2012 Galaxy Clusters - XMM-Newton
XMM-Newton 2012 Science Workshop
Galaxy Clusters as Giant Cosmic Laboratories
ESAC, Madrid, Spain, 21 - 23 May 2012
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Printed Proceedings
The refereed proceedings have been published in volume 334, issue 04-05(2013) of the Astronomische Nachrichten / Astronomical Notes (AN) and can be accessed from the ADS
Online Presentations
All contributions are listed with title and name of first author. The electronic versions (if available) can be accessed in the format provided by the authors by clicking on the titles.
- Dynamical and thermal structure of galaxy clusters and their ICM
- Non-thermal processes in clusters
- Cluster mass determination
- Cluster scaling relation with emphasis on X-rays
- AGN feedback in clusters
- Chemical composition of the ICM
- Comparison of X-ray, SZE and optical observations of clusters
- The evolution of the cluster population with redshift
- Galaxy clusters as cosmological probes
Opening Remarks, N. Schartel
Dynamical and thermal structure of galaxy clusters and their ICM
Invited Talks
The thermal and dynamical state of cluster cores, J. Sanders
Contributed Talks
Observing simulated galaxy clusters: the prospects of velocity diagnostics of the ICM, V. Biffi
Exploring the dynamics of A194, A. Bogdan
The gas distribution in galaxy cluster outer regions, D. Eckert
Extending measures of the ICM to the outskirts: facts, myths and puzzles., S. Molendi
Bulk motion measurements in clusters of galaxies using XMM-Newton and ATHENA, J. Nevalainen
X-ray study of clusters at the outer edge and beyond, T. Ohashi
Challenging the merging/sloshing cold front paradigm with a new XMM observation of A2142, M. Rossetti
Shock fronts, electron-ion equilibration and ICM transport processes in the merging cluster Abell 2146, H. Russell
Temperature, entropy, and mass profiles to the virial radius of galaxy clusters with Suzaku, K. Sato
Probing the Microphysics of the Intracluster Medium with Cold Fronts in the ICM, J. ZuHone
Turbulence measurements in two giant elliptical galaxies, J. de Plaa
Sloshing cold fronts in the IC1860 group, F. Gastaldello
X-ray and dynamical properties of the DAFT/FADA cluster sample, L. Guennou
Exploring the outskirts of the galaxy clusters Abell 2029 and PKS 0745-191 to the virial radius, S. Walker
Studying the properties of galaxy cluster morphology estimators, A. Weissmann
Non-thermal processes in clusters
Invited Talks
LOFAR and the origin and evolution of galaxies and clusters, H. Rottgering
Contributed Talks
Discovery of the first radio halo in a new Planck cluster confirmed by XMM Newton, R. Kale
CIZA J2242.8+5301: The galaxy cluster with the strongest merger shock, G. Ogrean
X-ray Observations of Shocks and Radio Emission in Abell 3667, Abell 665, Abell 2061, and the Cygnus-A Cluster, C. Sarazin
An SZ take on Cluster Radio Haloes, K. Basu
Cluster mass determination
Invited Talks
X-ray Galaxy Cluster mass profiles: present constraints and limitations, S. Ettori
Measuring masses using weak gravitational lensing, H. Hoekstra
Multiwavelength Constraints on Scaling Relations and Substructure in a Sample of 50 Clusters of Galaxies, A. Mahdavi
Contributed Talks
A simple recipe for estimating masses of elliptical galaxies and clusters of galaxies., N. Lyskova
Galaxy cluster mass profiles, G. Pratt
Improved strong lensing mass reconstruction in galaxy clusters with a non-parametric method, J. Diego
Individual mass determination of the HIFLUGCS Clusters, G. Schellenberger
Clustering algorithm: Sensitivity of mass determination using Abell 3581, S. Wilson
Cluster scaling relation with emphasis on X-rays
Invited Talks
The X-ray Scaling Properties of Galaxy Clusters, B. Maughan
Contributed Talks
Fossil Groups Origins (FOGO) project: X-ray scaling relations of fossil systems, J. Aguerri
Evolution of the X-ray luminosity-temperature relation from the XCS first data release, M. Hilton
Scaling relations with a complete sample of galaxy groups, L. Lovisari
The fundamental plane of clusters of galaxies, M. D'Onofrio
X-ray properties of Fossil Groups, E. Jimenez Bailon
AGN feedback in clusters
Invited Talks
The Herschel view of clusters of galaxies, A. Edge
AGN Feedback in Clusters, B. McNamara
AGN feedback in clusters: the feedback cycle, P. Nulsen
Contributed Talks
The Duty Cycle of Radio Mode Feedback, L. Birzan
Solving the Cooling Flow Problem through Mechanical AGN Feedback, M. Gaspari
The environmental impact of powerful radio galaxies in groups and clusters, M. Hardcastle
Radio loud AGN: is there a link between luminosity and cluster environment?, J. Ineson
The Role of AGN Feedback in Strong Lensing Predictions, M. Killedar
The Influence of Cooling and Feedback on Cluster Pressure Profiles, S. Pike
Baryon Census in Hydrodynamical Simulations of Galaxy Clusters, S. Planelles
Initial Results from a Very Deep Chandra Observation of the Galaxy Group NGC 5813, S. Randall
The cold feedback mechanism, N. Soker
Triggering of AGN Feedback, M. Voit
Heating gas perpendicular to the jets' direction, A. Gilkis
Low frequency radio maps for the REXCESS cluster sample, S. Heidenreich
Suppressing Hot Gas Accretion to Supermassive Black Holes by Stellar Winds, S. Hillel
Fundamental parameters of FRII radio galaxies and their impact on groups and clusters' environments, A. Kapinska
Active and star-forming galactic nuclei in WINGS , P. Marziani
Inflating a chain of X-ray deficient bubbles by a single jet activity episode, M. Refaelovich
Chemical composition of the ICM
Invited Talks
The origin of the chemical elements in cluster cores, J. de Plaa
Metals in clusters of galaxies observed with Suzaku and XMM-Newton, K. Matsushita
Contributed Talks
Metal jumps across sloshing cold fronts: the case of A496, S. Ghizzardi
X-ray Measurement of the Elemental Abundance at the Outskirts of the Perseus Cluster with Suzaku, S. Ueda
Comparison of X-ray, SZE and optical observations of clusters
Invited Talks
X-ray and Optical Observations of High Redshift SPT Selected Galaxy Clusters, J. Mohr
Galaxy cluster detections in the PLANCK Survey, E. Pointecouteau
A Fully Self-Consistent Picture of Galaxy Cluster Abundances and Optical, X-ray, and SZ Scaling Relations at z=0.2, E. Rozo
Contributed Talks
Mergers and AGN Outbursts in Planck SZ and X-ray Selected Cluster Samples, C. Jones
A Comparison of X-ray, Radio, and Lensing Results with GBT+MUSTANG Observations of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect, T. Mroczkowski
The Evolution of the Y-M scaling relation in MUSIC clusters, F. Sembolini
The 2XMMi/SDSS Galaxy Cluster Survey, A. Takey
The simulated SZ-richness relation, L. Porcelli
Mass and shape of Abell 1689, M. Sereno
The evolution of the cluster population with redshift
Contributed Talks
Detection and characterisation of the first Planck high-z candidates, I. Flores-Cacho
The smaller the better: X-ray groups as cosmic laboratories, S. Giodini
Search for Galaxy-ICM Interaction in Rich Clusters of Galaxies , L. Gu
Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Clusters in Millennium Gas Simulations, S. Kay
Shocking Tails in the Major Merger A2744, M. Owers
CL0024 as seen by the Galaxy Cluster Evolution survey (GLACE), R. Pérez-Martínez
XCS: present status and latest results, P. Viana
GAMA Survey: SFR, metallicity, and stellar mass relationships in clusters of galaxies, M. Lara-Lopez
The DPOSSII distant compact groups of galaxies: evidence of cluster-induced group evolution, E. Pompei
Redshift evolution of the radio luminosity function inside galaxy clusters, M. Sommer
Galaxy clusters as cosmological probes
Invited Talks
Simulations to calibrate clusters for cosmology, S. Borgani
Comparison of Obervations and Simulations of galaxy clusters , K. Dolag
Contributed Talks
Distant Galaxy Clusters in a Deep XMM-Newton Observation, A. de Hoon
Probing High-Redshift Galaxies through Cluster Lensing, W. Zheng
Cosmological tests with Galaxy Clusteres from ROSAT to eROSITA, G. Chon
Galaxy populations in rich and poor environments, H. Lietzen
How many strong gravitational lenses are there in the sky?, J. Vega
Concuding Remarks, H. Böhringer
Invited Speakers
Stefano Borgani | Università di Trieste, Italy |
Klaus Dolag | University Observatory Munich, Germany |
Alastair Edge | University of Durham, UK |
Stefano Ettori | INAF, Bologna, Italy |
Henk Hoekstra | Leiden Observatory, The Netherlands |
Andisheh Mahdavi | San Francisco State University, CA, USA |
Kyoko Matsushita | Tokyo University of Science, Japan |
Ben Maughan | HH Wills Physics Laboratory, Bristol, UK |
Brian McNamara | University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada |
Joseph Mohr | LMU/MPE, Munich, Germany |
Paul Nulsen | CfA, Cambdridge, MA, USA |
Jelle de Plaa | SRON, The Netherlands |
Etienne Pointecouteau | IRAP Toulouse, France |
Piero Rosati | ESO, Garching, Germany |
Huub Rottgering | Leiden Observatory, The Netherlands |
Eduardo Rozo | University of Chicago, USA |
Jeremy Sanders | University of Cambridge, UK |
Scientific Organising Committee
Hans Boehringer (Chair) | MPE, Garching, Germany |
Xavier Barcons | Inst de Física de Cantabria (CSIC-UC), Spain |
Stefano Borgani | Università di Trieste, Italy |
Marcus Brueggen | Jakobs Universität, Bremen, Germany |
Andy Fabian | University of Cambridge, UK |
William Forman | Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA |
Jelle Kaastra | SRON, Utrecht, The Netherlands |
Silvano Molendi | INAF IASF, Milano, Italy |
Takaya Ohashi | Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan |
Kristian Pedersen | Niels Bohr Institute/Copenhagen University, Denmark |
Manolis Plionis | National Observatory Athens, Greece |
Trevor Ponman | University of Birmingham, UK |
Gabriel Pratt | CEA Saclay, France |
Craig Sarazin | University Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA |
Norbert Schartel (Co-chair) | XMM-Newton SOC, Madrid, Spain |
Local Organising Committee
Jan-Uwe Ness (Chair), Michelle Arpizou, Matthias Ehle, Anna-Lia Longinotti, Martin Stuhlinger
XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre, European Space Astronomy Centre, Madrid, Spain
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