BepiColombo SWT 7 - Conferences Archive
BepiColombo Mission 7th Science Working Team Meeting 13-15 September 2010 Schloss Seggau, Graz, Austria |
The next BepiColombo SWT#7 will be held from September 13 till September 15, 2010 in the Seggau Castle near Graz, Austria.
The character of the SWT is more science-oriented. However, we will have status presentations about the mission and the payload. We will also continue to have instrument tutorials. This meeting will focus on the SIMBIO-SYS and MERTIS instruments! A first agenda can be found on this website.
As done in the past we specially invite MESSENGER team members to contribute to our discussions and to hear more about their fly-by results and their plans for in-orbit operations.
The main sessions will be held on Tuesday from 9:00-18:00hrs and on Wednesday from 9:00-16:00hrs. It is advised to travel on Monday. In addition a MMO-SWG meeting is scheduled on Monday afternoon from 15:00-18:00 hrs.
The local contact point will for the meeting will be Wolfgang Baumjohann. All the local information for the meeting can be found at:
In order to participate one also needs to register. Please do so as soon as possible to help plan the meeting in a proper way. Once registration is completed, you will receive a confirmation. As said before, this registration does NOT include hotel reservation, which must be taken care of by each participant!! To register please select "Registration Form" in the top panel of this page.
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