Gaia FPR contents

Information on the contents of Gaia's Focused Product Release.


Gaia FPR papers

The papers describing the data processing and verifying the science performance of Gaia's Focused Product Release.


Gaia FPR documentation

Data release documentation for Gaia FPR. The Gaia FPR data model is contained inside. Also published as PDF.


Gaia FPR data release events

Overview of the Gaia events for the Focused Product Release.

Python access

Gaia data can be accessed using Python. Learn more about the astroquery package for Gaia here.


Tutorials and Help

Help is available to guide you through the process of getting the data you need. Extensive information on writing ADQL Queries is provided as well to bring the code to your data.


Gaia Data Credits

When using Gaia FPR data, please acknowledge the work of the people involved and provide credits and necessary citations. Each release comes with its own credit lines and DOI.


Gaia FPR Known issues

The known issues for Gaia FPR. If you find an issue with the data please contact the Gaia Helpdesk.

Public outreach Material

An overview of news and stories on the Gaia Mission and Gaia science are given here. The press release by ESA on Gaia FPR will be published there as well.


Gaia FPR stories

A selection of stories on Gaia's Focused Product Release and the science potential of the data are published here.


Gaia FPR data

Gaia's Focused Product Release data will become available from the Gaia Archive and its partner data centres



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