Home - ESAC Stats Workshop 2018

It is our pleasure to announce the fifth annual ESAC Data Analysis and Statistics (EDAS) workshop that will be held at the European Space Astronomy Centre near Madrid in Spain from Monday to Thursday on October 8 to 11, 2018.
The primary aim of the EDAS workshop is knowledge transfer: to teach and instruct through lectures and guided hands-on exercises essential notions in data analysis and statistics, as well as modern techniques and methods to improve the way we treat data and do science.
This year the two main areas of focus will be the analysis of 1) errors and uncertainties in particle and event data and 2) wavelet and Fourier analysis of time series. Also, given the exciting upcoming launch of Solar Orbiter, the practical aspects and examples will be drawn from problems in Helio and Solar System physics. Details can be found here: https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/esac-stats-workshop-2018/home
The number of participants cannot exceed 60, and therefore we may have to carry out a selection process. For this reason you should consider your registration as an application to attend the workshop. If you are very interested, please register as early as possible. Each registration will be reviewed, and each applicant will be informed as soon as we have finalised the selection.
We strive to have the most fruitful and useful workshops, and therefore encourage the greatest balance in diversity. In particular, we strongly encourage mid-career and women scientists such that we can strive to have as many men as women, and as many young as more seasoned scientists.
Registration opens on Monday 16 April and closes on Friday 10 August 2018. There will be a maximum of 60 participants. Depending on the number of registrations, a selection might have to be apllied.
A contribution from external participants of 75 euros must be paid in cash on the first day of the workshop when picking up your name tag.
Dr Frédéric Auchère
Dr Frédéric Auchère is an Astronomer at the Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale (IAS), Paris, and Principle Investigator of the operations consortium for the SPICE instrument on the upcoming Solar Orbiter Mission. He is also a co-inviestigator of the EUI instrument and has long experience of EUV observations of the Sun. His reasearch involves time domain analysis and automatic detection of features in the Solar Corona.
Dr Chris Arridge
Dr Chris Arridge is a Royal Society University Research Fellow and Reader in Planetary Physics in the Department of Physics at Lancaster University, UK. His research is focused in the study of magnetised plasmas in a variety of solar system and astrophysical contexts. This research contributes to our understanding of solar system bodies, how they interact with their surroundings, and the basic plasma physics of these interactions. Most of his work focuses on the giant planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Dr. Arridge's research involves the use of empirical modelling, in situ data analysis from spacecraft such as Cassini at Saturn, statistical studies, and theory/simulations.
Guy R. Davies is a Lecturer in Astrophysics at the University of Birmingham. He uses the sounds of the Sun and stars in an attempt to understand the world around us, with a particular focus on the development and application of novel, advanced data-analysis techniques (including applications of machine learning and Bayesian inference). He is an enthusiastic teacher and communicator on all aspects of astrophysics and is regularly involved in organized public outreach events. Guy is an active member of the Birmingham Solar Oscillations Network (BiSON), the Kepler (NASA) Asteroseismic Science Consortium, and the COROT (CNES) team.
The topics that will be covered this year include:
- An introduction to noise, uncertainties, and errors.
- Wavelet and Fourier analysis of n-dimensional time series.
- Time domain analysis of solar coronal data.
Sessions will consist of both lectures and hands-on tutorials, including how the methods discussed can be generalised to other contexts.
Monday Oct 8
- 12:30 - Registration opens
- 14:20 - Introduction
- 14:30 - F. Auchere on The Fourier and wavelet transforms in practice: application to time series analysis and the detection of periodic signals (part 1)
- 16:00 - Break
- 16:30 - F. Auchere on The Fourier and wavelet transforms in practice: application to time series analysis and the detection of periodic signals (part 2)
Tuesday Oct 9
- 09:00 - Bus from Hotel Exe moncloa to ESAC
- 10:00 - C. Arridge on Analysis of particle spectra and the treatment of uncertainties and bias with applications to photons, charged particles, and neutrals (part 1)
- 11:15 - Break
- 11:45 - C. Arridge on Analysis of particle spectra and the treatment of uncertainties and bias with applications to photons, charged particles, and neutrals (part 2)
- 13:00 - Installation of Virtual Machines
- 13:30 - Lunch
- 14:45 - Tutorials 1 and 2 (part 1)
- 16:00 - Break
- 16:30 - Tutorials 1 and 2 (part 2)
- 18:00 - Cocktail dinner in Hall of building D
- 19:30 - Bus to Madrid
Wednesday Oct 10
- 09:00 - Bus from Hotel Exe moncloa to ESAC
- 10:00 - G. Davies on Time series analysis with Gaussian Processes: dealing with correlated signal or noise (part 1)
- 11:15 - Break
- 11:45 - G. Davies on Time series analysis with Gaussian Processes: dealing with correlated signal or noise (part 2)
- 13:00 - Y. Zouganelis on The Solar Orbiter Mission
- 13:30 - Lunch
- 14:45 - Tutorials 1 and 3 (part 1)
- 16:00 - Break
- 16:30 - Tutorials 1 and 3 (part 2)
- 18:00 - Bus to Madrid
Thursday Oct 11
- 09:00 - Bus from Hotel Exe moncloa to ESAC
- 10:00 - Tutorials 2 and 3 (part 1)
- 11:15 - Break
- 11:45 - Tutorials 2 and 3 (part 2)
- 13:00 - Questions and Discussion
- 13:30 - Lunch
- 14:45 - Summary and Discussion
- 16:00 - Break and END
- 16:30 - Bus to Madrid
lectures & tutorials
- F. Auchere on The Fourier and wavelet transforms in practice - (viewgraphs; tutorial)
- C. Arridge on Analysis of particle spectra and the treatment of uncertainties and bias - (viewgraphs; tutorial)
- G. Davies on Time series analysis with Gaussian Processes - (viewgraphs; tutorial)
IDL and Python. Installations on virtual machines will be provided.
IDL Licenses for the workshop are provided courtesy of Harris Geospatial Solutions
All lectures are available on the ESAC Data Analysis and Statistics YouTube channel
You can reach us at edas2018@sciops.esa.int
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