Home - X-ray Quasi Periodic Eruptions
X-ray Quasi-Periodic Eruptions &
Repeating Nuclear Transients
16-19 June 2025
European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC), Madrid
A series of extreme-variability phenomena associated with supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in galactic nuclei are being revealed with increasing frequency in recent years thanks to enhanced survey capabilities across the electromagnetic spectrum. The observation of these extreme phenomena has opened the way to the study of the physics of SMBHs in real time - something that, until a decade ago, was exclusively associated with stellar-mass black holes.
As the baseline of follow-up observations extends, repeating events have gathered more and more observational evidence in the recent past. These Repeating Nuclear Transients could be associated, for instance, with episodic mass transfer and partial Tidal Disruption Events; the interaction between the central SMBH - or its accretion flow - and a secondary orbiting object in an Extreme or Intermediate Mass-Ratio Inspiral system; or with the presence of SMBH binaries in some galactic nuclei.
Understanding the diverse phenomena presented by multi-wavelength observations - a non-exhaustive list of which is given below - is challenging and competing interpretations are being actively debated. With this workshop, we aim at providing an environment where observers and theorists can gather together to investigate whether a detailed look at individual sources, and the broader characteristics of source samples, can reveal common threads which will enable us to advance our understanding of the dynamic and complex environments which exist in galactic nuclei.
Full and partial Tidal Disruption Events
Multi-wavelength emission and outflows in nuclear transients
X-ray Quasi-Periodic Eruptions in galactic nuclei
Quasi-Periodic Oscillations from supermassive black holes
Changing-look and changing-state Active Galactic Nuclei
Supermassive black hole binaries, Extreme Mass-Ratio Inspirals, Gravitational Waves
Theory and numerical simulations
Invited speakers:
Kate Alexander - University of Arizona
Iair Arcavi - Tel Aviv University
Eric Coughlin - Syracuse University
Margherita Giustini - Centro de Astrobiología
Itai Linial - Institute for Advanced Studies and Columbia University
Megan Masterson - MIT Kavli Institute
Elena Maria Rossi - Leiden University
Benny Trakhtenbrot - Tel Aviv University
Sjoert van Velzen - Leiden University
Thomas Wevers - Space Telescope Science Institute
Solicited speakers:
Jane Lixin Dai - The University of Hong Kong
Muryel Guolo - Johns Hopkins University
Lorena Hernández García - Millennium Institute of Astrophysics
Zhu Liu - University of Hertfordshire
Wenbin Lu - University of California
Brenna Mockler - The Observatories of the Carnegie Institute for Science
Andrew Mummery - University of Oxford
Dheeraj Pasham - MIT Kavli Institute
Taeho Ryu - The Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics
Poster by Ignacio de la Calle. Here you can download the PDF (21 MB) or jpg (5.6 MB) version.
The workshop is funded by the ESA Space Science Faculty
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Contact: repeating.transients@esa.int