SciOps 2012 - Conferences Archive
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Purpose and Goals
The European Space Astronomy Centre has the pleasure in announcing SCIOPS 2012, a conference dedicated to the science operations of space missions.
This conference will provide a forum for key professionals in space science operations to discuss commonalities, share experiences and exchange views on new techniques and innovations. It will give the opportunity for the worldwide space science operations community to work more closely together and expose opportunities for further collaboration.
Conference Format
The programme will cover all aspects of space based science operations including:
Core Science Operations Tasks
The Role of Science Data Centres and External Consortia
Science Operations from Small Missions to Observatory Class Facilities
Ensuring the Optimum Science Return
- The Transition from Development to Operations
The Reuse of Existing Components
- Future Directions in Science Operations and Archiving
Improving Mission Planning Efficiency
The Management of Science Operations
The organising committee will include representatives from ESA and other Space Agencies and organisations. The programme will consist of invited and contributed talks as well as posters.
Important Dates
- 1 July 2011: First Announcement
- TBD: Second Announcement - Opening of Registration and Abstract Submission
TBD: Abstract Submission Deadline
- TBD: Third Announcement
TBD: Early Registration and Hotel Booking Deadline
- 17 September 2012: Start of Conference
- 20 September 2012: End of Conference
SCIOPS 2012 Organising Committee
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