HIFI Documentation - Level 3 - Herschel
You are in HIFI Level 3 content
Here you will find highly specialist technical HIFI documentation for reference about the instrument, its data and data products and its operation. Be aware that many of the documents here are for historical reference only and may now be obsolete: these documents are intended mainly for the use of instrument experts.
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HIFI Data Products Overview Documents
HIFI Data Products
Place holder
HIFI Overview
HIFI Design and Specifications
- HIFI User Manual Volume 1 (2008)
- HIFI User Manual Volume 2 (2008)
- HIFI User Manual Annex 1 (2009)
- HIFI User Manual Annex 2 (2009)
- HIFI User Manual Annex 3 (2008)
- HIFI Instrument Interface Document Part B (IIDB) (2005)
- HIFI instrument specification (2004)
- HIFI interface Control Document (2004)
- HIFI Telecommand packet structure ICD (2009)
- HIFI Telemetry Packet Structure ICD (2009)
- Updated HIFI CUS and flight procedures (2009)
- Routine Phase DBS raster maps (2017)
- All successfully scheduled HIFI AORs
- All scheduled engineering HIFI AORs
- All failed HIFI AORs
Science Management
- HIFI OBS Upload Procedure (2009)
- Herschel HIFI ICU OBS Software User Manual (2009)
- HIFI OBS software release notice (2009)
Performance and Calibration:
- Continuum reproducibility on HIFI monitoring 3x3 raster maps (2014)
- Alternative Calibration Schemes: smoothing widths (2011)
- HIFI H and V positions (2010)
- AGB stars as calibrators for HIFI and ALMA (2009)
- HIFI Spacecraft Instrument Alignment Matrix (2008)
- Placeholder
Instrument Performance
- The HIFI Focal Plane Beam Characterization and Alignment Status (2008)
- HIFI SVM panel thermal stability report (2009)
- HIFI Standing Wave FSW investigation (2009)
- HIFI LO Software Modifications (2009)
- LCU SW redundant modification (2009)
- FMECA LCU dissipative mode (2009)
- HIFI Continuum Intensity repeatability from Mars observations (2017)
- Cryogenic Performance Characterization of the HIFI Flight Optics, In preparation, W. Jellema
Radiation Effects
- Event: HIFI OD-81 Anomaly (2010)
- Event: HIFI OD 81 anomaly investigations executive summary (2009)
- HIFI OD81 Anomaly Investigation Summary Report (2009)
- Report of Investigation on Herschel HIFI instrument failure (2009)
- HIFI test plan and test report - SW modifications for OD81 failure mitigation (2009)
- HIFI LCU SEU recognition (2010)
In-Flight Testing
- HIFI HRS SFT in CoP (2009)
- HIFI WBS SFT in CoP (2009)
- HIFI LOU SFT in CoP (2009)
- HIFI LOU SFT in CoP2 (2010)
- HIFI FPU SFT in CoP (2009)
- HIFI Chopper performance in CoP (2009)
- HIFI IF stability in CoP (2009)
- HIFI IF Feed-back in CoP (2009)
- CoP – Diplexer Step Response (2009)
- TV FT_unpumped results (2009)
- HIFI FT pumped in CoP (2009)
- CoP – Direct Detection (2009)
- Magnet tuning optimisation in CoP (2009)
- Diplexer Calibration Results CoP (2009)
- HIFI CoP Tsys survey (2009)
- HIFI CoP vector scan calibration (2009)
- HIFI System stability performance in CoP (2009)
- HIFI Differential Instrument Stability, as measured during the CoP phase (2009)
- HIFI FPG measurements (2009)
- HERSCHEL/HIFI - LO HIFI LOU BAND 3b Frequency Response (2009)
- B7b stability investigation (2009)
Pre-Flight Testing
Instrument Level Testing - ILT
- HIFI Gas Cell Manual (2006)
- HIFI Flight Model Testing at Instrument and Satellite Level (2008)
- ILT summary report (2008)
- HIFI FM Gas-cell measurements during ILT (2008)
- HIFI Gas Cell Data in the HSA (2016)
Data Processing
- HIFI User´s Reference Manual (2016)
- HIFI Developer´s Reference Manual (2016)
- HIFI Expert´s Reference Manual (2015)
- Line Identification Guide [Python script - please remove extension '.txt' prior to using the script]
- End User Requirements for HIFI Interactive Analysis (2001)
- Spur Predictor for the HIFI Point and Mapping Observations (2017)
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