The program includes a mix of invited (marked as I in the program) and contributed talks (C in the table) as well as sufficient time for discussions (both focused on one subject or open). There will be also space for posters.
Tuesday, October 27th
Session 1: Inner SCALES processes
The innermost part of the disk is an observationally unresolved region where strong magnetic fields funnel the disk material to be accreted on the star and where energetic jets originate. At the same time, these processes are known to vary on short timescales, e.g., the rotational period of the star.
On large spatial scales we are able to observe jets and outflows and to charachterize their physical properties in detail. This helps us to understand their origin and whether they are connected to inner disk processes or to large scale magnetic fields and viscosity processes throughout the disk. The secular evolution of both outflows and accretion can then help us to connect the two processes and to provide constraints on current models.
This session focuses on the dispersal of angular momentum in disks of young stellar objects by accretion, outflows, winds, and other processes such as planet formation. Can we rank their relative importance in the global disk evolution?
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