2011 The X-ray Universe - XMM-Newton
"The X-ray Universe 2011" Symposium
The X-ray Universe 2011
Berlin, Germany, 27 - 30 June 2011
In addition to the online presentations (see below, and stored in ADS), the following conference related information is available:
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Online Presentations
All contributions are listed with title and name of first author. The electronic versions (if available) can be accessed in the format provided by the authors by clicking on the titles.
- Topic A: Stars, Star-forming Regions, Planetary and Cometary Studies
- Topic B: Interacting Binary Systems, (Galactic) Black Holes & Micro-quasars
- Topic C: Cataclysmic Variables and Novae
- Topic D: Magnetars, Isolated Neutron Stars and Pulsars
- Topic E: Planetary Nebulae, SN, SNR, PWN, Gamma-ray Bursts and Afterglows
- Topic F: Galaxies, Galaxy Surveys, Population Studies, ISM and Diffuse Galactic Emission
- Topic G: Active Galactic Nuclei
- Topic H: Clusters of Galaxies
- Topic I: Extragalactic Surveys and Population Studies, the Cosmic X-ray Background, WHIM and Cosmology
- Topic K: X-ray Astronomy Missions, Optics, Instrumentation, Data Analysis and Archiving
Topic A: Stars, Star-forming Regions, Planetary and Cometary Studies
Invited talks
The high energy environment of extrasolar planets, Schmitt
X-ray emission from stars: Recent advances and future prospects, Stelzer
Contributed talks
Rotationally modulated X-ray emission from the accretion shock in CTTS, Argiroffi
Search for Serendipitous TNO occultation in X-rays, Chang
Fermi detections in the vicinity of the star forming regions W43 & Westerlund 2, Ferrara
Revealing the young stellar population in the S254-S258 region with X-rays, Mucciarelli
A Holy Grail for stellar wind analysis: zeta Puppis seen by XMM, Naze
Early magnetic B-type stars: X-ray emission and wind properties, Oskinova
Detection of 14368 X-ray sources in the Carina Nebula star forming region, Preibisch
X-ray emission from Ap/Bp stars - bridging cool and hot stars, Robrade
X-Ray Observations of Hot Jupiters, Wolk
The Chandra Cygnus OB2 Legacy Survey, Wright
Young stars around the Horsehead nebula, Albacete Colombo
A very deep X-ray look into the young stellar cluster IC348, Alexander
X-ray emission from protostellar jet HH 154: first evidence of a diamond shock?, Bonito
The nature and importance of the large spread in T Tauri X-ray luminosities, Drake
The young open cluster around 25 Ori, Franciosini
Cluster members and disk fraction of CygnusOB2, Guarcello
Chandra/ACIS-I study of the young stellar population of the Eagle Nebula, Guarcello
Constraining the Ages of X-ray Binaries in the Ring Galaxy NGC 922, Jackson
An XMM-Newton vision of the NGC 2023 cluster and its surroundings, Lopez-Garcia
Optical follow-up of the stellar content of the XBSS, Lopez-Santiago
Quantifying the relation between UV and X-ray flux in nearby M stars, Marino
X-ray emission from brown dwarf candidates in Cha I, Martinez-Arnaiz
Star-planet interactions in X-rays - mimicked by selection effects?, Poppenhaeger
The LETG spectrum of delta Ori, Raassen
A look at the high Galactic latitude O-type star HD93521 with XMM-Newton, Rauw
X-ray emission from protostellar jets, Schneider
Giant HII Regions in M101: X-ray and Hα-line spectra property, Sun
The Decay of Stellar Dynamo Activity and the Rotation-Activity Relation, Wright
Topic B: Interacting Binary Systems, (Galactic) Black Holes & Micro-quasars
Invited talks
Winds and jets in X-ray binaries, Diaz Trigo
Accreting Galactic Black-hole systems, Done
Contributed talks
XMM-Newton observations of IGRJ18410-0535: the ingestion of a massive clump, Bozzo
Multiwavelength studies of the microquasar GX 339-4 in its 2010 outburst, Cadolle Bel
Time lags and reflection in black hole X-ray binaries, Cassatella
Discovery of the New Gamma-ray Binary 1FGL J1018.6-5856, Corbet
XSSJ1227.0-4859: a mysterious LMXB with gamma-ray association to 1FGLJ1227.9-485, de Martino
X-ray Spectroscopy of MXB 1728-34 with XMM-Newton, Egron
Evidence for Intermediate Mass Black Holes: The Case of ESO 243-49 HLX-1, Farrell
XMM-Newton's view of the multiple fluorescence lines of GX 301-2, Fürst
4U 0115+63: phase lags and cyclotron resonant scattering, Ferrigno
Multiwavelength rapid timing & broad-band spectroscopy of X-ray binaries, Gandhi
Optical counterparts to Ultraluminous X-ray sources, Gladstone
High mass accretion rate spectra of GX 339-4: Black hole spin from reflection?, Kolehmainen
Thermonuclear bursts on neutron stars: News from Terzan 5, Linares
Simultaneous X-ray timing and spectroscopy observations of the UCXB 4U 0614+091, Madej
Characterising the timing and spectral properties of ULXs, Middleton
Spectroscopy of the stellar wind in the Cyg X-1 system, Miskovicova
ULX, NGC 5408 X-1: A deep search for correlated timing & spectral behavior, Pasham
X-ray spectral variability in Ultraluminous X-ray Sources, Pintore
The most luminous ULXs: evidence for IMBHs?, Roberts
The enigma of Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients: Swift broad-band results, Romano
Inferring the mass of a neutron star from timing and spectral X-ray properties, Sanna
Suzaku studies of SFXTs, Sasano
Magnetospheric Accretion Shocks in the X-Ray Spectrum of 4U 1626-67, Schulz
The XMM-Newton view of SFXTs: the case of IGRJ16418-4532, Sidoli
Revealing the stellar wind and the accretion flow of Vela X-1 using XMM-Newton, Torrejón
Decoding the time-lags in accreting black holes with XMM-Newton, Uttley
A ULX in a young massive stellar cluster, Voss
The Broad Iron Emission Line Profile of XTE J1650-500, Walton
Suzaku Wide-band Spectral Analysis on Short/Long Time Scales of Cygnus X-1, Yamada
Challenging Ultraluminous X-ray Sources, Zampieri
The paucity of accreting millisecond X-ray pulsars, Boutloukos
2011 outburst of IGR J17091-3624 as seen by INTEGRAL and Swift, Capitanio
Two spectral substates within Low/Hard States of NS-LMXBs, Cocchi
A new view of accretion disk corona X-ray sources, D'Ai
Analyzing Relativistic Effects around Black Holes:XMM observations of Cygnus X-1, Dauser
Observations of X-ray binaries with very-faint accretion luminosities, Del Santo
XMM/HESS Observations of SNR G284.3-1.8 and the binary system 1FGLJ1018.6-5857, de Ona Wilhelmi
Resolving the nature of the dipping/flaring branch in Cygnus X-2, Gibiec
Cygnus X-1: shedding light on the spectral variability and polarization of black holes, Grinberg
XMM-Newton observations of the shortest orbital period black-hole candidate MAXI, Ibarra
GRO J1008-57: high precision timing and spectral evolution, Kühnel
Long-term spectral changes in GX 1+4, Kretschmar
Pulse profile variations in GX 1+4, Kretschmar
Observation of blackbody excess in persistent Be/NS binary pulsars, La Palombara
Chandra and Theoretical Insight into the Evolution of Accreting Binary Pops, Lehmer
Constraining the black hole mass for an ultraluminous X-ray source NGC1313 X-2, Liu
An X-ray ionized nebula around the eclipsing black hole binary M33 X-7, Maggi
On the variability of the Si complex in the enigmatic Cygnus X-3, Martínez-Núñez
4U 0115+63: A bonanza of cyclotron resonance scattering features, Müller
The low mass X-ray binary system 4U 1735-44, Mück
RXTE Monitoring of GRS1758-258, Obst
Unveiling the nature of IGRJ17177-3656 with X-ray, NIR and Radio observations, Paizis
Resolving iron emission lines in 4U 1538-52 with XMM-Newton, Rodes-Roca
Spectral analysis of LMXB Aql X-1 in soft and hard states with Suzaku, Sakurai
The spectral state transitions of ESO 243-49 HLX-1, Servillat
Long term spectral variation in the neutron star X-ray binary, 4U 1636-536, Shih
Spectral properties of the transition between soft and hard state in GX 339-4, Stiele
A detailed X-ray characterisation of ULXs, Sutton
Suzaku Observations of GX 339-4 in the Low/Hard State, Ueda
A jet ejection event from the intermediate mass black hole HLX-1 in ESO 243-49, Webb
Analysis of high energy data from LS I +61303 based on its 4.6 yr periodicity, Zimmermann
Topic C: Cataclysmic Variables and Novae
Invited talks
Explosion, turn-off and recovery of accretion in novae revealed by X-rays, Hernanz
The X-ray Emission of Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables, Mukai
Contributed talks
An Observational Study of Accretion Flow in the inner Disk of Dwarf Novae, Balman
Classical novae as supersoft X-ray sources in the Andromeda galaxy M31, Henze
XMM-Newton observations of the unique binary system HD49798/RXJ0648-4418, Mereghetti
From X-ray dips to eclipse: Witnessing disk reformation in the RN USco, Ness
The spectral evolution of Nova LMC 2009, Orio
Swift X-ray Observations of Classical Novae: The Super-Soft Source Sample, Osborne
Nova M31N 2007-12b: supersoft X-rays reveal an intermediate polar?, Pietsch
Synthetic spectra for super-soft sources, Rauch
On the origin of the Fe lines in AM Herculis, Schwope
Dwarf Novae in Globular Clusters, Servillat
Orbital-phase Resolved Spectroscopy of FO Aqr (IP) Using XMM-Newton data, Pekon
Phase-dependent effects on X-ray spectra of magnetic cataclysmic variables, Silva
RS Cae - a soft X-ray dominated polar, Traulsen
Topic D: Magnetars, Isolated Neutron Stars and Pulsars
Invited talks
Young Neutron Stars and the Role of Magnetic Fields in Their Evolution, Gotthelf
Magnetar candidates: new discoveries open new questions, Rea
Contributed talks
A New Magnetar Candidate Located Outside the Galactic Plane, Callingham
Magnetic fields in neutron stars: from interiors to surrounding accretion discs, Naso
First dedicated observations of the isolated neutron star in the Carina Nebula, Pires
Understanding neutron stars through multi-wavelength observations of pulsars, Webb
Monitoring PSR B1509-58 with RXTE: Spectral Analysis 1996-2010, Litzinger
SGRs and AXPs: White Dwarf Pulsars versus Magnetares, Malheiro
X-ray and optical observations to constrain Equation-of-State of neutron stars, Neuhäuser
Topic E: Planetary Nebulae, SN, SNR, PWN, Gamma-ray Bursts and Afterglows
Invited talks
From abundance studies to cosmic ray physics: the impact of imaging spectroscopy, Vink
Contributed talks
X-ray light curves of Gamma-ray bursts without flares, Bernardini
Thermal X-rays from ejecta and shocked ISM in SN1006 as observed by XMM-Newton, Bocchino
Synchrotron X-ray structures in SNR shells: particle acceleration probe, Bykov
An Extended X-ray PWN Counterpart to the VHE Gamma-ray Source HESS J1303-631, Dalton
Particle acceleration in SN 1006, Decourchelle
Hard X-ray Emission from Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae, Guerrero
IKT 16: A Composite SNR in the SMC, Owen
XMM observation of IGR J11014-6103: a new peculiar 'double-head' bow-shock PWN, Pavan
The Supernova Remnant Population in M33 as seen by XMM-Newton, Plucinsky
Supernova Remnants and candidates detected in the XMM-Newton M 31 Large Survey, Sasaki
At the rescue of forgotten SNRs with XMM-Newton and Chandra, Albacete-Colombo
Is SNR 0506-68 overionised?, Broersen
XMM-Newton and Suzaku Observations of Vela Supernova Remnant Ejecta Fragments, Gaetz
X-ray and radio observations of a new SNR in the Large Magellanic Cloud, Grondin
Chandra and XMM-Newton observations of the extraordinary GRB 060729, Grupe
X-ray analysis and modeling of the PWN in G0.9+0.1, Holler
XMM-Newton Observations and Multi-wavelength Studies of the TeV Gamma-ray Source, Komin
Early Report on the Spectral Survey of Mixed-Morphology SNRs with Suzaku, Koyama
Circumstellar Interaction in Type Ia Supernova 2003lx, Li
The XMM-Newton survey of the SMC: SMP SMC 22 and other planetary nebulae, Mereghetti
XMM-Newton Observations of the Dark Accelerator MGRO J1908+06, Pandel
XMM-Newton observations of the supernova remnant G8.7-0.1, Puehlhofer
Some Critters Play Frisbee: Observations of Various Pulsars and Their Nebulae, Roberts
X-ray study of the supernova remnant G296.8-0.3, Sanchez Ayaso
X-ray study of the southern extension of the SNR Puppis A, Smith
An XMM X-ray and Molecular Line Study of Supernova Remnant Kes78, Zhou
Topic F: Galaxies, Galaxy Surveys, Population Studies, ISM and Diffuse Galactic Emission
Invited talks
The population of the Galactic Ridge, Revnivtsev
Accreting binary populations in nearby galaxies, Zezas
Contributed talks
Clustering between high-mass X-ray binaries and OB associations in the Milky Way, Bodaghee
Unresolved X-ray emission: late-type vs. early-type galaxies, Bogdan
The Complex Diffuse Emission in Centaurus A, Brassington
Study of the X-ray source populations in the starbust galaxy M83 with XMM-Newton, Ducci
The XMM-Newton survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud, Haberl
X-raying the high-latitude ISM, Pinto
The XMM-Newton survey of the SMC: The Be/X-ray binary population, Sturm
Interstellar dust as a probe to study GRBs and magnetars, and vice versa, Tiengo
Thermal and non-thermal X-ray emission in the Galactic Centre, Warwick
Spectroscopic decomposition of the Galactic Ridge X-ray Emission with Suzaku, Yuasa
Luminosity functions of LMXBs in different stellar environments, Zhang
X-ray Properties of Local Lyman Break Galaxy Analogs, Basu-Zych
Characterization of the Diffuse X-ray Background, Galeazzi
X-ray Point Source Population of the Region Southeast of 30 Doradus in the LMC, Kavanagh
Compact radio emission in Ultraluminous X-ray sources, Mezcua
X-ray and Lyalpha Emission of Haro 2=Mrk 33, Oti-Floranes
Calibration of SFR tracers for short & extended bursts: FIR & X-ray luminosities, Oti-Floranes
The origin of the X-ray emission in Local Luminous Infrared Galaxies, Pereira-Santaella
The XMM-Newton survey of the SMC: The point source catalogue, Sturm
Seyfert's Sextet: "The Mystery Persists", Tamburri
Hot gas in groups: the intriguing case of NGC 4756, Trinchieri
Classification of X-ray sources in the direction of M31, Vasilopoulos
Studies of the hot interstellar medium in the Large Magellanic Cloud, Warth
Virgo Cluster spiral galaxies and their Mach cones, Wezgowiec
Hot gas in groups: NGC 5328, Wolter
Topic G: Active Galactic Nuclei
Invited talks
Black Hole Spin in X-ray Binaries and AGN, Brenneman
Studying AGN with high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy, Kaastra
Contributed talks
Redshift evolution of X-ray selected AGN bias in the COSMOS field, Allevato
Exploring X-ray and radio emission of type 1 AGN up to z ~ 2.3, Ballo
The dominant emission process of the X-ray spectrum of Cen A, Beckmann
AGN without BLR: new clues for a new scenario, Bianchi
Explaining the global X-ray Baldwin effect with XMM-Newton, Boller
Three-year Swift/BAT Survey of AGN: Reconciling Theory and Observations?, Burlon
Hard X-ray spectral variability of the brightest Seyfert AGN with SWIFT/BAT, Caballero-Garcia
Winds and massive outflows in nearby and distant AGNs: an X-ray (re)view, Cappi
Exploring extremely obscured accretion, Carrera
Imaging the X-ray, UV and Optical Emission Regions of Quasars, Chartas
PG 1211+143: a 'timing' approach, de Marco
The Chandra Survey of Outflows in AGN with Resolved Spectroscopy (SOARS), Evans
The Ultra Hard X-ray Luminosity Function of AGN, Fotopoulou
Spotting the misaligned outflows in NGC 1068 using X-ray polarimetry, Goosmann
Chandra's View of Local Optically "Dull" X-ray Bright Galaxies, Haggard
The synchrotron emission of the extreme blazar 1ES 0229+200, Kaufmann
Multiwavelength observation campaign of Mkn 509: UV spectra of the X-ray Outflow, Kriss
Radio Loud AGN in the 2XMMi catalogue - Multiwavelength view, Labiano
Systematic errors on Black Hole Spin, Lohfink
The bolometric output of AGN in the XMM-COSMOS survey, Lusso
X-ray Absorption Variability In NGC 4507, Marinucci
Multiwavelength campaign on Mrk 509: the nature of the soft X-ray excess, Mehdipour
Reverberation and accretion disk outflows in AGN, Miller
The Circinus Galaxy: shedding X-ray light on the energetics of AGN outflows, Mingo
Search for relativistic signals in the XMM long light curves of AGN, Papadakis
The nature of X-ray absorbed QSOs, Page
The INTEGRAL Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxies, Panessa
Multiwavelength campaign on Mrk 509: testing realistic comptonization models, Petrucci
CAIXA: a catalogue of AGN In the XMM-Newton archive III. Excess variance analysis, Ponti
The structure of AGNs from X-ray eclipses, Risaliti
The X-ray properties of typical high-redshift radio-loud quasars, Saez
The Sudden Death of the Nearest Quasar, Schawinski
The X-ray Spectra of a Large Sample of Type 1 AGN, Scott
Exploratory X-ray Monitoring of High Redshift Radio-Quiet Quasars, Shemmer
Radio and X-ray emission in radio-quiet quasars, Steenbrugge
Rare AGN Populations found in the XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source Sample, Terashima
X-ray Signatures of Circumnuclear gas in AGN, Turner
Revelations from the best X-ray detection of a two-sided jetted AGN, Worrall
Chandra and XMM-Newton observations of AGN with low mass black holes, Yuan
Dusty Torus Formation by Anisotropic Radiative Feedback of Active Galactic Nuclei, Zhang
Spectral energy distribution of heavily obscured AGN beyond the local Universe, Balestra
Host galaxies of AGN in the COSMOS field: black hole growth and star formation, Bongiorno
Unveiling highly obscured AGN in water maser host galaxies, Castangia
Rest-frame stacking of 2XMM catalog sources: Fe K line properties, Chaudhary
The High-Redshift AGN COSMOS Universe, Civano
NGC 7314: x-ray properties of a candidate 'type II' NLSy1, Dadina
Relativistic Fe line in the lamp-post scheme of the black-hole accretion disc, Dovciak
The non-thermal core of 3C 111, de Jong
Multiwavelength campaign on Mrk 509: simultaneous LETGS and COS observations, Ebrero
Stacking of the X-ray spectra of deep surveys, Falocco
Resolved mid-IR emission as an isotropic probe in AGN at high & low powers, Gandhi
INTEGRAL, Chandra and XMM-Newton observations of the source ESO 575-G059, Gibaud
An X-ray view of accretion disk winds in AGN, Giustini
The hot and cold phases of the X-ray warm absorber in NGC 3783, Goosmann
WPVS 007 and Mkn 335: The link between NLS1s and BAL QSOs, Grupe
First results from the Chandra Environments of Radio-loud AGN (ERA) Survey, Ineson
A Step towards solving the Optical Ambiguity of Transition Objects, Jackson
Extended X-ray jet and TeV emission in a low frequency peaked BL Lac object, Kaufmann
Long-Term monitoring of X-ray selected and TeV BL Lacertae sources, Kurtanidze
A search for heavily obscured AGN in the 2nd Palermo BAT catalogue, La Parola
XMMU J144845+085357, a new X-ray "Compton Ghost", Lamer
The X-ray spectrum of a new QSO at z=4.21, Lamer
Relativistic outflow or huge Fe absorption edge in the z=2.73 QSO HS 1700+6416?, Lanzuisi
Discovery of a New Tidal Disruption Event Candidate from the 2XMM Catalog, Lin
Testing Disk-Jet Connections in Blazars Via GeV and Multi-wavelength Variability, Markowitz
The Chandra 3C Snapshot Survey of Radio galaxies with z≤0.3, Massaro
Large scale Extragalactic Jets In The Chandra Era, Massaro
Optical study of blazars 1FGL J2001.1+4351 and B2 2308+34, Nikolashvili
Suzaku discovery of a new variable component in MCG--6-30-15, Noda
Broadband long-term variability of Very High Energy Blazars, Racero
Kinematics from spectral lines for AGN outflows based on radiation-driven wind, Ramirez
Reflection in AGN, the Unified Model and the CXB, Ricci
Star formation properties of obscured AGN, Rovilos
Dissecting Photometric redshift for AGN using XMM- and Chandra- COSMOS samples, Salvato
Catching a tidal disruption event at the peak, Saxton
High-Excitation & Low-Excitation Radio Galaxies: an X-ray comparison, Scipione
Resolving the radial dependence of relativistic spectral line emissivity, Sochora
Relative abundances of the warm absorber in Mrk 509, Steenbrugge
An 85-ks Suzaku Observation of the Low-Excitation Radio Galaxy NGC 6251, Summers
The X-ray view of accretion disk winds in AGNs, Tombesi
Jets and outflows in Radio Galaxies: implications for the AGN feedback, Torresi
The nature of submm emission from X-ray bright AGN, Trichas
Evidence for black hole accretion disc in the AGN RXJ1633+4718 in X-ray, Yuan
Topic H: Clusters of Galaxies
Invited talks
Cooling cores and AGN feedback, Fabian
Clusters of galaxies in the Planck survey, Pointecouteau
Contributed talks
Metal abundance evolution in distant galaxy clusters observed by XMM-Newton, Baldi
On the Redshift Evolution of Galaxy Cluster Scaling Relations and Implications, Böhringer
A self-similar study of SZ cluster number counts from X-ray properties, Delsart
X-ray observations of PKS 0745-191 at the virial radius: Are we there yet?, Eckert
Testing the Low-Mass End of X-Ray Scaling Relations with Chandra Galaxy Groups, Eckmiller
XMM-Newton's View of the Highest Redshift X-ray luminous Galaxy Clusters, Fassbender
ICM in Cluster Outskirts Affected by Large Scale Structure Discovered in A1689, Kawaharada
Deep Chandra and XMM-Newton Observations of NGC 4472, Kraft
AGN feedback in galaxy groups: a combined X-ray/low-frequency radio view, O'Sullivan
Back and forth from cool core to non-cool core: clues from radio halos, Rossetti
Chandra's view of high-redshift cool-core clusters, Santos
Baryons at the edge of the X-ray brightest galaxy cluster, Simionescu
The XMM-BCS galaxy cluster survey, Suhada
X-ray Spectroscopy of the Virgo Cluster out to the Virial Radius, Werner
Toward understanding mass proxies of galaxy clusters for modern cosmology, Zhang
Quantifying X-ray Substructures in Clusters of Galaxies, Andrade-Santos
Gas mass fractions from XMM-Newton, Della Monica Ferreira
Pairs of clusters observed with XMM-Newton, Durret
Clusters of Galaxies in a Deep XMM-Newton observation, de Hoon
Metallicity across sloshing cold fronts, Ghizzardi
HIFLUGCS-SDSS: star formation efficiency and the matter density parameter, Laganá
Abell 2390 revisited: hints of ripples, bubbles and sloshing, Lima Neto
Scaling relations with a complete sample of galaxy groups, Lovisari
Swift observations of galaxy clusters, Moretti
Cluster physics and cosmology with Chandra, XMM-Newton, Suzaku, eROSITA, and IXO, Reiprich
XMM-Newton/SDSS Galaxy Cluster Survey, Takey
SFR in the X-ray Luminous z ~ 0.9 cluster, Ulmer
A deep study of X-ray cavities in the cooling flow cluster A1991, Vagshette
Structural analysis of galaxy clusters: Substructure estimators and applications, Weissmann
Topic I: Extragalactic Surveys and Population Studies, the Cosmic X-ray Background, WHIM and Cosmology
Invited talks
The deep sky under the X-ray limelight, Comastri
X-ray population studies of AGN, Guainazzi
The flaring X-ray sky: synergies between e.m. and gravitational wave astronomy, Komossa
Search for WHIM in X-rays, Ohashi
Contributed talks
The dependence of AGN accretion on host stellar mass and colour, Aird
X-Ray Absorption of High-z GRBs and Quasars as a Probe of The Missing Baryons, Behar
The search for obscured AGN in the COSMOS and CDFS survey, Brusa
Study of the anisotropies of the unresolved X-ray background, Cappelluti
On the missing heavily obscured AGN population, Del Moro
XMM-Newton surveys of X-ray galaxy groups, Finoguenov
X-ray emission from the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium (WHIM), Galeazzi
Searching for Compton-thick AGN in the CDFS, Georgantopoulos
[Ne V]-selected heavily obscured AGN at the epoch of the X-ray background, Gilli
First Results from Chandra/AKARI NEP Survey: Search for Compton-thick Accretion, Krumpe
Obscured quasars: powerful black holes and their host galaxies, Mainieri
Clustering and Halo Occupation Distribution of ROSAT All-Sky Survey AGNs, Miyaji
Investing Chandra and XMM time to detect the missing baryons, Nicastro
X-ray binaries in dwarf spheroidal galaxies of the local neighburhood, Orio
XXL - An overview of the ultimate XMM extragalactic survey, Pierre
Search and characterization of star-forming galaxies in X-ray surveys, Ranalli
The XMM-Newton Slew Survey - The Whole X-ray Sky and the Rarest X-ray Events, Read
Young X-ray Binary Populations in Low Metallicity Star-Forming Galaxies, Antoniou
The Palermo Swift-BAT Hard X-ray Catalogue: Results after 66 months of sky survey, Cusumano
X-ray Binary Evolution across Cosmic Time, Fragos
AGN clustering in deep X-ray surveys, Koutoulidis
The X-ray content of the XMM-Newton SSC survey of the Galactic plane, Nebot Gomez-Moran
Highly-absorbed X-ray binaries in the Small Magellanic Cloud, Novara
The X-ray background in the 5-10 keV band from the XMM-CDFS survey, Ranalli
Topic K: X-ray Astronomy Missions, Optics, Instrumentation, Data Analysis and Archiving
Solicited talks
The future Sino-French SVOM gamma-ray burst mission, Barret
LOFT - Large area Observatory For x-ray Timing, Feroci
The Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR), Harrison
Advanced Telescope for High Energy Astrophysics (Athena) - study status, Nandra
eROSITA - A new X-ray All-sky Survey, Predehl
Astrosat, Stewart
X-ray Polarimetry with GEMS, Strohmayer
The ASTRO-H Mission, Takahashi
Brief Overview of China's Future Space X-ray Astronomy Program, Zhang
Contributed talks
AXIOM: Advanced X-ray Imaging Of the Magnetosphere, Branduardi-Raymont
Exospheric Solar Wind Charge Exchange X-ray emission as observed by XMM-Newton, Carter
The Precision of the Chandra X-ray Observatory for Astrophysical Inference, Drake
eROSITA Mirror Module Development, Friedrich
Non-equilibrium Ionization Codes based on AtomDB v2.0, Ji
XMM-Newton mission operations - how long may it live?, Kirsch
The Cherenkov Telescope Array: an advanced gamma-ray observatory, Maier
Absolute timing accuracy of the Epic-pn CCD camera on XMM-Newton, Martin-Carrillo
Calculation framework of X-ray radiation based on Monte Carlo simulations, Odaka
Atomic Data Needs for X-ray Analysis and AtomDB v2.0, Smith
The MIRAX X-Ray Astronomy Mission on the Lattes Satellite, Braga
eROSITA Data Reduction, Source Characterization, and X-Ray Catalogue Creation, Brunner
The Chandra LETGS spectrum of the standard candle white dwarf GD 153, Burwitz
X-ray Loading, Gainshift and (Modified) Timing Mode of XMM-Newton's EPIC-pn, Duro
CIAO 4.3: pushing the Chandra spatial resolution to its limit, Fruscione
Applying the Background--Source Separation algorithm to eROSITA simulated data, Guglielmetti
The development of a bent Si crystal for X-ray imaging polarimetry, Iizuka
EGSE updating of the EPIC on-ground Flight Spare cameras, La Palombara
A phenomenological approach to calibrating the EPIC-MOS detector response, Sembay
Study of the background rejection efficiency for the NHXM-HED anti-coincidence, Strazzeri
Invited Speakers
Xavier Barcons | Instituto de Física de Cantabria, Spain |
Laura Brenneman | Harvard Center for Astrophysics, USA |
Andrea Comastri | Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna, Italy |
Maria Diaz Trigo | European Southern Observatory, Germany |
Chris Done | University of Durham, United Kingdom |
Andy Fabian | University of Cambridge, United Kingdom |
Matteo Guainazzi | European Space Agency, Spain |
Eric Gotthelf | Columbia University, USA |
Margarita Hernanz | Institut de Ciències de l'Espai, Spain |
Jelle Kaastra | Space Research Organisation of the Netherlands |
Stefanie Komossa | Technische Universität München, Excellence Cluster Universe, Germany |
Koji Mukai | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA |
Takaya Ohashi | Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan |
Etienne Pointecouteau | Centre d'Etude Spatiale des Rayonnements, France |
Nanda Rea | Institut de Ciències de l'Espai, Spain |
Mikhail Revnivtsev | Space Research Institute, Russia |
Jürgen Schmitt | Hamburger Sternwarte, Germany |
Beate Stelzer | Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo, Italy |
Jacco Vink | Utrecht University, The Netherlands |
Andreas Zezas | University of Crete, Greece |
Solicited Speakers
Didier Barret | Centre d'Etude Spatiale des Rayonnements, France (SVOM) |
Marco Feroci | Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica, Italy (LOFT) |
Fiona Harrison | Caltech, USA (NuStar) |
Fang-Jun Lu | Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (HXMT) |
Kirpal Nandra | Max-Planck-Institut fuer extraterrestrische Physik, Germany (Athena) |
Peter Predehl | Max-Planck-Institut fuer extraterrestrische Physik, Germany (SRG/eRosita) |
Gordon Stewart | University of Leicester, United Kingdom (AstroSAT) |
Tod Strohmayer | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA (GEMS) |
Tad Takahashi | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Japan (ASTRO-H) |
Scientific Organising Committee (SOC)
Giorgio Matt (Chair) | Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Italy |
M. Ali Alpar | Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey |
Didier Barret | Centre d'Etude Spatiale des Rayonnements, Toulouse, France |
Ehud Behar | Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel |
Hans Böhringer | MPE, Garching, Germany |
Graziella Branduardi-Raymont | University College London-MSSL, Dorking, UK |
Francisco J. Carrera | Instituto de Física de Cantabria, Santander, Spain |
Finn E. Christensen | Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Copenhagen, Denmark |
Anne Decourchelle | Commissariat à l'ènergie atomique et aux ènergies alternatives, Saclay, France |
Jan-Willem Den Herder | SRON, Utrecht, The Netherlands |
Rosario Gonzalez-Riestra | XMM-Newton SOC, Madrid, ESA |
Coel Hellier | Keele University, UK |
Stefanie Komossa | MPE, Garching, Germany |
Chryssa Kouveliotou | NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama, USA |
Kazuo Makishima | University of Tokyo, Japan |
Sera Markoff | University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
Brian McBreen | University College Dublin, Ireland |
Brian McNamara | University Waterloo, Canada |
Giuseppina Micela | Osservatorio Astronomico G.S. Vaiana of Palermo, Italy |
Giovanni Miniutti | Centro de Astrobiología (CSIC/INTA), Madrid, Spain |
Yael Naze | University of Liege, Belgium |
Takaya Ohashi | Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan |
Feryal Ozel | University of Arizona, Tucson, USA |
Norbert Schartel (co-Chair) | XMM-Newton SOC, Madrid, ESA |
Andreas Zezas | University of Crete, Greece |
Local Organising Committee (LOC)
XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre: |
Matthias Ehle (co-Chair) |
Jan-Uwe Ness (co-Chair) |
Michelle Arpizou |
Carlos Gabriel |
Aitor Ibarra |
Alvaro Labiano |
Nora Loiseau |
Andy Pollock |
Maria Santos-Lleo |
Richard Saxton |
Martin Stuhlinger |
University and Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam: |
Georg Lamer |
Lida Oskinova |
Gabriele Schönherr |
Axel Schwope |
Photo Galleries
Photographs taken during the conference are available in a number of photo albums:
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