Historical XSA Release Notes


Click here for an overview of recent XSA release notes.


XSA version 16.1:

The XSA v16.1, released on 16 August 2023, includes the following:

XSA version 16.0:

The XSA v16.0, released on 12 June 2023, includes the following:

  • Access to the new incremental EPIC (4XMM-DR13) catalogue
  • Access to the newly generated EPIC (4XMM-DR13s) stacked catalogue

XSA version 15.2:

The XSA v15.2, released on 23 March 2023, includes the following:

  • Radiation Monitor download files were expanded until revolution 4079
  • Various back-end improvements and bug fixes

XSA version 15.1:

The XSA v15.1, released on 19 October 2022, includes the following:

  • Ingestion of the 4XMM-DR12 SEDs

XSA version 15.0:

The XSA v15.0, released on 28 July 2022, includes the following:

  • Access to the new incremental EPIC (4XMM-DR12) catalogue
  • Access to the newly generated EPIC (4XMM-DR12s) stacked catalogue

XSA version 14.3:

The XSA v14.3, released on 7 June 2022, includes the following:

  • Various back-end improvements and bug fixes

XSA version 14.2:

The XSA v14.2, released on 26 April 2022, includes the following:

  • Various back-end improvements and bug fixes

XSA version 14.1:    

The XSA v14.1, released on 21 December 2021, includes the following:

  • Access to the new Finding Charts for 4XMM-DR11s
  • Access to the new SED for 4XMM-DR11
  • Update of the links for each 4XMM-DR11 source to the info available at IRAP (http://xmm-catalog.irap.omp.eu/) and XCAT-DB (http://xcatdb.unistra.fr/4xmmdr11/index.html)
  • Display of the distance between a 4XMM-DR11 source and the aim points of the EPIC cameras.
  • Date fields are now available in the format yyyy-mm-dd format for the XSA TAP service. Empty columns in XSA TAP service tables have been removed.

XSA version 14.0:

The XSA v14.0, released on 18 April 2021, includes the following:

  • Access to the new incremental EPIC (4XMM-DR11) catalogue
  • Access to the newly generated EPIC (4XMM-DR11s) stacked catalogue
  • Searches on the 4XMM-DR11 catalogue are performed by default with Quality flag < 2 (i.e. sources "good" or "sources with suspect parameters"), and with Detection maximum likelihood (DetML) > 10. These parameters can be changed in the main search panel

XSA version 13.1:

The XSA v13.1, released on 12 April 2021, includes the following:

  • Access to the database of Upper Limits calculated for all the public Pointed and Slew observations available in the XSA
  • SEDs provided by CDS updated for the 4XMM-DR10 catalogue
  • More AIO functionalities (level=SPECTRA or LIGHT_CURVE)
  • Redesign of the Multi-Object Search panel, including Upper limits search options

XSA version 13.0:

The XSA v13.0, released on 10 December 2020, includes the following:

  • Access to the new incremental EPIC (4XMM-DR10) catalogue
  • Access to the newly generated EPIC (4XMM-DR10s) stacked catalogue
  • Access to the new version of the XMM-Newton Optical Monitor (OM) catalogue. The OM Serendipitous Ultraviolet Source Survey Catalogue (XMM-OM-SUSS5.0) includes the parameters of 8.86 million detections from observations performed until February 2020.
  • Searches on the 4XMM-DR10 catalogue are performed by default with Quality flag < 2 (i.e. sources "good" or "sources with suspect parameters"), and with Detection maximum likelihood (DetML) > 10. These parameters can be changed in the main search panel

XSA version 12.3:

The XSA v12.3, released on 21 July 2020, includes among other improvements:

  • Possibility to select EPIC PPS sources or 4XMM-DR9 catalogue sources to be sent to the Basket and then download their spectra or their light curves
  • Visualization of RGS spectra of moving targets in their reference frame
  • Possibility to direct download 4XMM-DR9 SED fits files from the results tab, or to select and send them to the Basket for downloading them
  • Astroquery option to download EPIC pps images for different bands/instruments

XSA version 12.2:   

The XSA v12.2, released on 3 June 2020, includes among other improvements:

  • Display of the Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs) produced by the XMM-Newton SSC for 4XMM-DR9 sources matching at least one of the archival catalogues queried
  • Display of the PPS EPIC-background time-series plots in the observations results tab
  • Visualization of EPIC images of moving targets in their reference framee
  • Links for each 4XMM-DR9 source to the info available at IRAP (http://xmm-catalog.irap.omp.eu/) and XCAT-DB (http://xcatdb.unistra.fr/4xmmdr9/index.html)
  • An astroquery module, astroquery.esa.xmm_newton, providing access to the XSA database

XSA version 12.1:   

The XSA v12.1, released on 9 March 2020, is running in a new machine, it also includes other improvements as:

  • Direct search by name of 4XMM-DR9 sources that are not yet resolved by Simbad/NED
  • Display of EPIC and RGS moving target postcards in the Details panel, when available
  • Link of 4XMM-DR9 catalogue sources to the corresponding XMM-Newton SSC info page

XSA version 12.0:   

The XSA v12.0, released on 17 Dec 2019, includes among other improvements the following:

  • Access to the bulk reprocessed pipeline products (PPS) of all the observations in the XSA archive
  • Access to the newly generated EPIC (4XMM-DR9) catalogue
  • Access to the newly generated EPIC (4XMM-DR9s) stacked catalogue
  • Searches on the 4XMM-DR9 catalogue are performed by default with Quality flag < 2 (i.e. sources "good" or "sources with suspect parameters"), and with Detection maximum likelihood (DetML) > 10. These parameters can be changed in the main search panel

XSA version 11.5:   

The XSA v11.5, released on 20 Nov 2019, includes among other improvements the following:

  • Adapt to the new ads publications format
  • Preparation for the ingestion of the bulk re-processed Pipeline products (PPS)
  • Disable the reprocess options, as bulk reprocessed products will be up-to-date

XSA version 11.4:   

The XSA v11.4, released on 05 Nov 2019, includes among other improvements the following:

  • More functionalities for the Results Display of "Search in a File":
    • It is now possible to display all together the results of searching a list of objects, which is particularly useful to find the PPS or catalogues sources found for the given list of positions
  • Footprints have been refined for "Search in the FOV"
  • More functionalities for the on-the-fly JS9 image visualizer:
    • Possibility to visualize, with JS9, the EPIC or OM image products without the need to download them previously. JS9 functionalities (similar to DS9) can then be used
    • Possibility to overlay (blend), blink, etc, of EPIC and OM images
    • Possibility to overlay on EPIC images the sources detected by the pipeline
  • The TAP QUERIES help Tab has been re-designed including more detailed examples of TAP queries via Command line

XSA version 11.3:   

The XSA v11.3, released on 06 Aug 2019, includes among other improvements the following:

  • More functionalities for the RGS Spectra Visualizer:
    • Larger sets of spectral lines available to overlay on the RGS spectra
    • Option to select/deselect the spectra to average, after plotting them
  • More functionalities for the JS9 image visualizer:
    • Possibility to visualize, with JS9, the EPIC or OM image products without the need to download them previously. JS9 functionalities (similar to DS9) can then be used.
    • Possibility to overlay EPIC PPS source regions on the images, and to identify them by their coordinates.
  • The INTERACTIVE ANALYSIS Tab now includes a more detailed help about these items and a video tutorial.

XSA version 11.2:

The XSA v11.2, released on 27 May 2019, includes among other improvements the following:

  • More functionalities for the RGS Spectra Visualizer:
    • Option to display 2 sets of spectral lines overlaid on the RGS spectra
    • Option to plot the flux errors as error bars
    • Option to use logarithmic scale for X axis

XSA version 11.1:

The XSA v11.1, released on 25 April 2019, includes among other improvements the following:

  • More functionalities for the RGS Spectra Visualizer:
    • Plot all or the average of the RGS fluxed spectra of selected observations
    • Select/deselect spectra from the list of obsIDs in the plot
    • Convert plot units Wavelength/Energy
    • Introduce redshift to display the spectrum in the rest frame
    • Define x,y plot ranges

XSA version 11.0:

The XSA v11.0, released on 14 March 2019, includes a new login system, managed via the ESA Cosmos Authentication System.

  • ESA Cosmos accounts have been created for those PIs that did not have it, and that have current or pending proprietary observations. Their account details have been provided by email.
  • Any other scientist without an existing ESA Cosmos account can register at:

XSA version 10.4:

The XSA v10.4, released on 19 February 2019, includes among other improvements the following:

  • A new RGS Spectra Visualizer that can be launched from the RGS spectrum postcards, clicking on "Data Analysis".
  • The EPIC Background flaring timeseries plots are available for all scheduled and unscheduled EPIC exposures. These plots can be launched by clicking on "Interactive Analysis", on the EPIC images postcards. Since revolution 3400 they can also be displayed in the Exposures Tab, in the Results panel.

XSA version 10.3:

The XSA v10.3, released on 29 November 2018, includes the following:

  • Access to a slightly revised version of the XMM-Newton Optical Monitor (OM) catalogue: XMM-SUSS4.1 (only a few source numbers were changed with respect to XMM-SUSS4).
  • Visualization of the EPIC Background flaring timeseries in the interactive analysis panel, showing the threshold used by the Pipeline for the good time intervals (GTI) selection.The possibility to do on-the-fly filtering of event files by good time intervals (GTI) will not be available until next release.

XSA version 10.2:

The XSA v10.2, released on 22 October 2018, includes the following:

  • access to the new version of the XMM-Newton Optical Monitor (OM) catalogue. The OM Serendipitous Ultraviolet Source Survey Catalogue (XMM-SUSS4) includes the parameters of 8.17 million detections from observations performed until July 2017.
  • the use of the actual EPIC footprint of the observation for searches within the Field of View (previous versions used a circle of 18 arcmin radius). This results in more precise searches.
  • the fast web access, previously only possible for 3XMM-DR8, is now available for all the catalogues.
  • the EPIC background files are being displayed in the Observations results table since revolution 3400. For older observations they will be displayed when the full reprocessing of the XMM-Newton data is performed.

XSA version 10.1:

The XSA v10.1, released on 25 July 2018, includes among other improvements the following implementations:

  • Access to 3XMM-DR7s, the new Stack Catalogue based on 3XMM-DR7.
  • Results of searches of the 3XMM-DR7s Stacked Catalogue allow two display options: it is possible to either display only the stacked sources or to display as well the individual observations with the parameters of the individual detected sources. Stacked Catalogue sources are linked to corresponding 3XMM sources, if already detected.
  • Since XSAv10.1 the observations that have non-standard ODF, or that have PPS products with no science data, are not displayed in the Results panel unless they are specifically selected in the Search panel.
  • The XSA TAP schema has now a more user friendly view of the ADQL query parameters.

XSA version 10.0:

The XSA v10.0, released on 16 May 2018, includes among other improvements the following implementations:

  • Access to the new incremental EPIC (3XMM-DR8) catalogue.
  • Searches on the 3XMM-DR8 catalogue are performed by default with Quality flag < 2 (i.e. sources "good" or "sources with suspect parameters"), and with Detection maximum likelihood (DetML) ≥ 10. These parameters can be changed in the main search panel.
  • The replacement of DS9 by JS9 as image viewer for the Interactive Data analysis functionality RISA. JS9 is integrated in the Web browser and therefore does not require the use of SAMP for the interactive data analysis. Feedback and suggestions for future RISA options (via the XMM-Newton helpdesk) are encouraged and appreciated.
  • Radiation Monitor files can now be searched and downloaded from the XSA interface.


XSA version 9.8:

The XSA v9.8, released on 15 February 2018, includes the following improvements:

  • A new design of the main (Search) panel.
  • Links to ESASky to explore the observation or source region in other wavelengths.
  • An upgrade to the Table Access Protocol TAP+ to access the XSA database.

XSA version 9.7:

The XSA v9.7, released on 25 October 2017, includes the following improvements:

  • A new database column with RA in decimal degrees instead of decimal hours. This is now used to send ObsIDs coordinates to VO tools like Topcat. Coordinates in decimal degrees can also be used to search observations through the Table Access Protocol (TAP).
  • Publications using slew observations can be searched and displayed.
  • For a "Search on a File" it is now possible to get the list of all resulting Observation IDs.
  • The XSA interface is now working also with the Internet Explorer web browser.
  • It is possible to use a bibcode to search for all observations used in a specific publication (e.g. http://nxsa.esac.esa.int/nxsa-web/#bibcode=2013A%26A...558A...3S).

XSA version 9.6:

The XSA v9.6, released on 26 July 2017, includes the following improvements:

  • Generation and display of postcards for Finding Charts and Spectra of EPIC PPS sources.
  • Option to download PPS products of moving targets, i.e. Solar System targets, generated in their rest frame coordinates, in parallel to the standard PPS products of these observations.

XSA version 9.5:

The XSA v9.5, released on 1 June 2017, includes the following:

  • access to the new incremental EPIC (3XMM-DR7) catalogue.
  • in the XSA the searches on the 3XMM-DR7 catalogue are performed by default with Quality flag < 2 (sources good or sources with suspect parameters), and with Detection maximum likelihood (DetML) ≥ 10. These parameters can be changed in the main search panel.

XSA version 9.4:

The XSA v9.4, released on 9 May 2017, includes among other improvements the possibility to perform on-the-fly data processing with SAS, through the Remote Interface for Science Analysis (RISA) server, without the need of downloading data and software. The on-the-fly data processing in this release is an experimental version, intended to allow the community to test it and provide their feedback. Known issues and possible workarounds are described in the watchouts section, which will be updated if needed.

The data analysis options, presently only available for public observations, include:

  • Extraction of spectra and light curves of sources interactively defined in an EPIC exposure image displayed on a DS9 window.
  • Background filtering of EPIC events files of an EPIC instrument exposure using a user-defined count rate.
  • Extraction of EPIC images in user-defined energy bands.
  • Reprocessing of an observation ODF with latest SAS and calibrations.
  • Reprocessing of an individual source with latest SAS and calibrations, obtaining spectrum, background, ancillary (ARF) and response matrix (RMF) files (*).

(*) Note that the current pipeline is fully aligned with the most recent SAS and calibration. Hence, reprocessing a recent ODF will produce no difference with regard to Pipeline products in XSA which can be directly downloaded.
For data processed before 31 January 2017, note that the last full reprocessing of the archive was performed mid 2013. Please check the pipeline web page to see pipeline release dates between this last full reprocessing and today.

XSA version 9.3:

The XSA v9.3, released on 20 March 2017, includes, among other improvements and bugs fixed, the following:

  • access to the new version of the XMM-Newton SLew Survey Catalogue (XMMSL2)
  • access to the updated version of the XMM-Newton OM Catalogue (XMM-SUSS3.0)
  • public ODFs and PPS products can individually be downloaded without the need of login into XSA. The use of the shopping basket for multiple downloads still requires to be logged in
  • display of the new pipeline products for EPIC PPS sources (postcards with extraction regions and combined light curves)
  • possibility to customise coordinates and distance units in the results panels

XSA version 9.2:

The XSA v9.2, released on 30 November 2016, includes, among other improvements and bugs fixed, the following:

  • new functionalities for the shopping basket.
  • postcard OM images for all filters used in the observation.
  • display of Slew Survey PPS sources (at the time of the XSA v9.2 release the pipeline is not producing slew sources yet. It is planned that the next pipeline version will do so).
  • checkboxes added to all sources in the results page (to allow saving or broadcasting source lists).

XSA version 9.1:

The XSA v9.1, released on 5 July 2016, includes the following:

  • access to the new incremental EPIC (3XMM-DR6) catalogue.
  • a new display of results for the search on a list of objects.
  • improvement of the name resolver when searching by name.
  • the observations results table includes information about coordinated observations.

XSA version 9.0:

The XSA v9.0, released on 3 May 2016, includes among other improvements and bugs fixed, the following:

  • New columns can be selected to be displayed in the different Results tabs.
  • OM combined images are shown in the Details panel besides EPIC and RGS combined images, and can also be displayed in the Observations results panel.
  • The new pipeline product EPIC 3 Colour Image is shown instead of the old EPIC combined image when available.
  • More command line and URL options to access XSA data are provided (see: http://nxsa.esac.esa.int/nxsa-web/#aio).
  • New XSA TAP (Table Access Protocol) implemented to be able to access the XSA database info (see: http://nxsa.esac.esa.int/nxsa-web/#tap).
  • Links to XcatDB info are provided for 3XMM-DR5 sources.

XSA version 8.7:

The XSA v8.7, released on 3 December 2015, includes among other improvements and bugs fixed, the following:

  • OM exposures with a FAST mode window can now be searched by selecting FAST or IMAGE + FAST in the "Instrument Configuration" option of the Search panel. They can be identified in the OM Exposures tab in the results panel.
  • Options to make selections by Instrument Mode or Filter were added to the command line access to the data (AIO).
  • Non-processed Slew observation are now also shown in the results panel.

XSA version 8.6:

The XSA v8.6, released on 10 Aug 2015, includes among other improvements, the following:

  • Download of PPS products (images, spectra, light curves, etc) now includes the corresponding FITS files, besides PDF and PNG files.
  • Added new "direct download" options for OM/EPIC PPS and catalogue sources.
  • Solved the issue preventing the users to send proprietary data to VO tools like Aladin or TOPCAT.
  • A bug in the "change password" functionality has been fixed.

XSA version 8.5:

The XSA v8.5, released on 27 May 2015, includes among other improvements, the following:

  • new columns (mainly error columns) are now available in the results panels.
  • a bug in sending results to TOPCAT has been fixed.
  • a bug in "Launch the SAMP Hub" from XSA image postcards has been fixed.

XSA version 8.4:

The XSA v8.4, released on 28 April 2015, includes among other improvements, the following:

  • access to the new incremental EPIC (3XMM-DR5) catalogue.
  • access to the new incremental OM (XMM-SUSSv2.1) catalogue.
  • two new types of file searches: on a file with a list of galactic coordinates and on a file with a list of Observations IDs.
  • the possibility to save/print the selected, visible columns, not all of them as before.
  • the possibility to remain signed in.
  • perform the search on a list of objects even if a name or coordinate fails the verification.

XSA version 8.3:

The XSA v8.3, released on 4 December 2014, includes, among others, the following improvements:

  • search by "File" is now possible for up to 1000 names or positions (in previous XSA versions this was limited to about 400 entries).
  • the Mosaic ODF sub-sets are now searchable by coordinates.
  • a major update of publications associated to each observation has been implemented.

XSA version 8.2:

The XSA v8.2, released on 27 February 2014, provides for the first time access to two new versions of catalogues: the incremental XMMSL1_Delta6 and the XMM-SUSS2. It also provides access to new mosaic ODF subsets generated in 2014, and continues giving access, as earlier XSA v8 versions, to the 3XMM-DR4 and to all XMM-Newton ODF and PPS files, either routinely processed since July 2013, or earlier data reprocessed in 2013.

XSA version 8.0:

The XSA v8.0, released on 23 July 2013, offered for the first time a web based interface to the XMM-Newton Science Archive. The XSA was fully re-engineered also greatly improving the search speed.

Since v8.0 of the XSA access is provided to all XMM-Newton data including the fully reprocessed PPS products, and the 3XMM-DR4 catalogue.