How to edit your CSA user profile? - Cluster Science Archive
To edit your Cluster Science Archive user details, please follow the instructions below.
This takes 3 steps:
Step 1: Sign in
Please enter your CSA username & password.
If you've forgotten your username or password, but your email is up-to-date, you can:
- recover your username (which requires an up-to-date or accessible email address) or
- reset your password (which requires both your username and an up-to-date or accessible email address)
Or, if your email address is out-of-date and inaccessible, you need to contact us and we can sort everything out.
Step 2: Click on the down arrow next to your name, and select 'My Account'
This will be in the top right of your browser window.
Step 3: Update the form with your email and/or affiliation
Note that the email field is towards the bottom of the form.