Programme - Conferences Archive
Conference Program 10-13 September 2012 European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) |
Photos of the participants during the meeting taken by Ivan Valtchanov can be found here.
The Abstract Booklet can be found here
Monday, 10th September
09:00 Registration
09:40 Opening remarks
Session I Chair: P. Tozzi
09:50 Review talk G. EVRARD Simulations of Galaxy Clusters: Past and Present
10:20 Contributed talk Y-K. CHIANG A Systematic Approach to Cluster Formation in the Early Universe: Observations, Simulations, and New Surveys
10:35 Contributed talk M. STRINGER Massive galaxies at high redshift: rare or impossible?
10:50 Contributed talk C. FEDELI Cluster concentration-mass relation and baryonic cooling
11:05 - 11:35 Coffee break and poster viewing
11:35 Contributed talk T. GOERDT Gravity-driven Ly-alpha blobs from cold streams into galaxies
Session II Chair: M. Tanaka
11:50 Review talk G. DE LUCIA Modeling the formation of cluster galaxies: recent progress and challenges
12:20 Contributed talk Y.-T. LIN Constraints on the stellar mass assembly of brightest cluster galaxies
12:40 Contributed talk M. HIRSCHMANN Environmental history of galaxies in high-density regions
13: 00 Contributed talk F. SHANKAR Probing the evolution of massive spheroidal galaxies via halo occupation distribution and semi-analytic models
13:15 Contributed talk S. ANDREON Quenching in galaxy clusters during the last 10 Gyr: role of secular evolution, galaxy mass and environment
13:30 - 15:00 Lunch
Session III Chair: T. Kodama
15:00 Review talk F. PACAUD XMM-LSS and XXL surveys
15:30 Contributed talk P. TOZZI Search and characterization of high-z, massive clusters: recent results from Chandra and Swift/XRT
15:50 Contributed talk R. FASSBENDER The X-ray luminous Galaxy Cluster Population at 0.9 < z <~ 1.6
16:15 Contributed talk J. WILLIS Distant clusters in the XMM Large Scale Structure survey
16:35 - 17:05 Coffee break
17:05 Contributed talk M. TANAKA Quiescent early-type galaxies in z>1.5 groups
17:25 Contributed talk G. ERFANIANFAR X-ray groups in DEEP2 fields
17:45 End of Session
Tuesday, 11th September
Session IV Chair: S. Maurogordato
09:00 Review talk M. BRODWIN Evolution of the cluster galaxy populations at the highest redshifts
09:30 Contributed talk R. BASSETT The Structural Properties of Cluster Galaxies at z=1.62 and the Morphology-Density Relation
09:50 Contributed talk G. RUDNICK A Tale of Dwarfs and Giants: Using a z = 1.62 Cluster to Understand How the Red Sequence Grew Over The Last 10 Billion Years.
10:10 Contributed talk A. MUZZIN Environmentally-Driven Galaxy Evolution at z ~ 1: Perspective from Rich Galaxy Clusters
10:30 Contributed talk J. NANTAIS Already big but still growing: comparing galaxy evolution in clusters at z~1.2 and z~0.8
10:50 Contributed talk S. PATEL The Role of Environment at z>1: A Large Spectroscopic Sample from the 3D-HST Survey
11:10 – 11:40 Coffee break & Poster viewing
11:40 Contributed talk J. KURK The evolutionary status of a large scale galaxy structure at z=1.6
12:00 Contributed talk D. STERN (on behalf of N. SEYMOUR) The Impact of High-z Radio on Their Environments
12:20 Contributed talk A. RETTURA Evolution in the Structural Properties of Early-Type Brightest Cluster Galaxies over the past 10 billion years
12:40 Contributed talk A. GALAMETZ Large Scale Galaxy structures and clusters in CANDELS
13:00 Contributed talk M. HUERTAS-COMPANY Mass-size relation of ETGs in different environments during the last 10 Gyr
13:15 Contributed talk M. MCDONALD The Evolution of Cool Cores in Galaxy Clusters at z>0.5 from SZ, Optical and X-ray Surveys
13:30 - 15:00 Lunch
Session V Chair: I. Jorgensen
15:00 Review talk M. FRANX Formation and evolution of the most massive galaxies
15:30 Contributed talk S. ALBERTS Tracing the Evolution of Star Formation Activity in Galaxy Clusters Out to z~2
15:45 Contributed talk K-I TADAKI MAHALO-Subaru project: the accelerated growth of massive, star-bursting galaxies at z>2
16:00 Contributed talk N. HATCH The effect of environment in the early Universe: a comparison of proto-cluster and field galaxies at z~2.
16: 20 Contributed talk M. BREMER Identifying evolving massive structures at z~5 with Lyman break galaxies
16: 40 Poster Session
17:00 - 17:30 Coffee break & poster viewing
17:30 Contributed talk A. ZIRM Towards Building Robust (photometric) Density Maps at z~2
17:45 Contributed talk Y. KOYAMA Red star-forming galaxies in distant clusters: a key population triggered by environmental effects in the early Universe?
18:00 End of Session
Wednesday, 12th September
Session VI Chair: C. Horellou
09:00 Review talk F. MENANTEAU The distant cluster population from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope
09:30 Contributed talk G. W. PRATT Galaxy Clusters: What We Are Learning From Planck
09:45 Contributed talk L. MONTIER First characterisation of the Planck all-sky catalogue of high-z cluster candidates
10:05 Contributed talk B. STALDER Massive Clusters at z>1 from the South Pole Telescope SZ Survey
10:20 Contributed talk F. SEMBOLINI Exploring the SZE brightness of MUSIC proto-clusters to calibrate Y-M scaling law
10:35 Contributed talk K. BASU Redshift evolution of the radio luminosity function in clusters of galaxies
10:50 – 11:20 Coffee break & Poster viewing
Session VII Chair: L. Metcalfe
11:20 Review talk D. ELBAZ The infrared view of star formation in high-density environments
11:50 Solicited talk E. DADDI Stars to ashes, gas to dust: weighing the ISM in galaxies to z=2
12:10 Contributed talk F. ZIPARO A star formation oasis in the middle of a cluster desert
12:30 Contributed talk R. GRUTZBAUCH The early effect of the cluster environment on star-formation: the case of XMMU J2235.3- 2557
12:45 Contributed talk I. PINTOS-CASTRO Multiwavelength study of the galaxy population in the young cluster RXJ1257.2+4738 at z=0.866
13: 00 Contributed talk F. BRAGLIA Detecting dusty protoclusters with Planck and Herschel
13:15 Contributed talk M. SANCHEZ-PORTAL A Herschel far-infrared view of the Spiderweb proto-cluster
13:30 - 15:00 Lunch
Session VIII Chair: H. Rottgering
15:00 Review talk R. GOBAT Galaxy and cluster formation at z~2
15:30 Contributed talk A. GONZALEZ IDCS J1426.5+3508: A Massive, Strong Lensing Cluster at z = 1.75
15:50 Contributed talk R. DEMARCO Clusters at z > 1.5 from the SpARCS Infrared Cluster Survey
16:05 Contributed talk C. DIENER Galaxy groups at z~2 in zCOSMOS-deep
16: 20 Contributed talk V. STRAZZULLO Galaxy population properties in high-redshift clusters
16:40 - 17:00 Coffee break & poster viewing
17:00 Contributed talk A. FRITZ The Evolution of Cluster Early-Type Galaxies Since z=1 - CANCELLED
17:15 Contributed talk J. VERNET The Spitzer view of the environment of 70 powerful high redshift radio galaxies at 1
17:30 Discussion session chaired by P. ROSATI
18:00 End of Session
20:45 Conference dinner at Teatro Real in Madrid.
Thursday, 13th September
Session IX Chair: J. Kurk
09:00 Review talk B. VENEMANS Proto-clusters searches and studies
09:30 Contributed talk L. SPITLER The discovery of a galaxy cluster with passive galaxies at redshift z=2.2
09:50 Contributed talk H. UMEHATA Submillimeter Galaxies in the SSA22 Protocluster at z=3.1
10:10 Contributed talk H. DANNERBAUER Revealing Dusty Starbursts around a Large Scale Structure at z=2.2
10:30 Contributed talk M. HAYASHI A star-bursting proto-cluster associated to a radio galaxy at z=2.53
10:50 Contributed talk H. ROTTGERING Herschel and LOFAR observations and the study of proto-clusters
11:10 - 11:40 Coffee break & poster viewing
11:40 Contributed talk J. AFONSO The environments of faint Ultra Steep Spectrum radio sources
12:00 Contributed talk D. WYLEZALEK The mid-infrared environments of radio-loud AGN
12:20 Contributed talk E. BAÑADOS The galaxy environment of quasars z~6
12:35 Contributed talk F. DURRET Hundreds of distant clusters in the CFHTLS Wide fields
13:50 Contributed talk D. GETTINGS The Massive Distant Clusters of WISE Survey
13:10-14:45 Lunch
Session X Chair: R. Demarco
14:45 Review talk H. HOEKSTRA: Weak Lensing and structure formation: current status & future prospects with Euclid
15:15 Contributed talk A. BIVIANO High-z clusters astrophysics with Euclid
15:30 Summary talk C. LIDMAN
16:00 End of conference
CLUSTERS 2012 Organising Committee
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