The CESAR Team offers a "Space-Science Experience" (SSE) a unique experience for students that come to ESAC every Wednesday. Living the Space-Science Experience is a joint effort of the schools and the CESAR Team. Here we detail the phases of this experience.
Phase 0: The school requests the Space-Science Experience by email to ProjectCesar@ and as soon as there is a slot they will be given a date (see * for details)
Phase 1: We offer a range of SSE topics suited for different ages of the students. These topics are listed below. Each topic starts with an introduction to the "Scientific Case" (that will be done at ESAC) and a set of recommended videos. It is key to the enjoyment of the Experience that the videos are watched by the class before coming to ESAC. It is recommended that the teacher takes note of the questions from the kids when watching the videos.
Phase 2: Two days before coming to ESAC, a short introduction to the "Science Case" that will be done at ESAC will be given over a Skype session with the classroom. After the session, the teacher should go through the list of questions that the kids have asked and check whether they are closed. The five remaining questions will be sent to ESAC and answered on-site.
Phase 3: The kids should be divided into groups (5-7) before coming to ESAC to have the "Space-Science Experience". This last for about two hours.
Phase 4: Once back at school, the class has a chance to participate in the "Space-Science Experience Prize". For this, the groups that worked together at ESAC should write a summary of their experience, an "Abstract", in English, of up to 400 words.
Secundaria (1) Introducción a la Agencia Espacial Europea (6:46 min)
Science@ESA:Episode 7: Exploring our backyard, the Solar System (16:43 min)(spa) (en)
Secundaria (3) Misiones Planetarias y más allá del Sistema Solar (12:29 min)
Table1: "Space Science Experiences" topics offered to kids by CESAR. Here there is specified the material to work in the school before coming to ESAC.
We plan to offer soon this experience to any school in the world. At the moment is only offered to schools from Spain.
(*) The registration process will be performed via the web from January 2017. An email will be sent in December to all schools who have made a request for the "Space Science Experience". All slots of this year are fully booked.
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