Alumni Meeting 2013 - ESAC Trainees
The 2013 Project |
Alumni Meeting
Scope of the meeting
On the 6th September 2013 the Annual Summer Alumni Trainee Meeting was held at ESAC. The Alumni meeting gives former trainees the opportunity to present their current work to the ESAC community and to see what we are doing at ESAC regarding traineeships. It also gives current and new trainees the opportunity to see the type of career paths they can follow after their traineeship, and allows everyone to do some networking and make new friends.
Trainee in year |
Participants | Topic | Institute | Time |
Deborah Baines |
Welcome |
ESAC | 09:40 | |
2010 | Guillermo Jenaro | Airbus World of Loads and Aeroelastics | Airbus (France) | 09:50 |
2012 | Alberto Camacho | Artificial Intelligence Planning on Earth and Space | UPF, Barcelona (Spain) | 10:10 |
2012 | Jakub Kaluzny | IT Security in Aerospace Industry | AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow (Poland) | 10:30 |
2012 | Yoan Mollard | Software Simulation of Industrial Equipments Operated by PLCs | Bordeaux Institute of Technology (France) | 10:50 |
2006 YGT | Pieter-Jan Baeck | Unmanned Aircraft Mapping in a Nutshell | Gatewing - Trimble (Belgium) | 11:10 |
coffee break | 11:30 | |||
2008 | Alex Kolodzig | Large-scale Structure Studies with AGN in the eROSITA/SRG All-Sky Survey | Max-Planck Institute of Astrophysics, Garching (Germany) | 12:00 |
2010 | Nancy Xagkoni | Densing the Neutron Stars | École Polutechnique, Paris (France) | 12:20 |
2006 | Nuria Fonseca | A WISE Study of Infrared Excesses in Open Stellar Clusters | CAB, Torrejon (Spain) | 12:40 |
2006 | Ignacio Mendigutía | Characterizing Accretion in Young Stars, a Key Ingredient to Study Planet Formation | Clemson University, South Carolina (USA) | 13:00 |
lunch | 13:20 | |||
2007 | Bea Mingo | Radio-loud AGN through X-ray eyes | University of Leicester (UK) |
14:30 |
2012 | Nora-Linn Strotjohann | Highly Variable AGN from the XMM Slew Survey | University of Bonn (Germany) | 14:50 |
2013 | Liam O'Sullivan | Probing the Innermost Accretion Discs around Black Holes | University College Dublin (Ireland) | 15:10 |
2010 | Rodolfo Ostilla Monico | Towards the Ultimate State of Turbulence | University of Twente (The Netherlands) |
15:30 |
2012 | Pablo Ramirez | I'm a Lonely... Galaxy | IAA, Granada (Spain) |
15:50 |
coffee break | 16:10 | |||
2013 | Madeleine Finlay | Enhancing the Worldwide Exposure of ESA Science Archives and VO Tools: Development of Scientific tutorials | University of Edinburgh (UK) | 16:40 |
2012 | Irene Rodriguez Alegre | Detection of Radio Frequency Interferences from SMOS Polarimetric Data | University Autonoma of Barcelona (Spain) | 17:00 |
2012 | Mark Kennedy | Implementation of an AllSky Monitor for LIDAR and Astronomical Purposes | University College Cork (Ireland) | 17:20 |
2012 | Maxime Follin | OLIMPO, a Balloon-Borne Telescope for Cosmology, Design and Analysis of the Optical System | Meudon Observatory, Paris (France) |
17:40 |
Deborah Baines | Closing Remarks | 18:00 |
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