Current selection: SCI Seminars for 2023

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Date Title   Speaker Affiliation Series Room
Thu 15:00
14 Dec 2023
The Hycean Paradigm in the Search for Life Elsewhere Print Abstract Nikku Madhusudhan Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, UK SCI Virtual Only
Thu 15:00
07 Dec 2023
Galaxy Assembly with JWST/NIRSpec IFS (GA-NIFS): the dense environment of AGN at z > 3 Print Abstract Michele Perna Centro de Astrobiología (CAB, INTA-CSIC), Madrid, Spain SCI Virtual Only
Thu 15:00
30 Nov 2023
Measuring the thermal emission of TRAPPIST-1’s innermost planets using the JWST Print Abstract Elsa Ducrot AIM, CEA, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay, Université de Paris, France SCI ESTEC
Fri 15:00
24 Nov 2023
Interstellar dust properties in the Milky Way and beyond Print Abstract Marjorie Decleir Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) SCI ESTEC
Thu 15:00
09 Nov 2023
YSES and WiSPiT: direct imaging surveys for young gas giant exoplanets Print Abstract Matthew Kenworthy Leiden Observatory, The Netherlands SCI ESTEC
Thu 15:00
02 Nov 2023
HII-CHI-mistry: A self-consistent method to derive chemical abundances in star-forming galaxies and AGNs at different spectral ranges Print Abstract Enrique Pérez Montero Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, Granada, Spain SCI Virtual Only
Thu 15:00
26 Oct 2023
AT2023fhn (the Finch) & other animals Print Abstract Ashley Chrimes ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands SCI ESTEC
Mon 00:00
16 Oct 2023
Special Event: ESA Brainstorming on Astrobiology Keynote Talks (16 - 20 Oct) Print Abstract Various speakers N/A SCI Virtual Only
Tue 15:00
10 Oct 2023
Special Event: Presentation of the Gaia Focused Product Release Print Abstract Various speakers N/A SCI ESAC
Thu 15:00
14 Sep 2023
Where Environments Collide: River-Dune Interactions on Mars and Titan Print Abstract Eleni Bohacek & Ricci Bahia ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands SCI ESTEC
Thu 15:00
07 Sep 2023
Mercury, just a boring rock in space? Print Abstract Willi Exner ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands SCI ESTEC
Thu 15:00
29 Jun 2023
DISTURB: A real time solar radio spectrograph Print Abstract Michiel Brentjens ASTRON, Dwingeloo, The Netherlands SCI ESTEC
Thu 14:00
22 Jun 2023
Solar Orbiter and the solar/heliospheric fleet coordinated observations: a test bed for a global eruptive flare model Print Abstract Miho Janvier ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands SCI ESTEC
Thu 15:00
15 Jun 2023
BepiColombo's third Mercury flyby: What will MCAM see? Print Abstract Jack Wright, Valentina Galluzzi, Kay Wohlfarth ESA/ESAC (Spain), Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, (Italy), Technical University of Dortmund, (Germany) SCI Virtual Only
Thu 15:00
08 Jun 2023
The impact of stellar contamination on rocky exoplanet atmosphere characterization: science & tools Print Abstract Lionel Garcia University of Liege, Belgium SCI ESTEC
Thu 15:00
01 Jun 2023
Surveying populations of X-ray sources in the Milky Way and nearby galaxies with NuSTAR Print Abstract Arash Bodaghee Georgia College & State University (GCSU), GA, USA SCI ESAC
Thu 15:00
25 May 2023
The furthest quasars in the X-rays (and their environment) Print Abstract Fabio Vito INAF-OAS, Bologna, Italy SCI ESAC
Wed 14:00
17 May 2023
The TESS Observatory: Recent Science Highlights and Ongoing Extended Mission Print Abstract George Ricker MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research, Cambridge, MA, USA SCI ESTEC
Thu 15:00
11 May 2023
Interactions of exoplanets with their host stars - new observational prospects Print Abstract Katja Poppenhäger AIP, Potsdam, Germany SCI Virtual Only
Thu 15:00
27 Apr 2023
Tangled and twisted: a journey through the magnetic field complexity in astrophysical objects Print Abstract Daniele Viganò Institute of Space Sciences (ICE, IEEC-CSIC), Cerdanyola del Vallés, Spain) SCI Virtual Only
Thu 15:00
30 Mar 2023
Understanding Europa's icy surface through spectrophotometry Print Abstract Ines Belgacem ESA/ESAC, Madrid, Spain SCI ESAC
CAB Library
Thu 15:00
16 Mar 2023
Mars' ionosphere: from our current knowledge to the future of Mars exploration Print Abstract Beatriz Sánchez-Cano University of Leicester, UK SCI ESTEC
Mon 15:00
13 Mar 2023
The JUICE mission: overview, science, challenges, everything you want to know one month before launch Print Abstract Manuela Baroni & Olivier Witasse ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands SCI ESTEC
Newton 1 & 2
Thu 15:00
09 Mar 2023
SEIS on Mars: First legacy after 4 years of seismic monitoring of Mars Print Abstract Philippe Longnonné Université Paris Cité, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France SCI Virtual Only
Thu 15:00
02 Mar 2023
Studying Low-Mass Stars in the Era of Surveys: Data, Models and Surprises Print Abstract Marcel Agüeros Columbia University, New York, NY, USA / Laboratoire d'Astrophysique, Bordeaux, France SCI ESAC
Thu 15:00
23 Feb 2023
Constraining the mass of massive neutron stars with multi-messenger astrophysics Print Abstract Kaye Jiale Li Mullard Space Science Laboratory / University College London, UK SCI ESAC
Thu 15:00
16 Feb 2023
The importance of Phobos Sample Return to understand Mars and its Moons: Leveraging Hayabusa 2 for MMX and beyond Print Abstract Tomohiro Usui Institute of Space and Aeronautical Science, JAXA, Japan SCI ESAC
Thu 15:00
09 Feb 2023
First results from JADES: Breaking the redshift barrier with JWST Print Abstract Emma Curtis-Lake University of Hertsfordshire, UK SCI Virtual Only
Thu 15:00
02 Feb 2023
The interplay between internal and external processes in disk galaxies: formation and evolution of thick disks Print Abstract Francesca Pinna Max-Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg, Germany SCI ESTEC
Thu 15:00
26 Jan 2023
Previewing Roman's Survey of Stellar Halos using the FOGGIE Simulation Print Abstract Anna Wright Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA SCI STScI
Thu 15:00
19 Jan 2023
Orbital Decay in M82 X-2 Print Abstract Matteo Bachetti Cagliari Astronomical Observatory, Italy SCI ESAC
Thu 15:00
12 Jan 2023
Déjà Vu? The 7th Outburst of the Recurrent Nova RS Oph in Soft X-rays Print Abstract Jan-Uwe Ness ESA/ESAC, Madrid, Spain SCI ESAC

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