IHDEA agenda

Time zone: CEST, Madrid time

Thursday 17 October 2024

Space agencies/Institutions reports  
convener: Brian Thomas    
09:45 10:00 Daniele Boucon CNES
10:00 10:05 Baptiste Cecconi CNES-CDPP
10:05 10:20 Arnaud Masson ESA
10:20 10:40 Yoshimasa Tanaka Update of metadata and tools in the IUGONET project
10:40 11:00 Herbert Akihito Uchida JAXA DARTS
11:00 11:20 Yoshi Myoshi JAXA/Nagoya University
Coffee break      
convener: Baptiste Cecconi    
11:50 12:10 Eric Buchlin Multi-Experiment Data and Operation Centre (MEDOC)
12:10 12:30 Masha  Kuznetsova NASA CCMC
12:30 12:50 Brian  Thomas NASA HDRL
12:50 13:10 Jack Ireland NASA SDAC
13:10 13:30 Sankar ISRO
Lunch break      
14:30 14:50 Lian Jian NASA SPDF
IHDEA working groups    
convener: Arnaud Masson    
14:50 15:10 Bob Weigel Report from the Space-Time Coordinate Transforms (STCT)
Working Group
15:10 15:30 Shawn Polson Working group report on coordination across distributed
science platforms
15:30 15:45 Shing Fung Information model/SPASE working group
15:45 16:00 Joana Oliveira SPASE metadata registry for the ESA Heliophysics missions
Findability and searchability    
convener: Shing Fung    
16:20 16:40 Masahito Nose Metadata conversion & registration in institutional repositories
16:40 17:00 Jack Topper Model-Specific metadata for enhancing space science models
17:00 17:15 Peter Shumate Cost management via commercial cloud
B. Thomas               
  SPASE 3.0
Future of SPASE


Friday 18 October 2024

Open Science      
convener: Julie Barnum    
09:45 10:00 Masha Kusnetsova Advancing Open Science at the Community Coordinated
Modeling Center
10:00 10:15 Maksym Petrenko Making Heliophysics Research More Open and Accessible
10:15 10:30 Donald Winston Transform to Open Science Training ScienceCore to
facilitate FAIRification
10:30 10:45 Baptiste  Cecconi Linked Open data in Heliophysics
10:45 11:00 Francisco Rivas
OpenScienceStudio: A humble step towards
Open-Source Science 
11:00 11:20 Discussion    
Coffee break      
11:50 12:10 Emoto Masahiko Data Repository of Aurora Imaging Spectroscopy (DRAIS)
convener: Masha Kuznetsova    
12:10 13:10 All   IHDEA and other international working groups
    All   Future coordination with WMO and ISES in the framework
of the UNCOPUOS recommendation
    All   Coordination with ISWAT to identify missing information
Lunch break      
convener: Jack Ireland    
14:30 14:50 Alisdair Davey  VSO 2.0: What a new VSO means for the Heliophysics
14:50 15:10 Jon  Vandegriff Pathways to Better Interoperability: Future Directions
and Challenges for HAPI
15:10 15:30 Bob Candey International Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) Metadata
Guidelines Status (presented by A. Koval)
15:30 15:45 Eric  Grimes ISTP metadata guidelines and tools
15:45 16:00 Discussion     
End of meeting