News 1998 - ISO
ISO: News headlines during 1998
- ISO Science gallery, ISO SWS & LWS spectrum of a new proto-planetary nebulae, IRAS 16594-4656. (30/Dec/1998)
- Release of the Observers SWS Interactive Analysis Package (OSIA)! (18/Dec/98)
- Opening of the ISO Data Archive! (09/Dec/98)
- A new Design for the ISO WWW Site (23/Nov/98)
- The Universe as seen by ISO, Instructions for authors (29/Oct/98)
- CIA v3.0 is now available (28/Oct/98)
- [ISO unveils a violent early universe], 28 October 1998, ESA Science Web Note.
- [ISO establishes that half of all young stars have protoplanetary discs], 23 October 1998, ESA Science Web Note.
- ['Chained' star-formation in the Trifid nebula: ISO catches a star in the act of reproduction], 21 October 1998, ESA Science Web Note.
- [Iso detects benzene in Saturn and explains the origin of water in giant planets], 20 October 1998, ESA Science Web Note.
- ISO/ESA Information Note, "The Universe as seen by ISO" (15/Oct/98)
- [ISO unveils the hidden rings of Andromeda], 14 October 1998, ESA Science Web Note.
- [ISO detects first-known infrared-bright gravitational arcs], 14 October 1998, ESA Science Web Note.
- [ISO sees a ring of organic matter surrounding a star], 14 October 1998, ESA Science Web Note.
- The Universe as seen by ISO, The book of abstracts available on the WWW (10/Oct/98)
- The Universe as seen by ISO, Third Announcement available on the WWW (22/Sep/98)
- ISO Science Gallery, A ring of organic molecules around HD 97300 (17/Sep/98)
- CAM Instrument Page: Transient correction of the ISOCAM data with the Fouks-Schubert model: first results (17/Sep/98)
- ISO Meetings Page, Workshop on Thermal Emission Spectroscopy and Analysis of Dust, Disks, and Regoliths (17/Sep/98)
- ISO Meetings Page, Solar System Studies with ISO, and Prospects for SIRTF (08/Sep/98)
- ISOPHOT Interactive Analysis (PIA) update (12/Aug/98)
- ISO sees the pattern in the cosmic wallpaper (24/Jul/98)
- Report on Failed and/or Questionable ISOCAM Observations (16/Jul/98)
- ISO Questionnaire. (10/Jul/98)
- CAM Instrument Page: ISOCAM Glitch Library. (30/Jun/98)
- Now that the ISO mission has ended, PDEC has closed. Visitors are encouranged to visit the ISO Data Centre (IDC) at Vilspa, Spain to reduce their data. A routine service will be available in Autumn 98, with a reduced number of places available for visitors until then. More information can be found here. (12/Jun/98)
- ISO INFO Page, ISO Info No. 13 (11/Jun/98)
- The Universe as seen by ISO, Second Announcement and Call for Papers (08/Jun/98)
- LWS Instrument Page: ISOLWS Data users manual (IDUM; v5.0) compatible with OLP 7 data (03/Jun/98)
- ISO Science Gallery, Water on Titan (01/Jun/98)
- ISO/ESA Information Note, ESA switches its infrared space telescope off and will clean its orbit (18/May/98)
- ISO Satellite Page, ISO Switched Off (18/May/98)
- ISO Meetings Page, The Universe as seen by ISO (13/May/98)
- ISO Satellite Page, The ISO Space Radiation Environment pages (07/May/98)
- SWS Instrument Page: Status of Post-He SWS observations (22/Apr/98)
- SWS Instrument Page: Depletion of ISO's LHe Supply (14/Apr/98)
- ISO/ESA Information Note, ISO finds a very steamy cloud in interstellar space (10/Apr/98)
- ISO's liquid Helium depleted! (09/Apr/98)
- The Product Distribution System (PDS) Log (05/Aug/98)
- ISO Real-Time Revolution Reports (Final Status as 11/May/98)
- Current Status of ISO (23/Mar/98)
- Map of ISO Observations (10/Mar/98)
- Status of ISO Observations