X-vision 2023 - XMM-Newton
X-ray Vision Workshop
The X-ray Vision of the Energetic Universe, a joint IAU I-HOW and COSPAR Capacity Building Workshop in X-ray Astronomy, was held on February 6-17, 2023, in North-West University Potchefstroom, South Africa.
The programme of the Workshop at:
contains all the presentations in PDF format and links to the video recordings of most of them.
The PDF presentations have also been copied here below
- AGN_MWL_XVision2023.ppt
- Cataclysmic_Variables.pdf
- CG-CCF_cifbuild_calview_2023.pdf
- CG-SAS_introduction_2023.pdf
- COSPAR-Capacity-Buiding-Initiative-Potchefstroom.pdf
- EfrainGatuzz.pdf
- FutureX-rayAstronomy_XVISION2023_20230215.pdf
- Inaugural_Session.pdf
- NuSTAR_observatory.pptx
- nustardas.pptx
- Particle_Acceleration_XVision2023.ppt
- ProposalWriting.pptx
- SAS_introduction_2023.pdf
- SourceSearching_2023_v2.pdf
- SpectralAnalysis_X-VISION_20230107.pdf
- Statistics.pdf
- Steiner_XRBs_part1.pdf
- Steiner_XRBs_part2_fin.pdf
- Timing_1.pdf
- Xray-gammaray-synergies.pdf
- XRayDetectors_X-VISION_20230206.pdf
- XVision2023_AGN_1.pdf
- XVision2023_AGN_2.pdf
- XVision2023_Presentation_Wilkins.pdf
The videos can also be found on the dedicated X-Vision 2023 channel:
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