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Back 2024-08-27 ESA Science Research Fellowships open for submissions

2024-08-27 ESA Science Research Fellowships open for submissions

ESA's postdoctoral Research Fellowship programme offers early-career scientists and engineers the possibility to carry out research in a variety of disciplines related to Space Science, Space Applications or Space Technology. The call for applications is now open, with a deadline of 16 September.

The Research Fellowships in Space Science specifically offer the opportunity to contribute to ESA's endeavour to explore our Solar System and the Universe, in the fields of Heliophysics, Planetary Science, Astrophysics and Fundamental Physics. The research fellowships offer unique insights into ESA's environment and activities while conducting cutting-edge research. Mentoring and training opportunities are available, as are possibilities to engage with ESA science-related activities (e.g. archives, data science and machine learning, operations, calibration, communication, citizen science).

Appointments are for a maximum of three years. The initial project is for two years, an extension for a third year is frequently granted following a dedicated proposal for extension.

Within the Science Directorate (SCI), we welcome all independent proposals for innovative research associated with one or more of our missions. The Space Science fellowships can be taken up at any of the three sites: ESAC (Spain), ESTEC (Netherlands), or STScI (USA) and we encourage applicants to choose sites that allow for best local collaborations. To learn more about the research conducted by the ESA scientists at different sites, please visit the Faculty Member Directory, and the pages for the Faculty research groups. There is a separate page for research at the ESA Office at STScI.

More information on the Research Fellowship programme is available at

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