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Announcement of Opportunity for
Interdisciplinary Scientists and Guest Investigators
in the BepiColombo mission
13 May 2019
This Announcement of Opportunity (AO) solicits the participation of the scientific community as Interdisciplinary Scientists or Guest Investigators in the BepiColombo mission, to augment the scientific return of the mission as a whole.
BepiColombo is an interdisciplinary mission to the planet Mercury, carried out as a joint project between ESA and JAXA. It consists of two orbiters, the Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) and the Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO), which are dedicated to the detailed study of the planet and its magnetosphere.
The BepiColombo mission was launched on 20 October 2018. Arrival at Mercury and start of the science exploitation phase are expected in December 2025 and April 2026, respectively. The duration of the nominal science operations is 1 year.
The aim of this AO is to appoint up to six Interdisciplinary Scientists (IDS) and up to 11 Guest Investigators (GI) for the BepiColombo mission. The IDSs and the GIs will be appointed for a first period of three years, renewable. An IDS or GI appointment is ad personam. ESA will not fund the activities of the IDSs or the GIs (travel costs to attend meetings, etc.) and each proposer is responsible for securing his/her own funding.
This call is open to scientists based in ESA Member States, Japan and USA. Principal Investigators and Co-Principal Investigators of the BepiColombo instrument teams are excluded from this call, while Co-Investigators are eligible for IDS positions, but not for GI positions.
Full details, including the tasks of an IDS or GI, requirements for the proposals, and evaluation criteria, can be found in the Announcement of Opportunity for Interdisciplinary Scientists and Guest Investigators in the BepiColombo mission document.
Submission forms
Letter of Intent Submission Form Deadline for receipt of mandatory Letter of Intent was: 13 June 2019, 12:00 (noon) CEST |
Proposal Submission Form Deadline for receipt of proposals was: 15 July 2019, 12:00 (noon) CEST |
The schedule for this AO is given in the table below:
Event | Date |
Date of AO release | 13 May 2019 |
Due date for mandatory Letter of Intent | |
Due date for proposals | 15 July 2019, 12:00 (noon) CEST |
Appointment of Interdisciplinary Scientists and Guest Investigators | October 2019 |
Further queries should be addressed to:
Luigi Colangeli
Head of the Science Coordination Office
Directorate of Science
ESA/ESTEC - Noordwijk, The Netherlands
E-mail: luigi.colangeli
Masaki Fujimoto
Deputy Director General
e-mail: fujimoto.masaki
Last updated: 15 July 2019
To be informed about new Announcements or Calls from the ESA Science Directorate please subscribe to the dsciannounce mailing list.
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Letter of Invitation from the Director of Science (pdf, 155 KB)
Announcement of Opportunity document (pdf, 235 KB)
BepiColombo MPO Science Management Plan (pdf, 1.5 MB)
BepiColombo MMO Science Management Plan (pdf, 347 KB)
BepiColombo Mission Summary (pdf, 890 KB)