PhDs Awarded for Ulysses-related Research

The following dissertations based on Ulysses-related research have lead (or will lead) to the award of PhD degrees (or equivalent). This list is not yet (and may never be) exhaustive, and will be updated regularly.

Last update: 1 May, 2003

[ 1980 | 1982 | 1987 | 1989 | 1990 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003]


  • Steuerungs- und Datenverarbeitungseinheit fuer das ISPM-SWICS Experiment
    Wolfgang Rieck, Technical University of Braunschweig



  • Untersuchungen zur Moeglichkeit des Nachweises von interstellarem Neutralgas im interplanetaren Raum mit Hilfe der Sekundaerionenemission
    Michael Raphelt, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fachbereiche der Georg-August-Universitaet, Goettingen



  • Calibration measurements with the micrometeoroid detectors for the missions Ulysses, Galileo and Giotto
    Jochen Ralf Goeller, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik, Heidelberg



  • Zusammensetzung des Sonnenwindplasmas: Eichung des Sonnenwindmassen-spektrometers SWICS zur Ionisation der Elemente im Uebergangsbereich der Sonnenatmosphaere
    Roland Joos, University of Bern



  • Echtzeitklassifikation von Ionen im Weltraum
    Wolfgang Rieck, Technical University of Braunschweig



  • SIRAS : Systeme d'information pour la Radioastronomie Spatiale
    Omar El Bachiri, Universite Paris 7



  • Large scale structures of the interplanetary magnetic field between Earth and Jupiter
    Anjana Ahuja, Space & Atmospheric Physics Group, Imperial College, University of London
  • Identification of dust impacts in the data collected with the Micro-Meteoroid-Detectors on board the Ulysses and Galileo spaceprobes
    Michael Baguhl, Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg



  • Ionen mittlerer Energie in der Heliosphaere: Ergebnisse des Ulysses-EPAC-Experiments in der Ekliptik
    Markus Fraenz, University of Braunschweig
  • Dynamic phenomena in the Jovian magnetosphere based on observations during the Ulysses flyby
    Paula L. Haynes, Space & Atmospheric Physics Group, Imperial College, University of London
  • Drei-dimensionale Richtungsverteilungen und relative Haeufigkeiten energiereicher Ionen in der Magnetosphaere des Jupiter
    Norbert Krupp, University of Braunschweig
  • Observations and analysis of plasma physics processes in the solar wind under special considerations of a particles and heavy ions
    Shuhui Liu, University of Goettingen
  • Oxygen, helium, and hydrogen in the solar wind: SWICS/Ulysses results
    R. F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, University of Bern
  • Disconnection events of Comet Halley, 1985-1986, and global magnetohydrodynamic simulations
    Yu Yi, University of Colorado



  • Measurements of solar wind sulfur abundance and charge states
    Christina M. S. Cohen, University of Maryland
  • Charged particle phenomena during the Ulysses-Jupiter encounter
    Mihir I. Desai, University of Birmingham
  • Study of heliospheric shock waves observed by the Ulysses magnetometer in and out of the ecliptic plane
    Juan-Americo Gonzalez-Esparza, Space & Atmospheric Physics Group, Imperial College, University of London
  • Etude d'un modele cinetique du vent solaire et spectroscopie du bruit thermique sur Ulysses
    Milan Maksimovic, DESPA - Observatoire de Paris, Universite Paris
  • Signaturen der Hauptkomponenten (H, He) beim Uebergang zu schnellem Sonnenwind: Ulysses/SWICS Resultate
    R. Paerli, Lizentiatsarbeit, University of Bern
  • Les electrons de Jupiter et de la Galaxie dans l'heliosphere d'apres l'experience KET a bord de la sonde Ulysse
    Cecile Rastoin, Service d'Astrophysique, C.E.A. Saclay
  • Composition of the solar wind
    Ruedi von Steiger, (Habilitation) University of Bern



  • The helium isotopic ratio as a test for fractionation in the solar wind acceleration process: SWICS/Ulysses data compared with results from a Multi-fluid Model
    Roland Bodmer, University of Bern
  • Relations couronne heliosphere revelees par la propagation des particles solaires
    Anne Buttighoffer, Paris Observatory
  • Galactic cosmic ray manganese: Ulysses HET results
    Michael DuVernois, LASR, University of Chicago
  • HI-SCALE observations of Jovian interplanetary events
    Dennis Haggerty, University of Kansas
  • Ulysses observations of magnetic field fluctuations in the heliosphere
    Timothy S. Horbury, Space & Atmospheric Physics Group, Imperial College, University of London
  • Approche connexionniste pour le pilotage temps reel du recepteur numerique WAVES/TNR embarque sur la sonde spatiale Wind
    Philippe Richaume, Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers, Paris, 5
  • Theoretical and observational studies of ion transport in the heliosphere
    Nathan A. Schwadron, University of Michigan
  • Numerical modelling of the dynamics of micrometeoroids and their significance for interplanetary spaceprobes and geocentric sattelites
    Peter Staubach, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik, Heidelberg
  • An investigation into sulfur isotopes in the galactic cosmic rays
    Michael Thayer, LASR, University of Chicago
  • Ladungszustaende, Geschwindigkeiten, Dichten und Temperaturen von Eisenionen im Sonnenwind: Ulysses/SWICS Resultate
    S. Zumbrunn, Lizentiatsarbeit, University of Bern
  • Turbulence in the interplanetary medium and its implications on the dynamics of minor ions
    Thomas H. Zurbuchen, University of Bern



  • Bulk flow of hot plasma in the Jovian magnetosphere
    S. E. Hawkins III, The Johns Hopkins University
  • Modulation galaktischer kosmischer protonen und alpha-teilchen in der inneren dreidimensionalen heliosphare
    Bernd Heber, University of Kiel
  • First order anisotropies of ~ 1 MeV ions in the Jovian magnetosphere
    Nicholas F. Laxton, Space & Atmospheric Physics Group, Imperial College, University of London
  • Etudes des ondes electrostatiques stimulees et naturelles mesurees au voisinages du tore de plasma de Io par la sonde Ulysse
    Philippe Le Sager, CETP
  • Rotational effects on MHD waves in the Jovian magnetosphere
    Coreena F. A. Lofting, Space & Atmospheric Physics Group, Imperial College, University of London
  • Equilibre et confinement du tore de plasma d'Io dans la magnetosphere de Jupiter : observations d'Ulysse et modelisation
    Michel Moncuquet, Universite Paris 7
  • Observations and interpretation of ion acceleration and propagation in the 3-D heliosphere
    Kenneth A. Sayle, University of Birmingham



  • Studies of charged particles in the Earth's distant magnetotail
    Stephen Ashford, University of California, Berkeley (in progress)
  • An investigation of the magnetic signatures of coronal mass ejections observed by Ulysses
    John E. Glover, Space & Atmospheric Physics Group, Imperial College, University of London
  • Etude en latitude du vent solaire a partir des donnees radio obtenues par la methode de spectroscopie du bruit thermique a bord de la sonde Ulysse
    Karine Issautier, Universite Paris 11 (Orsay)
  • A study of MHD discontinuities around coronal mass ejections
    Richard I. Kilmurray, Space & Atmospheric Physics Group, Imperial College, University of London (to be submitted)
  • Low frequency waves in the solar system
    Anoosh Lachin, Space & Atmospheric Physics Group, Imperial College, University of London
  • Modeling the dynamics and interpreting the in situ measurements of interstellar dust in the local environment of the Solar System
    Markus Landgraf, Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg
  • Studies of transport of particles of solar origin inside CMEs and CIRs
    Dalmiro Maia, Paris Observatory (in progress)
  • Analysis of interplanetary phenomena by using data from Ulysses
    P. K. Marhavilas, University of Thrace (in progress)
  • The effects of pile-up and dead-time on measured energy spectra - Applications to HI-SCALE observations
    Alexei Nikitin, University of Kansas (to be submitted)
  • Zum Einfluss korotierender Wechselwirkungszonen auf Populationen energiereicher Teilchen ausserhalb der Ekliptik: Beobachtungen des EPAC-Instrumentes auf Ulysses
    Matthias Reuss, University of Braunschweig
  • Comparison of Ulysses and Galileo magnetometer results
    Robert J. Wilson, Space & Atmospheric Physics Group, Imperial College, University of London (in progress)



  • Energetic particle anisotropies at interplanetary shocks
    Juan Gomez, University of Kansas (August, 1999)
  • Allen C. Keeney, University of Kansas (M.S. Degree)
  • Spuren quasi-stationaerer heliosphaerischer Struktur des solaren Minimus: SOHO/COSTEP- und Ulysses/COSPIN-Messungen CIR-assoziierter energiereicher Protonen
    Arik Posner, University of Kiel



  • The structure and orientation of large-scale corotating structures in the heliosphere
    Dorian Clack, Space & Atmospheric Physics Group, Imperial College, University of London
  • Io Revealed in the Jovian Dust Streams
    Amara Graps, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik, Heidelberg



  • Research into weak interplanetary shock waves using the Ulysses spacecraft
    Johnny Gloag, Space & Atmospheric Physics Group, Imperial College, University of London
  • Spacecraft observations of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in corotating interaction regions
    Murtaza Gulamali, Space & Atmospheric Physics Group, Imperial College, University of London
  • Analysis of turbulent intermittency in the heliospheric magnetic field using Ulysses data
    Christina Pagel, Space & Atmospheric Physics Group, Imperial College, University of London
  • An Analysis of Solar Energetic Particles Throughout the Inner Heliosphere
    J. Douglas Patterson, University of Kansas
  • Analysis of Ulysses data: effects of radiation on dust particles
    Andreas Wehry, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik, Heidelberg
  • Numerical Simulation of Charged Particle Anisotropies in the Jupiter Magnetosphere
    Yi Zhang, University of Kansas (M.S. Degree)



  • Ulysses observations of magnetic clouds in the 3D heliosphere
    Adam Rees, Space & Atmospheric Physics Group, Imperial College, University of London