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Back 2024-04-11 Larger downtime of Gaia ESA Archive and several Gaia systems in use by the Gaia collaboration

2024-04-11 Larger downtime of Gaia ESA Archive and several Gaia systems in use by the Gaia collaboration expected

Following major building renovation work at the European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC), we will be moving our data centre containing all our IT hardware infrastructure. We understand the inconvenience this may cause and sincerely apologize for this downtime. We’ve taken this opportunity to improve our data centre infrastructure to significantly increase its reliability and its energy efficiency. Our teams will be working hard to resume all our services as soon as possible, once the move is complete.

IMPORTANT: Many of our services, including the Gaia ESA Archive, will be down from 18 April 17:30 CEST until 23 April 08:30 CEST.

More details:

  • On 17 April at 12:00 CEST systems affecting the Gaia Collaboration will be stopped: Nexus and SVN, to allow for backups to be in place before the migration starts.
  • On 17 April at 17:00 CEST systems affecting the Gaia Collaboration and depending on databases will be stopped. This will include many of the CU1 tools like MDBdictionary and GOST tools.
  • On 18 April at 17:00 CEST applications affecting the communication with the Gaia Collaboration will be stopped. Gaia mailing lists will stop working and emails send during the downtime period should not be considered sent and should be resend on the 23rd of April to ensure their arrival.
  • On 18 April at 17:30 CEST applications affecting the Gaia Collaboration will be stopped: Jira, Wiki, Helpdesk, Confluence, etc.
  • On 18 April at 17:30 CEST the Gaia Archive will go down.
  • On 23 April at 08:30 CEST systems will be back up. Some systems might need some extra time to be brought back up. Don't be alarmed if a system is not immediately responsive on the 23rd. If you still encounter issues with systems by 23 April evening, then please inform the Gaia helpdesk so we can look into it.

Certain systems and websites will remain available, among which Gaia cosmos, Gaia help pages and Gaia content server.

The Gaia helpdesk will remain active as an email inbox only. You can reach us at our helpdesk email address: gaia-helpdesk  at

Gaia mission status

Technology testing ongoing
3827 days in science operations
141,038 GB of science data gathered
267,336,261,480 transits observed

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