Science highlights of Gaia DR1


At the ESA Science & Technology webpages two stories appeared highlighting the science from our first data release:


Selection of stories related to Gaia Data Release 1



04/07/16: Mark your calendar: Gaia data release set for 14 September

01/09/16: Call for media: First data release from ESA's Gaia mission

14/09/16: Gaia's billion-star map hints at treasures to come

14/09/16: Pluto Stellar Occultation

16/09/16: First DR1 results

21/10/16: Asteroid Occultation

22/09/16: From Hipparchus to Hipparcos: A sonification of stellar catalogues

27/10/16: Microlensing Follow-Up

27/10/16: Gaia spies two temporarily magnified stars

28/10/16: Follow the Gaia 2016 Data Release #1 Workshop live

15/11/16: Successful first DR1 Workshop

25/11/16: Signature of the rotation of the galactic bar uncovered

16/12/16: Standard uncertainties for the photometric data (in GDR1)

24/01/17: Gaia turns its eyes to asteroid hunting

24/03/17: Pulsating stars to study Galactic structures

10/04/17: How faint are the faintest Gaia stars?

12/04/17: Two million stars on the move

20/04/17: Extra-galactic observations with Gaia

20/04/17: Gaia's snapshot of another galaxy

24/04/17: Gaia reveals the composition of asteroids

09/06/17: The future of the Orion constellation

26/06/17: Artificial brain helps Gaia catch speeding stars

31/08/17: Close stellar encounters from the first Gaia data release

19/10/17: Hertzsprung-russell diagram using Gaia DR1

15/11/17: How do you find a star cluster? Easy, simply count the stars

27/11/17: Stellar motions in nearby galaxy hint at underlying dark matter

13/12/17: Gaia's view of our galactic neighbours

03/04/18: Gaia's view of dark interstellar clouds

20/04/17: Gaia's surprising discoveries – part 1: scrutinising the Milky Way

20/04/17: Gaia's surprising discoveries – Part 2: From the Sun's neighbourhood to the distant Universe