News 2002 - ISO
ISO: News headlines during 2002
- New Version (v5.3) of the ISO Data Archive installed (17/Dec/2002)
- Collaboration between Konkoly Observatory and the ISO Data Centre (27/Sep/2002)
- The ISO Handbook: Volume III: LWS - The Long Wavelength Spectrometer, Version 2.0 (12/Sep/2002)
- The ISO Handbook: Volume IV: PHT - The Imaging Photo-Polarimeter, Version 2.0 (23/Jul/2002)
- [Todo el Universo infrarrojo en Internet], ESA Portal - National News - Spain (11/Jul/2002).
- ISO Data Analysis Software: ISOPHOT Interactive Analysis (PIA) Software v10.0 released (08/Jul/2002)
- New Version (v5.2) of the ISO Data Archive installed (08/Jul/2002)
- Exploiting the ISO Data Archive: Infrared Astronomy in the Internet Age (24-27 June 2002)
- Exploiting the ISO Data Archive: Final announcement (18/June/2002)
- Exploiting the ISO Data Archive: Third announcement (17/May/2002)
- The ISO Handbook: Volume V: SWS - The Short Wavelength Spectrometer, Version 2.0 (09/May/2002)
- PHT Instrument Page: ISOPHOT Calibration Accuracies, Version 5.0 (adapted to OLP 10) (07/May/2002)
- Vacancy Notice for two Resident Astronomers at the ISO Data Centre (REV.1) (24/Apr/2002)
- PHT Instrument Page: ISOPHOT - Photometric calibration of point sources (10/Apr/2002)
- PHT Instrument Page: Report on the Scientific Validation of PHT OLP Version 10.0 (09/Apr/2002)
- [New study reveals twice as many asteroids as previously believed] (05/Apr/2002)
- Exploiting the ISO Data Archive: Second announcement (19/Mar/2001)
- ISO Data Analysis Software: OSIA 3.0 release (11/Mar/2002)
- Additional LWS Documents: Non-Linear Detector Response of LWS LW-Detectors (08/Mar/2002)
- ISO Data Analysis Software: What is new in CIA 5.0? (01/Mar/2002)
- Release of the ISO Legacy Archive (IDA v5.0) (28/Feb/2002)
- IRSA ISO Visualizer (v1.0) released (20/Feb/2002)
- ISO Background Articles: ISO and Asteroids Published in the ESA Bulletin Nr. 108 (13/Feb/2002)
- Vacancy Notice for two Resident Astronomers at the ISO Data Centre (01/Feb/2002)
- [When did liquid water fill the planets? Maybe not as early as was thought...] (17/Jan/2002)
- New Version (v4.8) of the ISO Data Archive installed (11/Jan/2002)