The European Photon Imaging Camera (EPIC) - XMM-Newton
The European Photon Imaging Camera (EPIC)
EPIC Institutes' Responsibilities
- Department of Physics and Astronomy, Leicester University
- Principal Investigator
- The focal camera units and the analogue electronics units for the MOS chain
- In collaboration with Birmingham University, the AIV, qualification and environmental test of the focal camera units
- AIV of two complete flight MOS chains up to the data handling unit interface
- Support in integrating the focal plane in Milan and subsequent tests
- IFCTR/CNR, Milan
- Project manager and system engineering
- Data handling units and production of the relevant software, in collaboration with industry
- Mechanical and optical ground support equipment
- Coordination of the production of data analysis software
- ITESRE/CNR, Bologna
- Ground support equipment, including the interface simulator and the production of EGSE related software
- IAS/CNR, Frascati
- Participation in the overall mechanical structure study and in the production of software
- AIV support
- Instituto di Astronomica, Palermo
- Production of simulation software
- Participation in the development of the electrical ground support equipment
- SAp/CEA, Saclay
- MOS control & recognition units
- Participation in flight operations definition and in the development of data analysis software
- AIV of one complete instrument MOS chain, up to the data handling unit interface with the support from Leicester University
- MOS voltage converter units
- Support in integrating the focal plane in Milan and in the subsequent tests
- CESR, Toulouse
- Radiation monitor instrument chain
- Development of data analysis software
- LURE at IAS/CNRS, Orsay (in French)
- System level calibration facility and coordination of calibration procedure definition, in conjunction with the system team
- Develompent of data analysis software
- MPE, Garching
- One pn focal camera unit, including development and testing of the filter wheel for both pn and MOS focal camera units
- Control electronic unit
- In collaboration with industry, the study of pn tyoe CCD chips and related electronics for inclusion in a flight camera head
- Participation in flight operations definition and in the development of data analysis software
- Supply of test facilities for diagnostic investigations and calibration
- AIV of one complete flight pn chain, up to the data handling inteface with the support of AIT Tuebingen
- Event analyser unit
- MPI, Munich
- pn CCD chip development and pn CCD readout system studies
- IAA, Tuebingen
- Support for pn CCD readout and event analyser system development
- Support for the test programme
- Support for the pn CCD test and calibration programme
- Participation in flight operations definitions and in the development of data analysis software
- Development of the pn voltage converter unit
- School of Physics, Birmingham University
- System level structure and thermal parts, in collaboration with Leicester University
- Control, at system level, of all thermal aspects of the instrument
- Development and testing of the vacuum door for both the pn and MOS focal camera units