Participants - Accretion Outflow Workshop
Last name | First name | Affiliation | Country | |
1 | Ainsworth | Rachael | DIAS, Dublin | Ireland |
2 | Alencar | Silvia | UFMG | Brazil |
3 | Argiroffi | Costanza | University of Palermo / INAF | Italy |
4 | Audard | Marc | University of Geneva | Switzerland |
5 | Bacciotti | Francesca | INAF - Osservatorio astrofisico di Arcetri | Italy |
6 | Bai | Xueningi | CfA | USA |
7 | Bouvier | Jerome | IPAG | France |
8 | Bozhinova | Inna | University of St. Andrews | UK |
9 | Cabrit | Sylvie | Observatories de Paris | France |
10 | Caratti o Garatti | Alessio | DIAS, Dublin | Ireland |
11 | Ciardi | Andrea | Observatories de Paris | France |
12 | Coffey | Deirdre | University College Dublin | Ireland |
13 | Costigan | Grainne | Leiden Observatory | The Netherlands |
14 | D'Angelo | Caroline | Leiden University | The Netherlands |
15 | Dougados | Catherine | IPAG | France |
16 | Downes | Turlough | Dublin City University | Ireland |
17 | Edwards | Suzan | Smith College | USA |
18 | Eislöffel | Jochen | Thüringer Landessternwarte | Germany |
19 | Ercolano | Barbara | USM - LMU | Germany |
20 | Fendt | Christian | Max Planck Institute for Astronomy | Germany |
21 | Galvan-Madrid | Roberto | CRyA-UNAM | Mexico |
22 | Garcia Lopez | Rebeca | DIAS, Dublin | Ireland |
23 | Gomez de Castro | Ana | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | Spain |
24 | Gregory | Scott | University of St. Andrews | UK |
25 | Grinin | Vladimir | Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory of RAS | Russia |
26 | Günther | H. Moritz | MIT | USA |
27 | Hirano | Naomi | ASIAA | Taiwan |
28 | Kaper | Lex | University of Amsterdam | The Netherlands |
29 | Kluska | Jacques | University of Exeter | UK |
30 | Kuiper | Rolf | Tübingen University | Germany |
31 | Lesure | Geoffroy | IPAG | France |
32 | Liu | Hauyu Baobab | ASIAA / ESO | Taiwan |
33 | Makin | Sally | University of Kent | UK |
34 | Manara | Carlo Felice | ESA/ESTEC | The Netherlands |
35 | Massi | Fabrizio | INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri | Italy |
36 | McGinnis | Pauline | UFMG | Brazil |
37 | Momferratos | Georgios | Paris Observatory | France |
38 | Natta | Antonella | DIAS, Dublin | Ireland |
39 | Navarete | Felipe | Max-Planck Institute for Radioastronomy | Germany |
40 | Nisini | Brunella | INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma | Italy |
41 | Owen | James | Institute for Advanced Study | USA |
42 | Pascucci | Ilaria | University of Arizona | USA |
43 | Ramirez Tannus | Maria Claudia | University of Amsterdam | The Netherlands |
44 | Ray | Tom | DIAS, Dublin | Ireland |
45 | Rigliaco | Elisabetta | ETH | Switzerland |
46 | Rodgers-Lee | Donna | DIAS, Dublin | Ireland |
47 | Sanna | Alberto | Max-Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy | Germany |
48 | Kölligan | Anders | University of Tübingen | Germany |
49 | Schneider | Christian | ESA/ESTEC | The Netherlands |
50 | Scholz | Aleks | University of St. Andrews | UK |
51 | Sheikhnezami | Somayyeh | Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences | Iran |
52 | Stelzer | Beate | INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo | Italy |
53 | Tabone | Benoit | LERMA - Observatoire de Paris | France |
54 | Takami | Michihiro | ASIAA | Taiwan |
55 | Tambovtseva | Larisa | Pulkovo Central Observatory | Russia |
56 | Tobin | John | Leiden University | The Netherlands |
57 | Vasconcelos | Maria Jaqueline | LATO-UESC & IPAG | Brazil |
58 | Venuti | Laura | IPAG | France |
59 | Vincenzi | Maria | University of Milan | Italy |
60 | Vorobyov | Eduard | Department of Astrophysics, University of Vienna | Austria |
61 | Whelan | Emma | Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics Tuebingen | Germany |
62 | Zanni | Claudio | OATO, INAF | Italy |
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