New to ESAC?

To join the ESAC faculty:

  • Send an email to the webmaster with your name, brief research interests and ESA projects for the Faculty members list
  • For new personnel on site at ESAC, particularly at CAB, who may not be registered in the ESA LDAP system that gives you a username and password to enter password protected areas of the ESAC web pages, the simplest solution is to register as a user of an ESA mission (e.g. Herschel). Registration will give you a username and password in the LDAP system that will allow you to enter all the protected webpages.

Faculty funding:

  • Consider applying for Faculty funds for visitors and/or workshops

To become a potential Research Fellow mentor (ESA staff at ESAC only):

Science seminars at ESAC:
  • To receive emails about upcoming science seminars, please contact Ana Willis to be added to the esacsciencestaff distribution list


If you have any suggestion of useful content, please contact the faculty webmaster.