News 20191220 - XMM-Newton
ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
25 - 29 May 2020
Organised by the
XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre of the European Space Agency (ESA)
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As announced in a previous issue of the XMM-Newton Newsletter, the XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre of the European Space Agency is organising the Science Symposium "The X-ray Universe 2020 / ESLAB", from 25 to 29 May 2020, at the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), Noordwijk, The Netherlands.
The symposium is the sixth meeting in the series "The X-ray Universe". The aim of the symposium is to have discussions on a broad range of topics in X-ray astrophysics. The meeting will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the launch of XMM-Newton. There will be a large range of presentations highlighting the outstanding results produced over the past two decades using XMM-Newton. In addition, the excellent results obtained with other currently active X-ray missions will also be presented, as well as the scientific potential of future missions such as, for example, Athena.
- Stars, White Dwarfs and Solar System
- Exoplanets and their Host Stars
- White Dwarf Binaries, Neutron Star and Black Hole Binaries and ULXs
- Supernovae, SNRs, Isolated Neutron Stars and Diffuse Emission
- Galaxies and Galactic Surveys
- Active Galactic Nuclei
- Groups of Galaxies, Clusters of Galaxies and Superclusters
- Cosmology and Extragalactic Deep Fields
- Current and Future Missions
Scientific organising committe
Monique Arnaud | CEA, Saclay, France |
Aya Bamba | University of Tokyo, Japan |
Didier Barret | IRAP, Toulouse, France |
Stefano Bianchi | University Roma Tre, Italy |
Andrea Comastri | INAF-OAS, Bologna, Italy |
Anne Decourchelle | CEA, Saclay, France |
Maria Diaz-Trigo | ESO, Garching, Germany |
Chris Done | University of Durham, United Kingdom |
Christine Jones | CfA, Cambridge, United States |
Ioannis Georgantopoulos | National Observatory of Athens, Greece |
Richard Griffiths | University of Hawaii, United States |
Jimmy Irwin | University of Alabama, United States |
Jelle Kaastra | SRON, Utrecht, The Netherlands |
Stefanie Komossa | MPIfR, Bonn, Germany |
Teresa Lago | University of Porto, Portugal |
Antonio Maggio | NAF-OAP, Palermo, Italy |
Miguel Mas-Hesse | CAB, Madrid, Spain |
Richard Mushotzky | University of Maryland, United States |
Paul Nandra | MPE, Garching, Germany |
Lida Oskinova | University of Potsdam, Germany |
Gregor Rauw | University of Liege, Belgium |
Nanda Rea | Institute of Space Sciences, Barcelona, Spain |
Kathy Romer | University of Sussex, United Kingdom |
Craig Sarazin | University of Virginia, United States |
Manami Sasaki | University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany |
Norbert Schartel (co-chair) | ESAC, Madrid, Spain |
Juergen Schmitt | Observatory of Hamburg, Germany |
Martin Ward | University of Durham, United Kingdom |
Michael Watson | University of Leicester, United Kingdom |
Natalie Webb | IRAP, Toulouse, France |
Rudy Wijnands (chair) | University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
Important dates
end January 2020 | Opening of Registration and Abstract submission |
Monday 2nd March 2020 | Deadline for Abstract Submission |
Thursday 2nd April 2020 | Notification to Authors |
Monday 20th April 2020 | Early Registration Deadline |
Monday 11th May 2020 | Registration Deadline |
Registration and abstracts
The details about registration, fee and abstract submission will be given in the Second Announcement at the end of January 2020.
Venue and accommodation
The Conference will be held at the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), Noordwijk, The Netherlands. We will not block hotel rooms in any particular hotel, but a list of hotels that we used in the past together with useful links will be posted on our webpage.
Local Organising Committee:
Up-to-date information is always available via the Conference webpage
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