invited Talks
Variability of strongly magnetized neutron stars and how this helps us to understand these systems better, Felix Fuerst
How stars and planets interact: a look through the high-energy window, Katja Poppenhaeger
The complex phenomena of YSOs revealed by their X-ray variability, Salvatore Sciortino
Contributed Talks
Is there any Correlation between Radiative Outbursts and Timing Irregularities in Magnetars?, Chin-Ping Hu
General Relativity through OJ 287 light curve timing, Stefano Ciprini
Fast X-ray flares and quiescent emission from the quadruple system GT Muscae, Lorenzo Ducci
Seven years in the cyclic coronal life of iota Hor, Jorge Sanz-Forcada
Calibrating the time-evolution of the X-ray emission of M dwarfs, Beate Stelzer
Invited Talks
Fast Radio Bursts, Emily Petroff
Multiwavelength studies of gravitational wave sources: physics and phenomenology, Nial Tanvir
Contributed Talks
The Transient High Energy Sky and Early Universe Surveyor (THESEUS), Lorenzo Amati
Coordinated X-ray and Radio Observations of the Repeating Fast Radio Burst FRB 121102, Slavko Bogdanov
Disk-jet alignment in Tidal Disruption Events: hints from Swift J1644+57, Sudip Chakraborty
X-ray observations of Tidal Disruption Events in the era of Time Domain Astronomy, Erin Kara
Identifying the XMM-Newton slew variable source population and the implication for Einstein Probe, Dongyue Li
Observations of tidal disruption events: past, present and future, Richard Saxton
Fast extragalactic transients in the XMM-Newton archive, Andrea Tiengo
A network of optical telescopes dedicated to the early follow-up of multimessenger triggers, Damien Turpin on behalf of the GWAC team
Multiple X-ray bursts and the model of a spreading layer of accreting matter over the neutron star surface, Sergei Grebenev
Two Distinct-Absorption X-Ray Components from Type IIn Supernovae: Evidence for Asphericity in the Circumstellar Medium, Satoru Katsuda
Searching for fast transients in XMM-Newton data, Inés Pastor Marazuela
Invited Speakers
C. Argiroffi | Università di Palermo, Italy |
T. Bogdanovic | Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA |
B. De Marco | Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Warsaw, Poland |
F. Fürst | European Space Astronomy Centre, Madrid, Spain |
D. Haggard | McGill University, Montreal, Canada |
S. Hodgkin | University of Cambridge, United Kingdom |
D. Huppenkothen | University of Washington Seattle, USA |
E. Lusso | University of Durham, United Kingdom |
M.J. Middleton | University of Southampton, United Kingdom |
E. Petroff | Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy, Dwingeloo, the Netherlands |
F. Pintore | Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica Milano, Italy |
K. Poppenhaeger | Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom |
G. Sala | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain |
S. Sciortino | Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo, Italy |
N. Tanvir | University of Leicester, United Kingdom |
R. Walter | University of Geneva, Switzerland |
Scientific Organising Committee (SOC)
Matteo Bachetti | Osservatorio Astronomico di Cagliari, Selargius, Italy |
Enrico Bozzo | University of Geneva, Versoix, Switzerland |
Guillaume Dubus | University Grenoble Alpes, France |
Phil Evans | University Leicester, United Kingdom |
Poshak Gandhi | University of Southampton, United Kingdom |
Margarita Hernanz | Institute of Space Sciences, Barcelona, Spain |
Sera Markoff | University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
Alex Markowitz | Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Poland |
Yaël Nazé | Université de Liège, Belgium |
Francesca Panessa | Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali di Roma, Italy |
Richard Saxton | XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre, Madrid, Spain |
Norbert Schartel (co-chair) | XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre, Madrid, Spain |
Lara Sidoli | Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica, Milano, Italy |
Beate Stelzer | University of Tübingen, Germany & Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo, Italy |
John Tomsick | University of California, Berkeley, USA |
Peggy Varniere | University Paris Diderot, France |
Joern Wilms (chair) | University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany |
Andreas Zezas | University of Crete, Greece |
Local Organising Committee (LOC)
Simone Migliari (Chair), Lucia Ballo, Ignacio de la Calle, Jacobo Ebrero, Felix Fürst, Cristina Hernández, Aitor Ibarra, Eleni Kalfountzou, Jan-Uwe Ness, Richard Saxton, Norbert Schartel, Michael Smith, Ana Willis.
Group Photo
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