Home - Comet Interceptor WGS 2022
Call for Membership in the
Target Identification and Comet Environment
Working Groups
for the Comet Interceptor mission
Target Identification Working Group |
Nicolas Biver | LESIA, Observatoire de Paris | France |
Laura Inno | Parthenope University of Naples | Italy |
Rosita Kokotanekova | Institute of Astronomy and National Astronomical Observatory | Bulgaria |
Fiorangela La Forgia | University of Padova | Italy |
Elena Mazzotta Epifani | INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma | Italy |
Takafumi Ootsubo | National Astronomical Observatory of Japan | Japan |
Joan-Pau Sánchez | Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace (ISAE-SUPAERO) | France |
Colin Snodgrass | The University of Edinburgh | United Kingdom |
Comet Environment / Nucleus Working Group |
Nicholas Attree | Technische Universität Braunschweig | Germany |
Aurélie Guilbert-Lepoutre | CNRS - Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon | France |
Pedro Lacerda | Instituto Pedro Nunes, and Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço, Coimbra |
Portugal |
Stephen Lowry | University of Kent | United Kingdom |
Katharina Otto | DLR - Institute of Planetary Research | Germany |
Antti Penttilä | University of Helsinki | Finland |
Katherine Shirley | University of Oxford | United Kingdom |
Comet Environment / Near-Environment Working Group |
Stefano Bagnulo | Armagh Observatory and Planetarium | United Kingdom |
Ivano Bertini | Department of Science and Technology, University of Naples 'Parthenope' | Italy |
Stavro Ivanovski | INAF - Astronomical Observatory of Trieste | Italy |
Monica Lazzarin | University of Padova | Italy |
Raphael Marschall | CNRS, Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur | France |
Bojan Novakovic | Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, CSIC | Spain |
Cecilia Tubiana | INAF-IAPS | Italy |
Jean-Baptiste Vincent | DLR Institute of Planetary Research | Germany |
Vladimir Zakharov | LESIA, Observatoire de Paris | France |
Comet Environment / Far-Environment Working Group |
Arnaud Beth | Imperial College London | United Kingdom |
Charlotte Goetz | Northumbria University | United Kingdom |
Juan Carlos Gómez Martín | Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, CSIC | Spain |
Herbert Gunell | Umeå University | Sweden |
Geraint Jones | UCL Mullard Space Science Laboratory | United Kingdom |
Esa Kallio | Aalto University | Finland |
Fernando Moreno | Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, CSIC | Spain |
Giovanna Rinaldi | INAF-IAPS | Italy |
3 October 2022
Comet Interceptor is an ESA mission in cooperation with the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). It aims to characterise a long period comet, which could potentially be a
dynamically new comet, or an interstellar object. The mission was adopted by the Science Programme Committee in June 2022 as the first "F" mission in the Science Programme.
A Science Working Team (SWT), appointed by ESA in coordination with JAXA, advises ESA on all aspects of the mission potentially affecting its scientific performance. The composition of the SWT is defined in the Science Management Plan (SMP). The SWT is supported by Working Groups (WGs), in specific scientific and/or science operation areas, relevant for the mission.
Through the present Call, the ESA Director of Science invites scientists based in ESA Member States and Japan to apply for membership of two Comet Interceptor working groups: the "Target Identification Working Group" and the "Comet Environment Working Group". The latter group will be organised in three sub-groups: Comet Nucleus, Near-environment (inner dust and gas coma), and Far environment (outer dust and gas coma and tails).
Lead Scientists and Co-Lead Scientists of the Comet Interceptor instruments, other scientists leading or involved in the (programmatic, scientific, or technical) management of the Comet Interceptor instruments or being responsible for hardware or software development and procurement activities, as well as other Science Working Team members, are not eligible, while Co-Investigators of instrument teams may apply to become members of the Working Groups.
Early career scientists are specifically encouraged to apply.
Full details of this Call can be found in the Call for Membership in the Target Identification and Comet Environment Working Groups for the Comet Interceptor mission document.
Application Submission
Applications, in PDF format, must be submitted using the submission form linked below, before the deadline of 7 November 2022, 12:00 (noon) CET.
Application Submission Form |
Schedule for this call and important dates
Activity | Date |
Release of this call | 3 October 2022 |
Deadline for receipt of proposals | |
Appointment of the Working Group members | December 2022 |
Requests for further information should be addressed to:
Luigi Colangeli
Programme Advisor
Directorate of Science
European Space Agency
Email: Luigi.Colangeli
Michael Küeppers
ESA Project Scientist for Comet Interceptor
Directorate of Science
European Space Agency
Email: michael.kueppers
Last updated: 4 April 2023
To be informed about new Announcements or Calls from the ESA Science Directorate please subscribe to the dsciannounce mailing list.
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