Current selection: All Faculty Seminars for 2024

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Date Title   Speaker Affiliation Series Room
Thu 15:00
07 Nov 2024
Visual Trust: Astronomical Images and Scientific Aesthetics Print Abstract Alkim Erol and Roger Canals Universitat de Barcelona Faculty ESTEC
Tue 09:45
05 Nov 2024
TBA Cosimo Bambi Fudan University Breakfast ESTEC
Tue 09:45
29 Oct 2024
TBD Pragya Jain Leiden University Breakfast ESTEC
Mon 15:00
28 Oct 2024
Discoveries at the icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn Print Abstract Michele Dougherty Imperial College London Faculty ESTEC
Escape dance room
Thu 15:00
24 Oct 2024
Unveiling the ionising properties of galaxies at the Epoch of Reionisation with NIRCam Print Abstract Charlotte Simmonds University of Cambridge Faculty STScI
Tue 09:45
22 Oct 2024
TBA Sharon Diamant Utrecht University Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
17 Oct 2024
Solar energetic particle events and their longitudinal spread in the inner heliosphere Print Abstract Nina Dresing Turku University Faculty ESAC
Tue 09:45
15 Oct 2024
TBD Print Abstract Ciaran Rogers Leiden University Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
10 Oct 2024
Measuring past gas accretion in Local Universe galaxies Print Abstract Artemi Camps Fariña University Complutense of Madrid Faculty ESAC
Tue 09:45
08 Oct 2024
JUICE Lunar Earth Gravity Assist outcomes Print Abstract Olivier Witasse ESA/ESTEC Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
03 Oct 2024
Hunting for wandering black holes in the JWST archive Print Abstract Ivan Delvecchio INAF - Observatory of Astrophysics and Space Science (Italy) Faculty ESAC
Tue 09:45
01 Oct 2024
Formation of Sun-like stars in the JWST era: protostellar accretion and ejection Print Abstract Łukasz Tychoniec Leiden University Breakfast ESTEC
Tue 09:45
24 Sep 2024
Three Orbits of Insight: Solar Orbiter, Solar Flares, and the Sun During My Fellowship Print Abstract Laura Hayes ESA/ESTEC Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:30
19 Sep 2024
Investigating solar eruptions and their space weather effects with multi-spacecraft observations and modelling Print Abstract Erika Palmerio Predictive Science Inc. Faculty ESAC
Tue 09:45
17 Sep 2024
Kicks and mergers of binary compact objects Print Abstract Nicola Gaspari Radboud University Breakfast ESTEC
Tue 14:00
10 Sep 2024
ECLIPSE DOES NOT HIDE, BUT REVEALS: Comprehensive X-ray Reprocessing Studies in High and Low Mass X-ray Binaries with XMM-Newton Print Abstract Nafisa Aftab Raman Research Institute, Sadashivanagar, Bengaluru Faculty ESAC
Thu 15:00
05 Sep 2024
The magnetic and spin-down properties of fully convective vs partially convective stars Print Abstract Victor See ESA ESTEC Faculty ESTEC
Tue 09:45
13 Aug 2024
TBD Print Abstract Linn Roos ESA/ESTEC Breakfast ESTEC
Tue 09:45
06 Aug 2024
LEAPS presentations Print Abstract LEAPS students ESA/LEAPS Breakfast ESTEC
Tue 09:45
23 Jul 2024
Re-thinking gamma-ray bursts Print Abstract Ashley Chrimes ESA/ESTEC Breakfast ESTEC
Tue 09:45
16 Jul 2024
Measuring distances to galaxies with globular clusters Print Abstract Katja Fahrion ESA/ESTEC Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
11 Jul 2024
Connecting the Sun’s Dynamic Corona to the Rotation-Evolution of Sun-like Stars Print Abstract Adam Finley CEA Paris-Saclay Faculty ESTEC
Tue 09:45
09 Jul 2024
Master student presentations Leiden-ESA Master students Leiden Observatory Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
04 Jul 2024
RADEM, the radiation monitor aboard the JUICE mission: a bridge between science and engineering Print Abstract Marco Pinto Research Fellow in TEC-QEC, ESTEC, The Netherlands Faculty ESAC
Tue 09:45
02 Jul 2024
TBD Matteo Martinelli TBD Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 16:00
27 Jun 2024
A data-base for collecting, analysing and centralising astronomical observations using existing astronomical images | Machine Learning Applied to Asteroid Searches in the HST Archive Print Abstract René Duffard & Pablo García Martín Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC), Granada, Spain Faculty ESAC
Tue 09:45
25 Jun 2024
TBD Indira Ocampo TBD Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
20 Jun 2024
LGTBQIA+ diversity in STEM: Current situation and actions for equality Print Abstract Aitor Villafranca Spanish national Research Council / PRISMA, Madrid, Spain Faculty ESAC
Tue 09:45
18 Jun 2024
Restless beast: The radiatively-driven outflows of I Zwicky 1 Print Abstract Anna Juranova SRON Breakfast ESTEC
Tue 17:00
18 Jun 2024
Hidden gems in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram Print Abstract Orlagh Creevey Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, Nice, France ESA@STScI STScI
Bahcall Auditorium
Thu 15:00
13 Jun 2024
Peering Inside Giants: How Solar System information and JWST Data Transforms Our Understanding of Exoplanet Interiors Print Abstract Yamila Miguel Leiden Observatory, Leiden, The Netherlands Faculty ESTEC
Thu 15:00
06 Jun 2024
Precision Cosmology, the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe and the LCDM Model: Insights from Observations and Theory Print Abstract Indira Ocampo Justiniano Institute for Theoretical Physics (IFT UAM-CSIC) Faculty ESTEC
Df 121
Tue 09:45
04 Jun 2024
Active galactic nuclei winds in X-rays: Ultra-fast outflows Laura Borrelli University of Rome Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 14:00
30 May 2024
Interstellar ice in the laboratory Print Abstract Ko-Ju Chuang Leiden Observatory, Leiden, The Netherlands Faculty ESTEC
Tue 09:45
28 May 2024
Intrinsic galaxy alignments: connection to cosmology and galaxy evolution. Christos Georgiou Utrecht University Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
23 May 2024
Characterization of Co-natal Stars in the Gaia Era: Chemical Evidence of Planetary Ingestion Print Abstract Fan Liu Monash University, Melbourne, Australia Faculty Virtual Only
Tue 09:45
21 May 2024
TBD Victoria Grinberg ESTEC Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
16 May 2024
Directly detecting dark matter with gravitational-wave interferometers Print Abstract Andrew Miller National Institute of Subatomic Physics (Nikhef) and Utrecht University, The Netherlands Faculty ESAC
Tue 09:45
14 May 2024
Observing the Earth in the Far-Infrared (What cool radiation can tell us about a warming world) Laura Warwick TBD Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 10:00
09 May 2024
Towards an improvement in the characterisation of stellar radial velocities Print Abstract André Silva University of Porto, Portugal Faculty ESAC
Tue 09:45
07 May 2024
The first-ever measurements of NIR spectral indices of a massive Early-Type Galaxy at z~2 Davide Bevacqua INAF Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
02 May 2024
Solar Wind Connection Science with Solar Orbiter Print Abstract Steph Yardley Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK Faculty ESTEC
Thu 15:00
25 Apr 2024
Living with cosmic radiation Print Abstract Du Toit Strauss North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa Faculty ESAC
Thu 15:00
18 Apr 2024
Planetary Reactive Oxidants: field and lab methods to monitor and counter their negative impact on space missions and astronaut health Print Abstract Christos Georgiou University of Patras, Greece Faculty ESTEC
Thu 15:00
11 Apr 2024
Linking motion of Galactic black holes to their birth mechanism and a quest to see them all Print Abstract Pikky Atri ASTRON, Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy, Dwingeloo, The Netherlands Faculty ESTEC
Thu 15:00
04 Apr 2024
Zooming-in on fast radio bursts - in both space and time Print Abstract Jason Hessels Anton Pannekoek Institute of Astronomy, University of Amsterdam / ASTRON, The Netherlands Faculty ESTEC
Tue 09:45
19 Mar 2024
(A small portion of) The not so smooth way to JWST Print Abstract Nora Lützgendorf ESTEC Breakfast ESTEC
Tue 09:45
12 Mar 2024
How to picture quasi-periodic signals Print Abstract Emily Sandford Cambridge UK Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 00:15
07 Mar 2024
EuroMoonMars Highlights on Space Data Analysis, Instruments, Astronautics and EuroSpaceHub Academy Print Abstract Bernard Foing ILEWG/LUNEX EuroMoonMars & EuroSpaceHub Academy Faculty ESTEC
Tue 09:45
05 Mar 2024
Sharing? the surface of the lunar south polar region Print Abstract Sarah Boazman ESTEC Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
29 Feb 2024
Mars atmosphere thermal structure as seen by NOMAD/TGO and towards harmonisation of temperature datasets from ESA's missions Print Abstract Loïc Trompet Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BIRA-IASB), Brussels, Belgium Faculty ESTEC
Tue 09:45
27 Feb 2024
JUICE: what happens during the cruise phase? Print Abstract Olivier Witasse ESA ESTEC Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 15:00
22 Feb 2024
Origin of solar energetic particles in the heliosphere Print Abstract Sophie Musset ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands Faculty ESTEC
Mon 09:45
12 Feb 2024
Searching for Interstellar Calcium dust Print Abstract Sascha Zeegers ESTEC Breakfast ESTEC
Thu 00:15
08 Feb 2024
Outflowing winds from Active Galactic Nuclei: a high energy view Print Abstract Elisa Costantini SRON, Utrecht, The Netherlands Faculty ESTEC
Thu 15:00
01 Feb 2024
Dart and Hera: A Dynamic Duo in Planetary Defense Advancements Print Abstract Paula Benavidez Universidad de Alicante, Spain Faculty ESAC
Thu 15:00
18 Jan 2024
The X-ray coronal activity of M dwarfs Print Abstract Enza Magaudda Universität Tübingen, Germany Faculty ESAC

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