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Date Title   Speaker Affiliation Series Room
Thu 15:00
22 Dec 2022
Artemis: The Human Return to the Moon (Special Christmas Seminar) Print Abstract Martin Born ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands SCI Virtual Only
Tue 09:45
06 Dec 2022
Solar energetic protons and radiation dose experienced by flight crews: example of an operational space weather service driven by science Sophie Musset ESA-ESTEC Breakfast ESTEC
Tue 09:45
22 Nov 2022
X-ray spectroscopy: from lab experiments to interstellar dust models Sascha Zeegers ESA-ESTEC Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
17 Nov 2022
Micrometeoroid and Orbital Debris impacts on materials returned from space Print Abstract Anton Kearsley Natural History Museum, London, UK SCI ESTEC
Tue 09:45
15 Nov 2022
The geologic mapping of Oxia Planum, Mars Csilla Orgel ESA-ESTEC Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
10 Nov 2022
Stellar environments of (exo)planetary atmospheres Print Abstract Sudeshna Boro Saikia University of Vienna, Austria SCI ESTEC
Tue 09:45
08 Nov 2022
Solar Orbiter’s STIX: New insight into particle acceleration in Solar Flares Hannah Collier ETH Zurich Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
03 Nov 2022
The Euclid mission: goals, status and forecast Print Abstract Guadalupe Cañas ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands SCI ESTEC
Tue 09:45
01 Nov 2022
Growing up: from KiDS to Euclid Henk Hoekstra Leiden University Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
27 Oct 2022
Classification of variability signals using ML algorithms Print Abstract Jozef Magdolen Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia SCI ESAC
Tue 09:45
25 Oct 2022
New method to rapidly diagnose the large-scale stellar magnetic field Lisa T. Lehmann Université de Toulouse Breakfast ESTEC
Tue 09:45
18 Oct 2022
3-D reconstruction of planetary surface using shading algorithm on the example of BepiColombo MCAM images Kay Wohlfahrt TU Dortmund Breakfast ESTEC
Tue 09:45
11 Oct 2022
Structural analysis of the faults and pit chains network in Noctis Labyrinthus, based on data derived from HRSC and MOLA. Mayssa El Yazidi University of Padova Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
06 Oct 2022
The SALT Be X-Ray Binary Monitoring Programme Print Abstract Lee Townsend South African Astronomical Observatory, South Africa SCI ESAC
Tue 09:45
04 Oct 2022
The Gaia mission, Gaia DR3, and science highlights Anthony Brown Leiden University Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
29 Sep 2022
Characterisation of Hayabusa2 returned samples by the MicrOmega instrument within the ISAS curation facility Print Abstract Lucie Riu ESA/ESAC, Madrid, Spain SCI ESAC
Tue 09:45
27 Sep 2022
Vela X-1 long-term monitoring study using MAXI Luis Abalo Rodríguez Leiden University Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
22 Sep 2022
Ages for old low-mass K/M dwarfs with gyrochronology and spectroscopy Print Abstract Lucy Lu Columbia University, New York, NY, USA SCI ESTEC
Tue 09:45
13 Sep 2022
Characterising the Red Clump standard candle in Gaia magnitude, colour, metallicity and alpha abundance Oliver Hall ESA-ESTEC Breakfast ESTEC
Tue 09:45
13 Sep 2022
Charting planet formation with ALMA and MATISSE Michiel Hogerheijde Leiden University Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
08 Sep 2022
How to maximize the scientific return of sample return missions, or the vital role of curation Print Abstract Aurore Hutzler ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands SCI Virtual Only
Thu 15:00
21 Jul 2022
Cassini at Saturn: brief overview with emphasis on the moons Print Abstract Tilmann Denk DLR Berlin, Germany SCI ESAC
Tue 09:45
12 Jul 2022
Mining useful information from the Gaia Archive Michal Ďurovič University of Technology Prague Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
07 Jul 2022
Creating a large interacting galaxy dataset with the ESA Hubble Archive, galaxy zoo labels and deep learning Print Abstract David O'Ryan University of Lancaster, UK SCI Virtual Only
Tue 09:45
05 Jul 2022
Master thesis presentations Leiden Master students Leiden University Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
30 Jun 2022
Measuring and interpreting bidirectional reflectance distribution functions for the lunar regolith Print Abstract Rowan Curtis Oxford University, UK SCI ESAC
Tue 09:45
28 Jun 2022
Why do clusters (and groups) of galaxies shine in X-rays? Francois Mernier ESA-ESTEC Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 17:00
23 Jun 2022
Zooming in on Bright Exoplanetary Systems with the CHaracterizing ExOPlanets Satellite (CHEOPS) Monika Lendl University of Geneva ESA@STScI STScI
Tue 10:30
21 Jun 2022
How to find isolated black holes with Gaia? Print Abstract Łukasz Wyrzykowski Astronomical Observatory, University of Warsaw, Poland SCI ESAC
Tue 09:45
21 Jun 2022
A highly magnified star at redshift 6.2 Ryan Cooper ESA-ESTEC Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
16 Jun 2022
Obscured Star Formation at z~7 Observed with the REBELS ALMA Large Program Print Abstract Hanae Inami Hiroshima Astrophysical Science Centre, Japan SCI Virtual Only
Tue 09:45
14 Jun 2022
Art-Space Exchange: Moving trough a patchwork of spectral observations Anna Hoetjes ESA Art-Space Exchange Breakfast ESTEC
Tue 09:45
07 Jun 2022
The chemical and thermal structure of the atmosphere of the elliptical galaxy NGC 5813 Dimitris Chatzigiannakis Leiden University Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
02 Jun 2022
Imaging the supermassive black hole at the Galactic Centre with the EHT Print Abstract José Luis Gómez Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía-CSIC, Granada, Spain SCI Virtual Only
Tue 09:45
31 May 2022
Hunting solar jets Paloma Jol Leiden University Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
26 May 2022
Distributed peer review enhanced with machine learning Print Abstract Wolfgang Kerzendorf Michigan State University, USA SCI ESAC
Tue 09:45
24 May 2022
Discovering space through the 5 senses Ines Belgacem ESA-ESTEC Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
19 May 2022
Spectroscopy and solar-stellar activity monitoring with the robotic 1.2m telescope TIGRE in Guanajuato Print Abstract Klaus-Peter Schröder Universidad de Guanajuato, Mexico SCI Virtual Only
Tue 09:45
17 May 2022
Bursts and bombs in the solar atmosphere Chris Nelson ESA-ESTEC Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
12 May 2022
A new vision of the Martian atmosphere and climate thanks to Mars Express and the Trace Gas Orbiter Print Abstract Franck Montmessin LATMOS/IPSL, Guyancourt, France SCI Virtual Only
Tue 09:45
10 May 2022
Magnetic holes in the solar wind observed with the Cluster satellites Henriette Trollvik Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Breakfast ESTEC
Tue 09:45
03 May 2022
Observing planet formation in action Nienke van der Marel Leiden University Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
28 Apr 2022
TESS's Jovian Legacy Print Abstract Chelsea X. Huang University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Australia SCI Virtual Only
Mon 09:45
25 Apr 2022
Identifying globular clusters with machine learning Katja Fahrion, Dominik Dold ESA-ESTEC Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
21 Apr 2022
Early Galaxy Formation and its Large-Scale Effects Print Abstract Pratika Dayal Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen, The Netherlands SCI Virtual Only
Tue 09:45
19 Apr 2022
Solar radio bursts: what do they tell us? Sophie Musset ESA-ESTEC Breakfast ESTEC
Tue 09:45
12 Apr 2022
How does the solar wind squashes your planet? - Applications to Mercury and BepiColombo Federico Lavorenti University of Pisa Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
07 Apr 2022
Habitable Worlds(?) and Stellar Flares Print Abstract Maximilian Günther ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands SCI Virtual Only
Tue 09:45
05 Apr 2022
New Close-up Views of Old Distant Galaxies Mariska Kriek Leiden University Breakfast ESTEC
Tue 09:45
29 Mar 2022
Investigating the X-ray properties of highly accreting AGN Marco Laurenti Italian Space Agency Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
24 Mar 2022
Planets are Places: Characterization of Other Worlds in the 2020s and Beyond Print Abstract Laura Kreidberg Max Planck Insitute for Astronomy, Atmospheric Physics of Exoplanets (APEx) Department, Heidelberg, Germany SCI Virtual Only
Tue 09:45
22 Mar 2022
The thrill of space exploration - Application to the MicrOmega instrument for the characterisation of C-type Asteroid Ryugu Lucie Riu ESA-ESAC Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
17 Mar 2022
Modelling of Jovian low frequency radio source occultations and application to the scientific segmentation of the JUICE mission Print Abstract Baptiste Cecconi LESIA, Observatoire de Paris, Meudon, France SCI Virtual Only
Thu 15:00
10 Mar 2022
Prospects in Solar Physics for the Next Decade: a Multi-messenger Era Print Abstract Valentín Martínez Pillet National Solar Observatory, Boulder, CO, USA SCI Virtual Only
Tue 09:45
08 Mar 2022
Detecting stellar accelerations at intermediate separations from Sgr A* Alice Young ESA-ESTEC Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
03 Mar 2022
The Global Dynamical Atlas of the Milky Way mergers: Processing the ESA/Gaia dataset using state-of-the-art algorithms Print Abstract Khyati Malhan Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg, Germany SCI Virtual Only
Tue 09:45
01 Mar 2022
The Astrophysical Lunar Observatory Jan Tauber ESA-ESTEC Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
24 Feb 2022
Prospects for polarimetry, exozodiacal, and debris disk observations with the Roman Space Telescope Coronagraph Instrument Print Abstract John Debes Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD, USA SCI Virtual Only
Tue 09:45
22 Feb 2022
Solar flare affects on the Earth's Lower Ionosphere Laura Hayes ESA-ESAC Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
17 Feb 2022
LAMOST meets Gaia: the Galactic Open Clusters Print Abstract Xiaoting Fu Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University, Beijing, China SCI Virtual Only
Tue 09:45
15 Feb 2022
Tick-Tock: The Imminent Merger of a Supermassive Black Hole Binary (from Jiang et al. 2022) Oliver Jennrich ESA-ESTEC Breakfast ESTEC
Tue 09:45
15 Feb 2022
X-ray observations of the recurrent nova RS Oph Jan-Uwe Ness ESA-ESAC Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
10 Feb 2022
Tidal deformation and tidal decay of WASP-103b Print Abstract Susana Barros Universidade do Porto, Portugal SCI Virtual Only
Tue 09:45
08 Feb 2022
How does metallicity affect the activity of low-mass stars? Victor See EAS-ESTEC Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
03 Feb 2022
Flares and Prebiotic Chemistry for Rocky Planets orbiting Ultracool Stars Print Abstract Paul Rimmer University of Cambridge, UK SCI Virtual Only
Tue 09:45
01 Feb 2022
Our Big History and the High-Redshift Universe Ryan Cooper ESA-ESTEC Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
27 Jan 2022
Revealing the Star Formation History of the Solar Neighborhood: Supernova-Driven Star Formation on the Surface of the Local Bubble Print Abstract Catherine Zucker Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD, USA SCI Virtual Only
Tue 09:45
25 Jan 2022
Solar Orbiter — Here comes the Sun Daniel Müller ESA-ESTEC Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
20 Jan 2022
Deciphering the formation of nuclear star clusters Print Abstract Katja Fahrion ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands SCI Virtual Only
Tue 09:00
18 Jan 2022
Changing Look AGN, or, Delivery accretion disks from the phantom of thermal time-scales Matteo Guainazzi ESA-ESTEC Breakfast ESTEC
Tue 09:45
11 Jan 2022
Basaltic lava flows on the lunar far side Ines Torres ESA-ESTEC Breakfast ESTEC

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