Latest News

See also the news published by JAXA under

March 18, 2025

Second Announcement of Opportunity now open for submissions

Proposal submission for the second announcement of opportunity is open. You can submit your proposals before the deadline on 2025 May 15 at the following link:

February 14, 2025

Second Announcement of Opportunity

Please note that this is the accouncement of the call for proposals. In consideration of ESA’s contribution to XRISM, not less than 8% of the total Guest Observing (GO) Time, or an equivalent return as mutually agreed, shall be allocated to ESA. 

The ESA Director of Science will issue the letter of invitation to submit Guest Observer proposals for the GO-2 cycle around mid-March, at which time the proposal submission tool is expected to be open to the science community worldwide. Please find all instructions in this document: Announcement of Opportunity for the XRISM GO program.

The deadline for proposal submission will be 15 May 2025.

September 20, 2024

XRISM Early Science results published

The first two papers describing the First Light observations have been published. Look at the press briefing published by JAXA: and ESA: XRISM unveils black hole and supernova remnant surroundings .


Image credit: JAXA

September 18, 2024

XRISM ToO submission open

Pre-approved or generic ToO observations can be requested sending an e-mail to the XRISM operational team. For details, see:

August 1, 2024

AO1 Observing Programme available

The XRISM targets selected for AO1 are listed under

Principal Investigators will be informed individually.

April 8, 2024

AO-1 Closed

The deadline for submitting proposals in response to the first AO-01 has closed as planned. 43 proposals were received, and the European Observing programme is oversubscribed by a factor ~7 (in time). Results of the review will be communicated before the end of July.

February 15, 2024

Early Release Data available

XRISM Early Release data are available for those considering submitting a proposal for the XRISM Cycle-1 G uest Observation program. The data include X-ray images and spectra obtained during the commissioning or calibration operations of the instruments aboard XRISM, the Resolve and Xtend. The data are in the FITS format, widely used in the field of astronomy. The first data release is Perseus cluster core: Resolve spectrum. Note that the ER data are not yet fully calibrated and corrected but are released on a trial basis for reference purposes in proposing observations. Do not use this data for scientific research.

January 5, 2024

XRISM's first views signal shake-up for X-ray astronomy

ESA and JAXA have released Xtend and Resolve first light images under:


December 18, 2023

XRISM science performance and data analysis Workshop

University of Geneva, 12-14 February 2024

The 1st XRISM science performance and data analysis Workshop aims at providing the scientific community in Europe with a comprehensive view of the scientific performance of the XRISM mission following its commissioning and the start of the nominal scientific operations. More information under:

December 4, 2023

1-day XRISM workshop in Leiden, February 15 2024


The Space Research Organisation of The Netherlands (SRON) is organising a one-day workshop on proposal discussion and preparation on February 15th 2024, 10:30-17h at SRON-Leiden. The workshop will focus on proposals for the European share of the XRISM exposure time and offers an online (Zoom) morning info session and two in-person hands-on sessions in the afternoon on point sources and extended sources, respectively.

For more information and registration to the workshop, please see here:


November 14, 2023

First Announcement of Opportunity

After successful launch of XRISM on September 7, 2023 and successful critical operation period, the first announcement of opportunity opens November 15, 2023.

In consideration of ESA’s contribution to XRISM, not less than 8% of the total Guest Observing Time, or an equivalent return as mutually agreed, shall be allocated to ESA. The ESA Director of Science has thus issued the invitation to submit Guest Observer proposals for the observation period between July 2024 and June 2025: Letter by ESA Director of Science

Please find all instructions in this document: Announcement of Opportunity for the XRISM GO program

The due date for proposals is 12:30 CET, 22 February 2024
Target for the publication of the POG and the opening of the ARK/RPS: 7 December 2024

More details under:

October 10, 2023

Resolve Operational Temperature reached

After reaching the required operational temperature in the Resolve dewar, the adiabatic demagnetization magnetic refrigerators (ADR) were activated, and the target temperature of 0.050 K for the array stage was achieved.

The full array of detector pixels successfully detected X-rays from the calibration source on the Filter Wheel and showed excellent uniformity, with better than 5 eV energy resolution.

Now, the Xtend system is being activated.

September 7 2023

XRISM Successfully launched and completed critical Operations phase

On September 7 at 8:42:11 JST, XRISM was successfully launched into the low-Earth orbit as planned.

ESA congratulates JAXA with the article

X-ray mission lifts off to study high-energy Universe

The launch event was broadcast life on YouTube, and the recording is accessible under:

On Sept.11, JAXA announced the successful completion of the critical operation phase:

August 21 2023

Next major X-ray mission set to launch

Update: The the launch has been postponed 3 times.

The final launch target time has been set at 8:42:11 JST on Thursday, September 7

   UT: 23:42:11 Wednesday Sept. 6

   CEST: 01:42:11 Sept.7

Ahead of the launch some info was released in this ESA article:

Next major X-ray mission set to launch

giving some useful information about XRISM and a link to Twitter where to follow the launch life.

Here the official JAXA (English) YouTube channel:

P.S. The launch time to second precision is driven by the SLIM moonlander being launched on the same vehicle. It requires second-precision launch to get on the right path to the moon. There is only one 1-s launch slot a day, so either it is this time or next day.......

July 11 2023

Launch of XRISM announced

The X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM) and the Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM) will be launched onboard the H-IIA Launch Vehicle No. 47 (H-IIA F47) detailed as follows:

Launch date : August 26, 2023
Launch Time : 9:34:57 A.M. (JST) *
Reserved Launch Period : August 27 through September 15, 2023
Launch site : Yoshinobu Launch Complex at the JAXA Tanegashima Space Center

(*) The launch time during the reserved launch period will be set each day.

See official press release under: