2021 IHDEA meeting - IHDEA
27 September - 01 October 2021, virtual meeting
1200-1400 UTC (see conversions to local times here)
Presentations and session videos: https://issues.cosmos.esa.int/socciwiki/display/IHDEA/IHDEA+-+2021
Monday 27 September 2021 - Moderator: A. Masson
Space agencies/Institutions reports
- NASA HPDE highlights (A. Roberts)
- ESA highlights (A. Masson)
- CNES and INSU highlights (N. Dufourg/N. André/B. Cecconi)
- JAXA/Nagoya University highlights (JAXA rep./Y. Miyoshi)
IHDEA Working group reports
- WG1 on community awareness (A. Masson)
- WG2 on community Metadata Assessment (B. Cecconi)
- WG3 on coordinate systems standardisation (J. Lewis TBC)
- WG4 DOI on data (A. Roberts/ A. Masson)
- WG5 on HAPI (J. Vandegriff)
- WG6 on metadata standard for simulations (C. Wiegand)
- WG7 to trace the usage of Python (B. Martinez)
- WG8 on SPASE registry organisation and maintenance (S. Fung)
- WG9 related to SPASE 3.0 (T. King)
- WG10 on Standard for execution interface (B. Cecconi)
Tuesday 28 September 2021 (Live Notes) - Moderator: S. Fung (2nd part)
Coordination of SPASE registries (A. Roberts)
- How to access CDPP SPASE registry? IUGONET registry?
- Need of a Registry of registries?
- General SPASE registry (with non-NASA NAs such as: ASWS, ESA, CNES,…)
- Naming Authority (NA) descriptions: Repository/metadata.xml files CNES/CDPP, IUGONET, CCMC (T. King)
- 12:30-12:45: SPASE updates (T. King)
- 12:45-12:55: SPASE simulation extension to pipe input data and model (S. Hess)
- 12:55-13:05: SPASE simulation extension for various types of simulations (R. Modolo)
- 13:05-13:20: TFCat/HPEventList (Time-frequency event catalog) (B. Cecconi)
- 13:20-13:40: OSCAR a metadata standard for Earth science data (H. Pohjola, invited)
(https://space.oscar.wmo.int/ ; https://space.oscar.wmo.int/satellites) - 13:40-14:00: HEK (R. Timmons, invited)
Wednesday 29 September 2021 - Moderator: Y. Miyoshi
Data formats
- 12:00-12:20: RINEX: data format for GNSS data (Y. Otsuka, invited)
- 12:20-12:40: Data standard for interplanetary scintillations (IPS) (C. Tiburzi, invited)
- 12:40-13:00: Science use case: comparisons between IPS and heliophysics spacecraft measurements (i.e. Parker Solar Probe/Solar Orbiter) (N. Raoufi/S. Imada/A. Walsh, invited)
13:00-14:00: ISWAT 2021 meeting: link to Agencies panel discussion
Access protocols
- 14:00-14:15: New features in HAPI v3.1 (J. Vandegriff)
- 14:15-14:30: New DAS2 features (C. Piker)
- 14:30-14:45: TAP implementation across ESA heliophysics archives (B. Martinez)
(https://www.ivoa.net/documents/TAP/) - 14:45-15:00: EPN-TAP update (B. Cecconi)
Thursday 30 September 2021 (Live Notes) - Moderator: B. Cecconi
Data Archive coordination
- 12:00-12:14: Update on SPDF (R. Candey)
- 12:14-12:26: Update on ESDC (A. Masson)
- 12:26-12:38: Update on IUGONET (Y. Tanaka)
- 12:38-12:50: Update on CDPP (D. Boucon)
Display, visualization and analysis tools
- 12:50-13:02: AMDA and 3Dview update (N. André)
- 13:02-13:14: Kamodo update (D. De Zeeuw)
- 13:14-13:26: Autoplot update (J. Faden)
- 13:26-13:38: SPEDAS/pySPEDAS update (J. Lewis)
- 13:38-14:00: SolarSoft (N. Hurlburt, invited)
Friday 01 October 2021 (Live Notes) - Moderator: S. Fung
Coordination of DOI efforts and all standards panel discussion (moderated by S. Fung)
- NASA (A. Roberts)
- ESA (A. Masson/G. De Marchi)
- Nagoya University (T. Hori)
12:45-13:00: Report on PyHC and other Python libraries workshop (J. Barnum)
New Initiatives
- The Heliophysics KNOWledge Network (R. McGranaghan)
- The LIKED resource and the DIARIES analysis ecosystem (R. Ringuette)
General discussion
- SPASE actions from IHDEA discussions (T. King)
- Promotion and advertisement of standards (S. Fung)
- IHDEA working groups
- Date of the next meeting
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- Removed a total of (1) align=center.