Scientific registration

The registration to the DASH/IHDEA meetings 2024 is a two step process. First start with this scientific registration page below to log your interest in participating to both or only one of these meetings, your prefered sessions and submit your abstract(s). This is essential for the SOC to setup the detailed scientic program.

The second step is to pay your registration fees and indicate if you would like to use the bus provided by ESA:

Please note that the number of people able to attend these meetings on-site at ESAC is limited. Hence, please secure your seat by registering here. Attending both meetings online also requires to pay (much lower) registration fees.


We would like to inform you that the personal data you have provided will be processed by ESA, for the purpose of managing your registration. You can find more information about the processing of your personal data in our Privacy Notice.


As the Local Organising Committee of the DASH and IHDEA meetings, we assume that all participants share our commitment to create a meeting environment that values diversity and inclusion and therefore is free from harassment. We want to promote a diverse environment with respectful and courteous behaviour and therefore we expect all participants to adhere to our Code of Conduct.